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But in this situation, when Xue An crossed the boundary that symbolized the influence of the City Lord's Mansion, these watch towers did not even change at all, and still stood silently there.

Immediately afterwards, Xue An raised his head to look at the Huayue in the sky, and then the whole person dissipated silently, merged with the moonlight, and quietly sneaked into the city lord's mansion.

This city lord’s mansion is rigorous in layout, integrated inside and outside, and it can be said to be heavily guarded and as solid as gold.

The reason for this strict defense is that there is a large formation buried under this city lord's mansion.

This square formation is closely connected with the veins of Yunxiao City, so it can ignore all shielding magic formations and conduct a blind spot in the entire city.

So as long as you occupy this magic circle, you will naturally have control over this Yunxiao City.

This is the reason why the defense here is so strict, and it is also the target Xue An needs to find for sneaking into the City Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, Xue An is in a state of mysticism that seems to be something like nothing.

He said he did, because he was conscious and thinking clearly.

Saying that he has nothing, it is because he has lost his specific form and turned into a breeze, slowly patrolling in this city lord's mansion.

In this state, his sense of existence has dropped to the point where he is almost non-existent. Even the existence of a saint at the first level cannot detect his existence.

But the price is that his speed will become very slow and can only be slowly passed by like a gust of breeze.

Xue An was not in a hurry, because he knew that this city lord's mansion seemed calm, but in fact there were countless detection arrays hidden underneath. As long as he showed a little bit of his feet, it would definitely lead to the abandonment of all previous efforts of this mission.

Therefore, Xue An slowly walked through the city lord's mansion and remembered all the plants and trees along the road.

At this slow speed, Xue An walked through most of the city lord's mansion in front, and then was surprised to discover a fact.

That is this seemingly luxurious city lord's mansion, unexpectedly deserted, except for the soldiers patrolling, there is not much popularity.

Especially there is no female family.

This could not help Xue An's heart moved.

This is very different from the scene he had imagined before coming.

However, he still suppressed the suspicion in his heart and sneaked into the center of the City Lord's Mansion.

There is a small building standing here, and the lights are on on the second floor at the moment, and there are obviously people living in it.

Xue An slowed down a little further, and then came to the small building.

He can be sure that this small building should be the key.

Because according to the layout of the City Lord's Mansion, this small building happened to be located in the very center, which should be where the big formation was.

And the people inside don't need to ask, it must be that Yuehua Zhongjun.

Although Xue An was not afraid of him after he was promoted to a saint, Xue An didn't want to alarm him yet when his goal had not been achieved.

So he tried his best to contain all his breath, and quietly came to the window on the second floor.

Compared with the strict security of other places in the City Lord's Mansion, this small building is surprisingly simple, and there is no shielding circle on the windows, it is so wide open.

Therefore, when Xue An came to the window, he could see the situation inside the house at a glance.

This is an extremely simple room.

The floor is covered with simple bamboo mats, the walls are white on all sides, and a small table is placed in the middle of the room.

A lamp was lit on Ji, and there was a person sitting next to him, who was leaning on the little Ji and painting or drawing.

It was the middle gentleman of Yuehua who had a fate with Xue An.

It's just that the Yuehua Middle Monarch at this moment has changed a lot from the image of the top master of the Yin and Yang family who was domineering and exposed that day.

I saw him wearing a pale blue robe, his long hair scattered, and his figure was very thin.

Especially when writing and painting at the desk, the face is even more intoxicated, as if the paper on the few cases is the most attractive thing in the world, and there is nothing else.

Seeing this, Xue An couldn't help being slightly surprised.

What is Huazhongjun doing this month?

At the same time he felt a little bit tricky.

Because at this moment, he can finally be sure that the front of the square is in this small building.

But at the moment Yuehua Zhongjun is here, as long as he changes slightly, he will definitely be alarmed.

Although I am not afraid of him, I will startle him in that case.

Just as Xue An felt a bit tricky, there was a sudden sound of footsteps downstairs, and then the sound of footsteps picked up the steps, came outside the door, and stopped.

From the weight and rhythm of the footsteps, Xue An can conclude that the person who came should be a woman.

Suddenly a woman arrived at this time. Could it be the wife and concubine of Jun Huazhong this month?

Xue An's heart moved, and at this moment, he heard a knock on the door, and then a clear female voice said outside the door.

"Master Zhongjun, the tea is ready!"

Jun Yuehua didn't even lift his head, but said indifferently: "Okay, come in!"

The door was pushed open with a creak, and then a tall and beautiful maid walked in with a tray.

This maid's temperament and appearance are excellent, especially when she walks, she has a unique charm.

But for these, this Yuehua Zhongjun didn't care at all, but he still focused on writing and painting at his desk.

Before the maid walked slowly to a few cases, she squatted down gracefully, revealing the slender figure, and then picked up the cup of hot tea on the tray and placed it on top of the few cases.

"Master Zhongjun, the tea is easy to cold, please enjoy it as soon as possible."

"Well, I see, you can withdraw now!" Yuehua Zhongjun still didn't look up.

But the maid did not retreat, but still squatted there, seeming to be waiting for something.

After a while Yuehua Zhongjun raised his head noticeably.

"what's happenin?"

"It's nothing, but the servant girl wants to wait for Master Zhongjun to drink the tea before leaving!"

The words are soft and full of concern.

Moon Huazhong smiled, "Well then!"

As he said, he picked up the teacup on the table and drank it in one fell swoop.

"Well, you can withdraw!"

Moon Huazhong placed the tea cup on the maid's tray.

But the maid still did not leave, but looked at Yuehua Zhongjun with gentle eyes.

"Master Zhongjun, for such a long night, don't you feel too lonely here alone? If you don't dislike it, the slave and maid can stay with you."

In the dead of night, there are lonely men and widows.

A beautiful maid keeps saying that she wants to stay with you.

This kind of temptation cannot be said to be trivial.

But Yuehua Zhongjun just smiled at this, "I have accepted your kindness, but I still have important things to do here, so you should withdraw!"

This is the end of the conversation, and I should have retired shamefully when I changed to another maid.

But the maid didn't mean to shrink at all, but smiled.

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