Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2473: Help you become a god

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"Mother Moon God!"

Mengzhu Nasha let out a mournful cry, and then burst into tears.

All of a sudden, the audience was crying.

Meng Zhufeifeng, Meng Zhumei and others all burst into tears, kowtowing.

Xue An sighed lightly, then spread out his hand, holding a small crescent stone in it.

A faint brilliance flashed in the stone, and with a desolate and lofty breath, it was awe-inspiring.

It is the godhead left by the Moon Mother God at the time of its death.

The thing that Sanxian Langjun dreamed of was lying quietly in Xue An's hands, exquisite and small like a girl's pendant.

It's hard to imagine that this is what enables mortals to light a sacred fire and ascend to the position of God.

Xue Jingjing looked at it for a while, then suddenly whispered: "Miss Nasha!"

Mengzhu Nasha, who was kneeling and crying bitterly, raised her head blankly. At the same time, Xue An raised his hand and pressed the godhead on Mengzhu Nasha's eyebrows.

Mengzhu Nasha was shocked, and then the moonstone penetrated into the center of her eyebrows like flowing water.

In an instant, a vast breath rose from Mengzhu Nasha's body, accompanied by the bright moonlight burning all over her body.

This time the audience was shocked.

"What's the matter?" Someone exclaimed.

The high priest Meng Zhumei trembled all over, and then whispered in a tone of infinite horror: "Making God...He is making God!"

The audience was shocked when he said this.

Many people can't help but think of an ancient legend.

It is rumored that as long as they possess a complete godhead, and with the help of the strong, mortals can also light the fire and ascend the throne of the gods.

But this legend was just a legend before this. No one had ever thought that one day it would really become a reality.

Because the conditions it requires are too harsh, not to mention anything else, just a complete godhead is enough to shatter most of the delusions.

But today, by chance and coincidence, Xue An had to create a **** in front of everyone.

In an instant, the boiling and burning Moon Flower stabilized a little, and then a familiar breath emerged in it.

After feeling this breath, many people present wept with joy, and then worshipped Xue An.

Because this breath is exactly the breath of the gods that has disappeared for a while.

Although it is still immature and weak, it represents a kind of new hope.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth, then turned his head and said to Yue Qinghuan.

"It will take some time for her to truly stabilize the divine fire and sit firmly on her divine position. You will wait for me here for a while, and I will return when I go!"

After that, without waiting for Yue Qinghuan's consent, Xue An rose into the sky and disappeared into the vast sky.

Yue Qinghuan stomped his feet, gritted his teeth and said: "This guy...speaks as if he is telling a maid, and he doesn't even have a word of invitation, which is really damnable."

But now, no matter how she gritted her teeth, she could only do nothing.

At the same time, Xue An quickly crossed thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to a remote place based on the Sanxian Langjun aura carried by the four divine envoys.

When he arrived here, Xue An heard the sound of fierce fighting from below without even having to land.

There was a movement in his heart, and then he hid from the side, looking down.

I saw in the depths of this mountain, dozens of **** servants were launching a fierce attack on a woman.

The woman was scarred all over, but she was very tenacious, even if she was besieged by layers, she still refused to give up.

And beside this battlefield, stood a group of vague dark shadows about ten feet high.

The dark shadow remained silent, watching the battle quietly, and sneered until a long time later.

"Shu Ling'er, I really didn't expect you to be so strong, even if you have become a trapped beast, will you still refuse to surrender?"

Shu Ling'er slapped the few **** servants in front of her with a palm, took a few steps back, and panted quickly while leaning against the rocky cliffs, but her eyes were full of sorrow and coldness.

"Sanxian Langjun, you are just a dog, what right do you have to show off your power in front of me?"

This is extremely ugly, at least this group of black shadows are twisting, and then a pale middle-aged man emerges from it.

The man sneered: "Shu Ling'er, if you are still a saint of the Witch God Sect, then I would naturally not dare to show off in front of you, and even dare not even look at you directly, but who made you betray the Witch God Sect and flee away. Is it? It's no wonder me!"

"Speaking of it, I really don’t understand. You said that you put a good witch goddess and don’t do it. Why do you insist on defecting? Besides, you died under the sword of another person. If it weren’t for the witch **** cult to transform you into a soul, Why is your life here? So isn't it ungrateful for you to do this now?"

Shu Ling'er sipped viciously, "Fuck you, grandma, how can I use a running dog like you to judge? What can you say about ungratefulness?"

These words were extremely harsh, Sanxian Langjun's complexion became more difficult to look, and the killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"It's really shameless to face, then you will die here today!"

With that said, this group of dark shadows flew out dozens of black lights in an instant, and sank into the bodies of those **** servants.

In an instant, the strength of these **** servants greatly increased, and the suppression was already precarious, and Shu Ling'er, who was only able to parry and had no power to fight back, was even more faltering.

She felt a chill in her heart, thinking that she would definitely die today.

But even so, she still did not regret her decision to defect from the Witch God Cult. UU reading

There is no other reason, it's just because the current witch **** cult... is no longer the previous witch **** cult.

When Shu Ling'er was beheaded by Xue An in the Zhujia mining area at the beginning, she was indeed destroyed at the time, and she could not die anymore.

But the mystery of witchcraft is here. As early as the beginning of her teaching, Shu Ling'er had planted a soul seed in the altar of the witchcraft, and she was constantly instilling and training her to synchronize her memory.

So when she died in the Zhujia mining area, the seeds left in the Altar of the Witch God Sect were awakened and became the sage Shu Ling'er of the Witch God Sect again.

This is also a rebirth in another sense.

After experiencing a life and death, Shu Ling'er changed a lot, introverted and calm, unwilling to get too involved in matters outside the land of Witch Gu, she just wanted to practice quietly in the altar.

But this is often the case. The more you want, the more you will lose.

The quiet life was suddenly broken one day.

On that day, Shu Ling'er, who had been cultivating, suddenly realized that the breath of the ancient witch **** enshrined on the altar had disappeared.

It was replaced by an extremely cold and evil aura.

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