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Although they are in the same land of Witch Gu, the corpse chasing clan is completely different from the Jingman clan.

What they believe in is the ghost country handed down since ancient times, and they call themselves the descendants of the ghost country.

Although it hasn't been famous in the sky over the years, the corpse chasing clan is quite strong, and even in the land of witchcraft, it has formed a tendency to fight against the witch gods faintly.

Unexpectedly, it was such a powerful ethnic group, but under the infestation of evil things, it was destroyed for a while, leaving only one person.

Hearing this, even Yang Jian couldn't help but change his face, "What? The ghost country has been destroyed?"

The woman nodded, and then told her past in a low tone.

It turns out that the corpse-driving clan believes in the power of the ghost country the most. On major festivals, they will hold grand sacrificial activities.

Some time ago, it coincided with the birthday of the ghost mother, so the corpse clan began to worship as usual.

It turned out that something went wrong with this festival.

Everything went smoothly at the beginning, and the ghost mother descended smoothly and descended on the body of the high priest of the corpse-driving race.

But when all the tribesmen knelt down and worshipped, frantically chanting the scriptures of the ghost country, the festival suddenly changed.

First of all, the high priest who carried the body of the ghost mother suddenly began to go crazy and let out a terrifying howl.

This howl seemed to come from the deepest part of hell, even unheard of by the corpse chaser.

Just when everyone didn't understand why, the cruel killing began.

The high priest completely lost consciousness, and turned into a crazy killing machine, killing people around him.

Because they were caught off guard, the corpse-driving family suffered heavy losses from the very beginning, and at least several elders died in the hands of the high priest.

When the others recovered, the body of the high priest changed.

Saw Bai Sensen's ribs directly penetrated his chest, exposed to the outside. At the same time, his face quickly withered, and in the blink of an eye, it became a corpse-like existence.

But just like this, it was the beginning of the nightmare of the corpse chasing clan.

Although the elders worked together to encircle and try to suppress the frantic high priest, the result was still useless, and instead was killed by him.

Not only that, the people who had been slaughtered by the high priest before also staggered up from the ground at this time, and attacked their former companions.

Until now, when the **** and cruel scene was told, the woman's body was still trembling slightly.

Yang Jian frowned, "Are you sure this is the work of evil things?"

The woman smirked, "Of course it is sure, because just behind, the form of the high priest has undergone a huge change! He doesn't look like a human anymore!"

"Then uttered a cold and evil voice from his mouth, claiming to be an evil thing, and demanding that all members of the tribe surrender to him, so that he can avoid death!"

"Then what about the ghost mothers and the many ghosts and gods you believe in?" Yang Jian couldn't help asking.

There were tears in the woman's eyes, "They are all dead! They are dead in the hands of evil things!"

Yang Jian and Xiaotian looked at each other, and they were all shocked.

You must know that although the belief in the ghost country has declined, it is also a real god, and it just died like this?

No wonder this woman would claim that the ghost country has been destroyed.

At this time, the woman said to herself.

"In fact, I learned later that the evil spirits of these evil things are very close in form to the spirits of the ghost country we believe in, and it is for this reason that these evil things have to successfully infiltrate the ghost country, and then broke out into trouble. Master Ghost Mother and others are all slaughtered!"

Yang Jian was silent.

This is indeed the usual method used by evil things.

"Then... what about the back? What happened to your people?" Xiaotian couldn't help asking.

"My people..." There was infinite pain on the woman's only half of her face.

"They are all dead! They died on the road of unwillingness to surrender."

Speaking of this, the woman's voice trembled slightly, "We are usually called the descendants of the ghost country, and we are regarded as the generation of demons, fearing to avoid it, but on that day, we fought with evil things to the end!"

"A person who goes forward and then rushes forward, may turn into a corpse in the next instant!"

The woman's voice gradually became low, but Yang Jian's expression became awe-inspiring.

No matter what, these descendants of the ghost country are worthy of admiration.

"Actually, I should have died, but at the end, I was thrown away by the **** elder, because he told me that although the ghost country was destroyed, the corpse-shoveling clan was at least still there, so he Want me to live!"

"After saying this, the great elder roared and rushed forward, burning all his strength, and perishing with the evil things!"

"But these evil things seemed unwilling to die before they died, so they spread out all the evil spirits. In order to prevent these **** from having a chance to escape, I sacrificed half of my life and finally eliminated these evil spirits. But the consequence is that I will always remain in this form until I die!"

The woman narrated softly, her tone gradually becoming cold, as if she was telling something that was not happening to her.

After she finished speaking, the woman looked up at Xiang Yangjian and Xiaotian, "Can you believe what I said?"

Yang Jian nodded without hesitation, "Of course I believe it!"

In fact, he could clearly perceive that there was an evil spirit entrenched in this woman's body, and it formed a clear boundary with the remaining half of the body.

This is enough to show that the woman did not lie.

The woman nodded. UU reading

"Actually, it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it. I say this is not to make you sympathize with me. I just want to tell you that I don’t share the hatred of evil things, and since you are also here to punish evil things, then we They are like-minded people and can cooperate with each other!"

Yang Jian nodded, "Of course this is fine!"

The woman then asked: "But I want to know what kind of hatred you have with the evil things? So that you want to fight them?"

Yang Jian was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and then sighed: "In fact, our situation is similar to yours, and it is also the hatred of genocide!"

"Huh? It's also the hatred of genocide?" The woman was taken aback, and then shook her head.

"After leaving the land of Witch Gu and entering the realm of the Yin Yang Family, I have inquired about it, haven't I heard of a group that has recently been wiped out?"

"Of course you can't have heard it, because what I said..." Yang Jian paused, "It happened before ten thousand years ago!"

The woman's eyes shrank instantly, and she said in disbelief, "Before ten thousand years?"

"Yes! Even I was harmed by evil things, so I was reincarnated in reincarnation in desperation and became what I am now."

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