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In the middle of the night, the streets of Yunxiao City were still very lively, but the teahouse facing the street had closed early.

Some addicted tea lovers wanted to knock on the door, but found that there was a sign on the door that asked for leave, and they had no choice but to leave.

At this moment, in the small courtyard behind the teahouse, Xiaotian asked in a low voice: "Master, did you take in this woman of unknown origin? Isn't it a bit too sloppy?"

"Why do you say that? Or you don't believe her?" Yang Jian turned his head and glanced at Shuotian, and asked with a smile.

"It's not that I don't believe it. I just feel that this woman has never known us, and she will take it in based on what she said today. Isn't it a bit too fast?"

"After all, knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, although this woman has hatred with evil things, after all, she was born in the unpredictable land of Witch Gu. God knows if she has any secrets on her back!"

Yang Jian looked at the cautious snarling, and nodded approvingly, "It's right for you to think so, but I have my own measure of this matter. It's not that you want to take it away as soon as your head is hot!"

Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, then master, please rest early, I'll go down first, you can call me anytime if you have anything to do!"

Xiaotian knew that the Yang Jian in this life was weak and had the habit of sitting quietly before going to bed, so he quit early.

In an instant, only Yang Jian was left in the small courtyard.

At the moment when the moon was in the middle of the sky, the earth illuminated by the sky was bright, Yang Jian stood still in the courtyard for a while, and then sighed faintly.

"Another ethnic group has a heavy hand, and this evil is intensified. I really don't know when it will be the head!"

Although he was very calm in front of Xu Tian during the day, he was always worried deep in his heart.

In particular, the Hundred Schools Conference is about to be held soon. These evil things are obviously planning a shocking conspiracy, but the various factions have not even noticed this. If this is a little careless, it is likely to turn into an event. A catastrophe.

Although as a Chinese **** born and raised on the earth, Yang Jian has no affection for the sect family of this sky, but he still does not want more people to be poisoned by this evil thing.

After all, the more power on the outer side of the sky, the more blocking against evil things.

In fact, the Yang Jian at this moment has been very soberly aware that this outer sky is like a moat, blocking the evil things and the heavens.

So this world is not to be missed.

Under this kind of worry, Yang Jian didn't feel a little sleepy, and started to daze when sitting under the tree in the small courtyard.

The night became cold and cold, until Yang Jian Ji Lingling shuddered, only to realize that he had been sitting under the tree for an hour.

His body in this life is extremely weak, even weaker than ordinary people, so these slight chills made him somewhat unbearable.

Yang Jian sighed lightly, and there was no trouble screaming, so he went back to the house and took out a tea set, and then sat under the tree and started to make tea.

The charcoal fire in the sterling silver hand furnace is like jade, and the warmth it brings has also slightly dispelled some of the cold.

Yang Jian moved his stiff hands, and then began to prepare tea sets.

But at this moment, there was a chuckle on the courtyard wall not far away.

"On such a night, if you don't drink, wouldn't it be worthy of this great moonlight?"

Hearing this sound, Yang Jian's whole body shook, but immediately the corners of his mouth gradually raised, and then put down the teacup in his hand and raised his head to look into the distance.

I saw a figure standing proudly on the courtyard wall, and the white clothes on his body swayed with the wind, like an immortal coming by the wind.

Yang Jian smiled slightly, "That's right, it's such a moonlight, I really should drink a few swigs!"

The young man also laughed. In the laughter, his figure appeared in front of Yang Jian inadvertently, and then said in a calm tone: "Erlang Shenjun, long time no see!"

Yang Jian smiled softly, "Long time no see!"

Of course the person who came was Xue An.

I saw him alone, without Yue Qinghuan by his side, and after seeing Yang Jian, his eyebrows and eyes were smiling.

"After many years, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"Yeah, many years have passed!"

As he said, Yang Jian looked at Xue An with clear eyes, "I still owe you a thank you for what happened back then!"

Xue An waved his hand, "Don't mess with these imaginary things. If you really want to thank me, then hurry up and put the wine on it!"

Yang Jian was startled, and immediately laughed, "Okay! Then I will accompany you to drink a few swigs tonight!"

Naturally, there is wine in the teahouse, after all, no matter how fragrant the tea is, it can't compare to the mellowness of fine wine.

What's more, the more you drink the tea, the more sober you are, but the more you drink, the more intoxicating you are.

Therefore, after drinking tea for a long time, people often need to drink some wine to neutralize it.

Sometimes people who are too sober tend to be very tired. Occasional indulgence is more joyful.

Like now.

The wine is on the table, but the dishes are only two simple snacks.

But even so, the two of them were still in high spirits, and they filled a glass of wine together, and then drank it.

As the drink entered his throat, Yang Jian suddenly coughed violently, which also caused two sickly flushes on his pale face.

Xue looked quietly, his eyes seemed to be compassionate, but he didn't make any movements.

After a while, Yang Jian finally breathed his breath well, and then chuckled softly: "Happy, really happy!"

Xue An put down his wine glass and whispered softly: "It's hard for you over the years!"

"What do you say these things for? In fact, I thought I was completely dead at the time, so I am very satisfied to be able to live this life later!" Yang Jian laughed.

Seeing the open-minded smile on Yang Jian's face, Xue An finally laughed, "Speaking of which, this guy is really lucky, and he actually found you!"

"Yes! Everything is as if there is an invisible hand touching everything in the dark!" Yang Jian said softly. UU Reading

Xue An was silent for a moment, then raised his glass, "Come on, drink!"

After another glass of wine, I didn't cough this time, except that the mole between my eyebrows was red as if it was about to burn.

This also makes him more and more beautiful!

That's right!

With Yang Jian's current appearance, we really need to use the adjective "beautiful".

Xue An couldn't help sighing when he saw this, "No wonder that Lei family daughter has a deep root of affection for you, just like you are now like a wicked evildoer, not talking is enough to attract bees and butterflies!"

Hearing this, Yang Jian was bitter, "Have you seen the Lei girl?"

"Well, I came from Jiducheng this time, and the daughter of the Lei family will arrive soon!"

Yang Jian was taken aback, "She wants to come too?"

"Of course I am coming! After all..."

Xue An hurriedly smiled, "She has to ask why you want to behave at her and finally abandon her!"

Yang Jian smiled bitterly, "I left there for a reason, but between me and this girl Lei..."

Xue An waved his hand, "Don't say these things to me, but save them after seeing the Lei girl tomorrow!"

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