Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2506: Hairstyle that travels across the ocean

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Xue An, who was thinking about how to tame and use these thugs, felt the pain and couldn't help but open his eyes.

The woman was already standing with her clothes shaking in fright. Seeing Xue An opened her eyes, she threw herself on her knees and knelt on the ground again and again.

"Master for mercy, Master for mercy, I didn't mean to be a maid, please don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Today, the strange performance of the Great Zhaizhu has made this woman like a frightened bird, so she collapsed easily at this moment.

But just when she thought she was bound to die, she only heard a faint voice coming from the top of her head.

"Get up, you are not allowed to kneel when I don't say anything!"

"Yes...huh?" The woman thought she had misheard, raising her head and looking at Xue An with a blank face.

Is this over?

Didn't even hit yourself?

Feeling the woman's embarrassment, Xue Anqiang held back the smile in his heart and slammed his face.

"Why? Don't I have to let me beat you to get up?"

The woman then stood up hurriedly, standing there at a loss, as if she didn't know what to do.

Xue An said lightly: "Go and get the spatula and towel!"

"Yes!" The woman turned and left.

"By the way, remember to bring another mirror here!"


The woman subconsciously responded and didn't understand it until she got out of the room.

What do the main scrapers, towels and mirrors do in Dazhai?

Could it be... he wanted to put himself to death a little bit with a spatula?

Is the towel used to dry the blood?

As for the mirror...

Maybe Dazhai Lord has any perverted hobbies, he likes to look at his painful expression in the mirror!

This thought made the woman's complexion pale instantly, and the more she thought about it, the more reasonable she became.

But she didn't dare to disobey Xue An's orders, so she fetched things in despair, and then returned to the room.

At the moment when the door was opened, the woman turned around in despair and glanced at the bright sunshine, and muttered in her heart.

do not!


do not!

This beautiful world!

This should be the last time I see you.

Then he plucked up his last courage and walked into the room and asked in a trembling voice.

"Master, when I have fetched it?"

"Let's do it now!" Xue An said lightly, sitting on the chair.

it is as expected! The woman smiled wryly with a pale face, and then closed her eyes as if she accepted her fate.

"Master, please hurry up when you do it, so that I can die without pain, so that I am grateful for your kindness under Jiuquan!"

Hearing this, Xue An turned his head and glanced at her a little strangely, and then both laughed and laughed.

"What's the matter? I asked you to shave all the remaining hair for me!"


The woman couldn't believe her ears.

Is it true that the great village master is not going to kill himself?

This doubt didn't disappear until she actually started to shave Xue An's hair.

The little remaining hair was quickly shaved, and then Xue An looked at the shiny head in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction.

Although this face is still ugly and ferocious, it is at least much better than the previous hairstyle.

You must know that because of the baldness of the former violent Huarong, he deliberately left the hair around him very long, and then covered the top of his head across the ocean.

However, this technique can only be concealed, especially because the hair is too sparse. As long as there is a slight breeze, these hairs will sway with the wind, like enchanting seaweed.

The picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it.

Although Xue An didn't want to make too many changes to arouse others' suspicion, he still couldn't stand this extremely greasy and weird hairstyle, so he shaved it off a few times.

And looking at the satisfied smile on Da Zhaizhu's face, the woman couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

what is it today?

Why did the master of the Great Zhai suddenly change into a different person? He didn't even need the most cherished hair before.

As if he had noticed the woman's doubts, Xue An said lightly: "These hairs are nothing but things outside of the body, and they will grow back soon!"

After speaking, Xue An got up and walked downstairs.

The woman stood still thinking about Xue An's words.

Will it grow back soon?

Could it be that Dazhai Lord is about to break through the current realm?


It must be so, otherwise he would not have such abnormal behavior today.

This thought shocked the woman, and immediately hid the hatred hidden in her heart deeper.

You must know that the strength of the great village master is already an insurmountable existence for her, and if she breaks through again, it will not be something she can resist.

So she had to hide all the hatred in her heart, and then hurriedly followed.

At this time, the sun was already high, and the thugs of Galefengzhai who had been drunk last night also woke up one after another, and then sat in the courtyard chatting.

When Xue An walked down the stairs and came to the courtyard, these thugs stood up screaming and saluted one after another.

"Master of Dazhai!"

"I have seen the master of Dazhai!"

Although they all stood up, Xue An could still see that the speed of these people's getting up was not consistent. Some of them got up very busy when they saw Xue An's shadow, and some did not get up until Xue An was already close. Slowly stood up.

The most annoying was the person sitting under the tree. He said he had stood up, but his buttocks had moved slightly away from the seat, and then he clasped his fists perfunctorily.

Xue An's heart moved.

It seems that Bao Huarong's methods are not very good!

Obviously, these men were not so convinced by him.

Especially the person sitting under the tree, there are many people who seem to be watching his face faintly.

He got up, UU reading these people just got up to salute.

At this moment, these thugs also noticed the new hairstyle of their great village master, and they all exclaimed.

"Master, what's wrong with your hair?"

"Yeah, why did you suddenly shave a bald head?"

Xue An touched that shiny head, and smiled, "It's nothing, I just think it's getting in the way, how about it? Does it look good?"

"Yeah! This is much better than the previous hairstyle. The previous hairstyle was like a hairy marinated egg!" A silly big guy blurted out.

Someone beside him kept pushing him in secret, and he turned his head back dissatisfiedly and said, "How did you push me? Am I wrong?"

Xue An laughed loudly, "Yes, it did not look good before! But don't worry, this hair will grow out soon after you shave it!"

As soon as he said this, the man sitting under the tree was shocked, and then he looked at Xue An.

Xue An happened to be watching him too, then smiled and nodded.

The man hurriedly lowered his head, then stood up, not daring to sit again.

Xue An asked with a smile, "How was your rest last night?"

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