Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2405: Guardian Sword Spirit

Chapter 2405 Guardian Sword Spirit

In any case, he did not expect that Xue An's sword light actually incorporated the power of an extremely rare rule.

If this is the case, even without this armor, the outcome is unpredictable.

"What do you have to say now?" Xue An said lightly.

Shen Gaoge raised his head, his expression gradually restored to calm, "If you lose, you lose. I have nothing to say now. Let's do it. Give me a decent sword repair!"

"it is good!"

Xue An didn't hesitate, the Yin Hong sword in his hand slammed down.

No accident happened this time, Xiaojian pierced Shen Gaoge's throat with a pop.

What is strange is that although Shen Gaoge's throat was pierced, he never splashed out any blood.

Not only that, but at this moment, above Shen Gaoge's head, there was a magnificent aura rising to the sky, instantly taking control of the entire world.

"Who dares to hurt my Shen family?"

A rumbling roar came from the breath.

Everyone's complexion changed wherever the sound wave passed.

"God, it's the guardian sword spirit of the Shen family!" someone exclaimed.

The guardian sword spirit is an existence that only depends on the descendants of the Shen family's bloodline.

Legend has it that this was left by the sword emperor who founded the Shen Family Foundation in the ancient times, and possesses unpredictable power.

Once the Shen family's direct disciple is in danger, the guardian sword spirit will appear.

This is why the Shen family has been able to maintain the undefeated myth.

But he didn't expect that Shen Gaoge also possessed the guardian sword spirit on his body.

This is a big trouble!

Many people are secretly worried.

at the same time.

Above the sky, a huge ancient sword suddenly emerged.

Although it is only a virtual image, this ancient sword still possesses a breathtaking coercion.

At the same time, in that sword body, there was a faint look of a wicked man looking at Xue An glaringly.

"But are you hurting my Shen family heir?"

Facing this thunderous questioning, Xue An shook his head indifferently, "No! I didn't hurt him, I just wanted to kill him!"

The sword body trembled, and the evil man was obviously already extremely angry.

"How dare you play Ben Guardian?"

"Am I playing tricks? I'm just telling a fact, and what I said is okay! We are fighting Jianyi, and now he loses, he is naturally going to die! Could it be that your Shen family only allows victory, not defeat? "Xue An sneered.

The evil man who was attached to the sword was speechless in a few short words, but soon he roared.

"Cute teeth, die for me!"

With that, this giant sword accelerated instantly, and in an instant it cut through the space and came to Xue An.

This speed can no longer be described as fast, it is simply teleportation.

But Xue An didn't even move, just raised his arm willfully.


With a soft sound, the armor on his arm instantly transformed into a shield, just blocking the great sword.


Accompanied by an extremely ear-piercing sound of gold and iron, countless sparks exploded on the tip of the giant sword. Even so, it was still blocked by this thin shield and could not be deposited.

This time the whole audience was shocked.

"This thing can still be used like this!" someone whispered softly.

But at this moment, the guardian sword spirit became angry from shame.

Because it really didn't expect that there would still exist in the world that it could not pierce.

But in the next instant, the guardian sword spirit circulated abruptly, appeared directly behind Xue An, and stabled viciously towards the back of his head.

But the situation was similar to this arm. Before it got close, the helmet on the back of the head also changed shape, turning into a shield, blocking its attack.

"I don't believe you can change your shield all over!"

The sword spirit roared, and then the giant sword trembling lightly, instantly incarnate countless, and rushed towards Xue An like a torrent.

Ding Ding Ding!

Accompanied by the dense impact of raindrops, no matter how many swords there are, they are blocked by this armor.

Some people on the ground who love alchemy watched this scene, and their eyes were so colorful that they almost drooled.

There are many alchemy armors in the world, but there are very few complete sets, such as Xue An's set that can automatically transform and protect the Lord is unheard of.

This shows that this armor is absolutely extraordinary.

But at this moment, the guardian sword spirit yelled out of anger when he saw that he couldn't attack for a long time.

"Asshole, since you hide in the tortoise shell and refuse to come out, then I will kill all the people in this city today!"

Following the roar, the sword spirit also ignited evil fire, and immediately separated half of the sword weapon clones, turned the direction of the sword tip, and pointed directly at the crowd below.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers broke apart and began to flee desperately.

After all, even a fool can see that this sword spirit is obviously really killing him.

Wouldn't it be wronged if he died under its sword?

But how could a person's legs run past a sword weapon?

Just when this sword spirit was about to be fierce, he heard a cold voice coming from his side.

"This is the territory of the Alliance of Pharmacists, and it is not yet your turn for the sword spirits of the Shen family to come here to act wantonly!"

Following the voice, I saw a woman wearing a veil appeared before these sword weapon clones, blocking their path.

Seeing this woman, Xue An, who was about to start to stop him, was taken aback for a moment, and a deep horror appeared in his eyes, even the sword spirit next to him couldn't care about it.

She seemed to feel the astonishment in Xue An's heart. The empress glanced at him. Although there was a veil blocking her face, she could not see her face clearly, but she seemed to be smiling at herself.

Xue An's heart was shocked.

At the same time, the empress turned her head again and stared at the boundless sword spirit clone, her eyes regained coldness.

"Now, get me back, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Who are you? You dare to talk to me like this?" the sword spirit roared.

"Me?" The empress sneered coldly. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

"I am the pioneer of this land. If you are acquainted, then you will obediently get out of it now, otherwise I will make you unable to eat!"

This time the sword spirit did not speak, but only responded to the empress's words with actions.

But saw countless sword weapon clones attacking the female emperor overwhelmingly.

Wherever he went, there were countless tiny cracks in even the space.

But the empress just sneered coldly, then stomped her foot suddenly and gave a soft drink in her mouth.


With an order, a virtual image of a woman with a veil on her head and a very tall, profound and cold aura appeared on the top of the empress’s head.

As soon as the woman's virtual image appeared, she just raised her hand and pointed, and all the sword weapon clones that were attacked were easily broken into powder in an instant.

"Ahhhhhh my clone!" The sword spirit howled in pain, and there was infinite awe and fear in his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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