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After that, Yue Qinghuan chuckled lightly and went to chase Lei Qiang.

Xue An was startled slightly, and immediately laughed, "You guys wait outside for a while!"

Then he turned and walked into the small courtyard.

At this moment, Yang Jian was still sitting under the tree in the small courtyard. After hearing the sound of footsteps, he did not even lift his head.

"Have you gone chasing Thunder girl?"

"A friend of mine is here, don't worry, nothing can happen!" Xue An sat opposite Yang Jian and said with a smile.

"Seriously, I knew you would refuse, but I didn't expect you to refuse so simply!"

Yang Jian looked up, "Are you laughing at me or ridiculing me?"

"Neither, I just want to sigh, after's the most difficult to accept the grace of a beautiful person!"

"Last night you told me about Xuan Nv, which touched me a lot. Since she hasn't defeated me for so many years, then naturally I can't take her."

"As for this girl Lei..." There was a bleak expression in Yang Jian's eyes, "In fact, she herself didn't even figure out whether her feelings for me were the love of men and women or the pure admiration of a young girl."

"So I can't accept it!"

Xue An nodded, "That's fine, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!"

Then he changed the subject, "Now that you and I are in one place, I am ready to do it tonight, and you are responsible for guarding the rear, understand?"

"Do it? How are you going to do it?" Yang Jian was surprised and asked immediately.

"I am going to sneak into the city lord's mansion, detect the entire Yunxiao City through the magic circle there, and then find the hidden evil thing from it!" Xue An said.

The tone was flat, as if to say a trivial thing.

You must know that there are many restrictions in this Yunxiao City, even with Xue An's spiritual thoughts, it is difficult to walk, so if you want to detect the entire Yunxiao City, the only way is through the pre-buried magic circle under the City Lord's Mansion.

Yang Jian's complexion changed drastically, "How can this be done? You must know that the city lord of Yunxiao City is the master Yuehua Zhongjun who is ranked in the entire Yinyang family. You are too risky to do this, I don't agree."

"I have my own measures, and with my current strength, as long as I sneak in quietly, I will never disturb other people!"

"It's still too risky. The Moon Huazhong Monarch is extremely powerful, and he has been operating here for many years. The City Lord's Mansion is so inflexible, where can it be sneaked into it so easily?" Yang Jian frowned.

"Don't worry, since I dared to do this, I naturally have my plan. As for the monarch of Huazhong this month..."

Xue An's expression became cold, "I and him are considered acquaintances. If he really finds out, then I happen to have an account to settle with him!"

Seeing Xue An's expression, Yang Jian knew that it was useless to say more, so he nodded.

"Okay! Then you can be more careful!"

"Well, I naturally understand this. You are guarding in this teahouse. If I don't come back by the day of tomorrow, you will immediately take everyone out of here. Don't delay, you know?" Xue Anzhengshi Tao.

Yang Jian's expression also became serious, and he nodded and promised, "Understood!"

By the time Xue An got up and left the courtyard and came to the door, Yue Qinghuan had already returned with Shiran.

"Where's that girl Lei!"

"I found an inn for her to stay, let her calm down first, and it's best not to see that Young Master again during this time, it will help her to get out as soon as possible."

"Well, so good!"

Yue Qinghuan looked at Xue An with a smile, "Now it's time to talk about the matter between the two of us. I lost the bet just now. Now you can let me do anything, just talk!"

A charming young girl said to a man that you can let me do anything next, which in itself is full of temptation.

At least Xue An seemed to be shocked, looking at Yue Qinghuan in amazement.

Yue Qinghuan's cheeks were slightly red, "What do you look at, say quickly, otherwise you won't have a chance when I regret it!"

As she said, she lowered her head and waited quietly.

At this moment, she heard footsteps, and it was obvious that Xue An was coming here.

Yue Qinghuan's heart thumped and throbbed.

My heart is faintly full of expectation and anxiety.

At the same time, Xue An stopped and stood in front of Yue Qinghuan.

Although he did not look up, Yue Qinghuan could still smell the faint fragrance of grass coming from him.

He...what is he doing here?

Could it be...

Yue Qinghuan's face couldn't help turning red, and his whole body trembled slightly with excitement.

But when she was full of expectations, she only heard Xue An smile softly: "If this is the case, then I'm not welcome!"

"Uh... Uh!" Yue Qinghuan replied heavily, twisting his fingers at the corners of his clothes, and was already ready.

But in the next second, what Xue An said made her look forward to nothing.

"I'm going out to do something tonight. You will protect Yang Jian's safety in this teahouse, and the rest will wait until I come back. Is this okay?"

Yue Qinghuan raised his head instantly, just in time to meet Xue An's smiling eyes.

Then Yue Qinghuan felt that the blush on his face quickly faded, replacing it with an empty loss.

"that's all?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Xue An asked rhetorically.

Yue Qinghuanqiang concealed the loss in his eyes, and then said carelessly: "I thought you would say something, that's it, this girl promised you! But can you tell me, what are you going to do tonight?"

"Is will know when you wait!"

"Cut, don't talk about pulling it down, it seems like someone is rare, and the mystery of the gods can't do any good things!" Yue Qinghuan said angrily.

Xue An smiled, ignored Yue Qinghuan's angry words, turned and left.

"Hey!" Yue Qinghuan shouted from behind.

"Is there anything else?" Xue An didn't turn his head back.

"No matter what you do tonight, remember to be careful, I don't want to collect your body!" Yue Qinghuan shouted.

"Don't worry, I can't die if you die!"

After all, Xue An left in stride.

After he left, Yue Qinghuan's eyes filled with tears, UU read and wiped the corners of his eyes severely.

"Damn, I wanted to give you a trap, but I didn't expect to sell myself. What a cunning guy! Bah, it's unlucky to be fascinated by the wind."

Time passed in a flash, and soon came the night.

The entire Yunxiao City was shining brightly, singing and dancing rose to the level.

But it was quiet near the city lord's mansion.

Eight tall watch towers are built around this city lord's mansion, which are like sentries standing in the dark, frightening all those who have bad intentions.

In fact, since the large families settled in this Yunxiao City, the coveting and spying on it has never stopped.

But after leaving behind many corpses and returning without success, no one finally dared to show any disrespect to this tall and majestic City Lord's Mansion.

But just under today's night, a white figure appeared not far from the city lord's mansion.

Looking at the eight watchtowers, Xue An smiled, and then stepped forward, without the slightest intention of hiding his whereabouts.

Even the white robe on him was blown by the night wind, making it even more conspicuous.

The so-called night walk in white clothes is nothing more than that.

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