Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2471: Just a few thieves, not worthy of interrogation

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The Four God Envoys who were still bragging and preparing to annihilate these guards on the city wall in one fell swoop couldn't help but change their expressions.

"No! Run!"

Before they could say anything, they turned around to escape.

But how can their speed compare to Jianguang.

Almost just after turning around, the sword light had already been cut to the front of the city wall.


With a loud noise, the originally weak city walls were directly turned into powder.

The Mongolian Bamboo Bear above the city wall only felt lightened all over, as if there was some kind of strength to hold him up, so that he would not fall.

But these people from the Ruxiongwu tribe have no such good luck.

Seeing that they didn't even hum, they were directly cut into nothingness by this Wushuang Jianqi.

Seeing the members of the Ruxiongwu tribe who turned into fly ash in front of them, Meng Zhuxiong and the soldiers under his men were all in horror.

Especially those soldiers who had a lot of disdain for Xue An before, they paled with fear and shivered.

However, not all of the people in the Shixiongwu tribe were perished, at least these four gods were safe and sound.

But although they are safe and sound, their situation is not much better.

They were stuck in the air, unable to move even a finger from the bottom of their bodies, only the flickering color of horror in their eyes proved that they were still alive.

And such a big move naturally shocked the entire Mengzhu tribe.

All the people who were singing and dancing around the bonfire stood there in a daze, staring at the scene in the distance dumbfounded.

"Gosh? What's going on? Where's our city wall?"

"Don't worry about the city wall, aren't the few people floating in the air from the four gods of the Ruxiongwu tribe? How come they come here?"

As soon as this person finished speaking, everyone's complexion changed.

Because everyone is not a fool, it is natural to think of what the four divine envoys intend to do here.

Obviously, I wanted to carry out a sneak attack while people like myself were unprepared!

At this point, many people shed a cold sweat, and they looked at Xue An with a touch of gratitude in addition to awe.

They knew very well that if it hadn't been for Xue An's shocking sword just now, then these people might have successfully attacked.

Now a disaster has disappeared invisible. Some people secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But the complexion of some people has become even more ugly.

This includes Meng Zhu Feifeng, the patriarch of the Mengzhu tribe, and Meng Zhumei, the high priest.

Because they discovered a terrifying fact, that is, from beginning to end, even the four gods of the Shixiongwu tribe have touched the city wall, and none of the gods they believe in has any warnings, and there is nothing in the temple. Do nothing.

This was simply unimaginable before, and then contact the various performances of the Moon Mother God in the recent period.

Both Meng Zhufeifeng and Meng Zhumei's eyes showed a deep worry.

Yue Qinghuan was a little excited.

She didn't expect Xue An's words to be so accurate. The prediction said it was tonight, but after a while, someone came to the door.

"Well, how do you plan to clean up these guys? Do you want me to interrogate you?" Yue Qinghuan said eagerly, his words full of expectation.

As the daughter of a military strategist, she is not a wealthy daughter in the strict sense, on the contrary, she is involved in everything on the battlefield.

Of course, interrogation will inevitably be exposed.

Interrogation is a matter of question, especially for the existence of cultivation, it is not easy to pry their mouths open.

The simple soul search has a very low success rate, so military experts have developed many methods of interrogation, which happened to come in handy today.

But Xue An just smiled slightly at this.

"It's just a few small thieves, are they still worth interrogation?"

Following the voice, he waved his hand, and the four divine envoys that were originally stuck in the hollow of the city wall flew over like kites bound by lines, and then fell heavily to the ground, arousing smoke and dust.

There was a commotion in the audience.

Because when they landed, the shackles on these four gods had obviously been untied.

But they didn't even have the slightest desire to resist. Instead, they turned over and knelt to the ground, banging their heads towards Xue An.

And during the whole process, they didn't even dare to say a word of begging for mercy, obviously they had been terrified to the extreme.

Meng Zhuxiong also led people to hurriedly at this time.

Seeing that the Four God Envoys of the Ruxiongwu tribe who had just been flaunting their power in front of him and wanted to put themselves to death were humbled like a kowtow at this moment, Mengzhuxiong couldn't help getting a little hairy.

This feeling reached its peak when he saw Xue Anzhi sitting on a chair smiling and saying nothing in the whole process.

I just wanted to make a difference with such an existence.

It's really blessed by the Moon Mother to survive.


It is estimated that even the Moon Goddess can't provoke this adult!

Meng Zhuxiong thought secretly in his heart. As for the previous thoughts of fighting Xue An, it has long since disappeared, and he can't even think of it.

The audience was extremely quiet. People were all staring at the four divine envoys on the ground who kept bowing their heads. There was hatred and disdain in their eyes, but more of them were still at a loss.

Because many people still don't know what happened.

At this moment, Xue An said lightly.

"You...want to survive?"

As soon as these words came out, the four gods shook their bodies, and then said in a rush.

"Yes, sir, we want to survive!"

"Very good! Then I will ask you to answer, if the answer is satisfactory to me, I can consider letting you go! Understand?"

"Yes, yes! Understand!"

"The first question, who sent you here?"

The bandage man among the Four God Envoys took the lead and shouted loudly: "We were sent by Lord Sanxian!"

"Oh? What do you intend to send you here?"

This time it was the turn of the man with blood-stained eyes to rush to answer, UU reading www.uukanshu. Seeing that he was afraid of being answered, he knelt forward and climbed a few steps, and said eagerly.

"My lord, that Sanxian Langjun sent us to slaughter the Mengzhu tribe and at the same time obtain the godhead of the Moon Goddess!"


"How dare to have such a big idea, this Sanxian Langjun is damned!"

There was a roar from the crowd.

But there are still some people who look contemplative.

Because in terms of godhood and status, the Moon Mother God is far higher than the Sanxian Langjun.

This can be seen from the status of the Mengzhu and Jixiongwu tribes in the past.

But what happened this time?

Not only did he covet the position of the Moon Mother God, but he also sent his four divine envoys to combine the recent rebellion of the Yuxiongwu tribe.

What happened to make this Sanxian Langjun so rampant?

Xue An smiled, "That's a good answer, what's your name?"

The red-eyed man was overjoyed and trembled: "Back to the lord, the younger one is named Wutong, and he is a divine envoy under Lang Jun Sanxian!"

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