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Xue An nodded, "If this is the case, then I will ask you again, since I want to seize the position of the Moon Goddess, why didn't the Sanxian Langjun come here in person? Instead, he only sent a few of you, and you have What means can accomplish this task?"

These three questions can be said to be asked at the root.

The five links just wanted to answer, the boss of the Four God Envoy couldn't help but change his expression, and said sharply: "Five links, you..."

He wanted to say that you would not end up betraying your master like this.

But before he could say the rest, Xue An's eyes flashed, and a ray of sword light passed by.

The leader of these four gods, Old Dalian, was cut into nothingness without a grunt.

This unpredictable method scared the remaining three gods into a battle.

Xue Anrou said: "Okay, you can continue!"

Wutong looked pale, and said tremblingly: "Return to my lord, originally Sanxian Langjun planned to come here in person, but he suddenly got another important task from above, so he could only perform the above task first. Up!"

"As for how we accomplish this task... the reason is very simple. At this moment, the Moon Goddess has actually been severely wounded and is dead in name!"

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed like a shock to the world, causing an uproar in the audience.

"What? It's impossible, how could Lord Moon God be severely injured?"

"Yes, this guy must be talking nonsense!"

For a while, the sentiment was fierce, and I really wanted to take this five links alive.

However, Mengzhu Feifeng and other high-level Mengzhu tribes all looked solemn, because they all knew that something major must have happened to the gods they worshipped, otherwise it would not have been so long without responding to their followers.

And if things are really as the five links said, the Moon Mother God has been beaten and disabled, then things can be troublesome.

At this moment, Xue An slowly got up, and the audience instantly calmed down.

Then Xue An walked to the front of the five links and looked at him condescendingly.

"You said that Sanxian Langjun received the order from above, then who is on this one?"

At this moment, Wutong had abandoned all principles, and immediately said: "My lord, Sanxian Langjun has taken refuge in the Sorcerer Sect. This time, he is also going to execute an order passed down by the Sorcerer Sect and let him hunt down someone !"

"Oh? The Sorcerer Sect?" Xue An's eyes lit up slightly, he didn't expect to have such an unexpected gain.

Of course he is no stranger to this witch **** teaching.

At the beginning, in the Zhujia mining area, Xue An and the Wushen Sect once fought a fight to **** the Zhurong Tinder from Buzhou Mountain.

I just didn't expect to hear about it again here.

But these people in the field all changed their colors after hearing the three words of Witch God Sect.

There is no other reason.

It is really that this witch **** cult is too tyrannical in this land of witch gu, even to the point where the Jingman clan who claims to be the master of the mountain must retreat.

This witch **** cult believes in the ancient witch god, and is even more incompatible with the gods believed by the Jingman clan.

Therefore, the grievances between the two are extremely deep.

Unexpectedly, this Sanxian Langjun actually took refuge in the Witch God Sect, no wonder its strength soared, and connivable his subordinates to commit disturbances, and even started the idea of ​​the **** of the moon mother god.

"Do you know who the witch **** sect wants Sanxian Langjun to chase down?" Xue An said lightly.

"This little one is not very clear, but I once heard a message from Sanxian Langjun's words that the person he wanted to kill was called Shu Ling'er!"

Shu Ling'er?

The name made Xue An startled slightly, and then a strange color appeared in his eyes.

If he guessed correctly, isn't this Shu Ling'er the saint of the Sorcerer God who died under her sword in the Zhujia mining area?

Why did it pop out again this time?

Could it be someone with the same name and surname?

At this time, Yue Qinghuan also walked up to Xue An in dismay, and whispered: "What's the matter? Isn't Shu Ling'er dead?"

"Yeah! But this is interesting. It seems that things are getting more and more interesting!" A faint smile appeared on the corner of Xue An's mouth, and then turned to ask.

"Then the mother goddess of the moon was severely injured, is it the result of the witch **** sect?"

"This matter is unknown to the villain!"

After speaking, the three divine envoys all looked at Xue An with trepidation.

Xue An smiled, "You answered well and cooperated very well!"

"Thank you, sir, can we leave now?" Wutong said cautiously.

Xue An smiled and waved his hand, "Please!"

Wutong and these two divine envoys were overjoyed, got up in a hurry, turned around and wanted to flee.

But at this moment, Xue An waved his fingers repeatedly.

With a few puffs, three rays of sword light passed through their pubic area.

The three divine envoys were shocked and turned to look at Xue An in disbelief.

Xue An said indifferently: "Naturally, I won't kill you, but you can't keep your cultivation base!"

After all, Xue An rushed to Meng Zhuxiong in the distance: "I will give you the three of them!"

Meng Zhuxiong trembled and nodded immediately: "Yes!"

Then Xue An turned and left.

After he left, a horrible howl like a pig was heard immediately behind him.

Of course Meng Zhuxiong and his soldiers would not let go of these three guys.

However, all the senior men of the Mengzhu tribe, including the patriarch Meng Zhu Feifeng and the priest Meng Zhumei, followed Xue Anshen before reaching the temple.

Xue An stopped and stared at this small temple, and said lightly: "In fact, when I entered the town, I felt the weakness of the gods you believe in."

"It's just that I didn't expect it to have been seriously injured, and it would even be broken and disappeared soon!"

Tears burst into Mengzhu Nasha's eyes.

As a saint, she hates her stupidity and ignorance very much at this moment.

When my guardian necklace failed, I should have thought of this.

Even if it didn't at that time, after returning to the tribe, there was no response to several prayers, so he should be alert.

But I still didn't notice it at all, and even caused my gods to endure so much pain, UU reading is really unforgivable.

As for Meng Zhufeifeng, Meng Zhumei and others, tears were also on their faces.

At this moment, a miracle happened.

I saw that the crescent-shaped stone hanging above the temple shone a faint glow, shining far away in the night, and enveloping the entire Mengzhu tribe.

Then a faint figure appeared above the moonstone.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Mengzhu tribe knelt to the ground and bowed to the figure in the moonlight.

Xue looked quietly, but couldn't help but a touch of admiration appeared in his eyes, and then whispered softly.

"The last guard? Are you planning to say goodbye?"

Along with his voice, a ray of moonlight suddenly flew into his hand like a thread, and then painted a shallow character.


Xue An was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Don't worry, since I saw it, I can't just sit back and watch! Your wish is for you."

As soon as the voice fell, the sky full of moonlight shattered and dissipated like a bubble, turning into nothing.

Also broken together was the moonstone hanging on the top of the temple.

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