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Although Xue An was laughing, it fell in the eyes of this man like a demon whispering, making him chill and his heart trembled.

"Back to the master of Dazhai, I was full of wine and food, and I had a very comfortable rest. It was just a bit boring to stay in this small courtyard all day.

"Yes, this ghost place is good everywhere, it's just uncomfortable idle."

The crowd was noisy for a while.

The man lowered his head deeply and said nothing.

But he didn't speak, but Xue An didn't let him go.

"Second Village Master, what do you think?"

The man trembled all over, and then he said in a deep voice, "Going back to the main village master, I think it's okay!"

That's right.

This man is the second village master of Liefeng Village, Tong Chengjin.

As a powerful figure second only to Dazhai master Bao Huarong, this Tong Chengjin has high prestige in this strong wind village, and his subordinates have a group of loyal fans, and he has already formed a challenge to Bao Huarong in the dark.

The previous Bao Huarong was not unaware of this, although he had always wanted to get rid of this person, but he had no choice but to leave it alone.

But now that Xue An has wiped out the violent Huarong and replaced it, in order to completely control this group of thugs, it is natural to completely eradicate this uncertain factor.

Therefore, Xue An smiled slightly after hearing Tong Chengjin's reply.

"I also feel that I've been a little bored in this small courtyard recently. Why don't we go out around noon today, and see the prosperity of Yunxiao City by the way?"

"it is good!"

"The master of Dazhai is wise!"

The crowd applauded.

This Tong Chengjin was also taken aback, and then looked at Xue An with a blank look, and a thought came to his mind.

What does he want to do?

You must know that since coming to Yunxiao City, this violent appearance has remained simple, rarely appearing in front of the crowd.

Why did you suddenly change your temper today and want to go outside?

Combined with his weird and sullen smile just now, this Tong Chengjin's heart couldn't help but rise with an indeterminate premonition.

But the matter was over, he couldn't stop him, so he nodded.

"That's good, just to go out and relax."

Xue An smiled, then waved his hand.


A group of people walked out of the small courtyard and came to the street.

Because they are all fierce and sturdy men, so what they have gone through can be described as turbulent.

Many people dodge aside in a hurry, for fear that they will provoke these uncles again.

This group of thugs looked around enthusiastically, their faces full of excitement.

"Look, look, that little lady over there looks pretty good, Shui Lingling's long legs make people want to touch them when they see it."

"The one next to it is even better, it can pinch out water with a tender face!"

These people unscrupulously talked to the women on the street, and their words were vulgar and rude, which made these women embarrassed and embarrassed.

But they could only stare at them fiercely, and then ran away in a hurry.

This drew their arrogant laughter, which made the whole street look at them.

Xue An frowned secretly, these guys are really thugs worthy of the name.

Not to mention anything else, just this ability to cause trouble is enough to be amazing.

But Xue Annai didn't say anything, but led the people to a restaurant.

No matter where you go, people have to eat.

And when there are more people eating, there will naturally be restaurants.

This Yunxiao City is naturally no exception.

As the Hundreds Conference is about to be held, the entire Yunxiao City is very lively, so this restaurant is full of business.

For example, this restaurant in front of you is like this, the upstairs and downstairs are full of people, and you can smell the strong smell of food from a long distance away.

Although they were eating well in the small courtyard during this period, they would get tired of eating too many delicious things.

Therefore, after smelling the various fragrances, these thugs also couldn't stop moving their index fingers.

"Dazhai Lord, do we want to go in and try it?"

"Yes, look at this, this restaurant tastes good!"

People began to tease Xue An.

Xue An smiled, "Well, since it's here, let's try it!"

With that, he took a step and walked into the restaurant.

A buddy in front of the door had noticed their group long ago, and he couldn't help feeling miserable when they saw them coming here.

Even fools can see that this group of people are not kind, not to mention the shopkeepers who are known for their words and colors.

But there was no way, all the visitors came, and the shop's second person could only be careful and ran forward quickly.

"Several guest officials, I'm really sorry. The shop is full today. Why don't you take a step up and go to another restaurant?"

This was extremely polite, but his response was a loud slap in the face.

The attacker was the master of the second village, Tong Chengjin.

I saw him coldly said: "What are you? You dare to stop us? It is your honour for the main Dazhai to come to eat with you today, don't hurry up to prepare!"

This shop's Xiao Er was bleeding from the fan's nose and mouth, but she didn't even dare to wipe it, so she could only nod and bow her waist.

"Several uncles, it's not that the shop is not willing to entertain, but there is really no place!"

This Tong Chengjin glared, then raised his hand to hit someone.

At this moment, a faint voice came from behind.

"Okay, he's just a shopkeeper, why are you embarrassing him?"

With that, Xue An stepped forward and smiled gently at the shop's second person.

It's just that with this violent body shape and appearance, no matter how gentle the smile is, it is full of scorn.

At least this shop Xiaoer couldn't help but tremble all over.

"Don't be afraid, we are not bad guys. We just passed by here and smelled the scent, so we plan to try your craftsmanship!"

"But... but there really is no place anymore, all the single rooms are already occupied!" The shop's little Er cowered.

"Asshole thing, dare to quibble?" Tong Chengjin wanted to scold again.

Xue An waved his hand motionlessly, blocking all the words behind him, and then Xue An stretched out his hand and took out a spiritual crystal.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have a single room, as long as you have a place to place a few tables, this is for you, it's compensation for the slap just now!"

The shop's second child tremblingly took the spirit crystal and found that it was not a common product. He couldn't help but feel happy, and then nodded at Xue An.

"In this case, this uncle, please follow me, let me tell the shopkeeper, and arrange a place for you!"

"Okay. It's time to work!"

With that said, Xue An followed the shop's Xiaoer and walked into the restaurant, leaving the group of people standing on the ground and staring at each other.

"What's the matter with the master of Dazhai? How can you be so polite to an inconspicuous shopkeeper?"

"Who knows, don't care about him, hurry in, I'm **** hungry!"

The crowd rushed to this restaurant in a sudden burst.

Only Tong Chengjin stood in place, his face pale.

He really didn't expect Xue An to embarrass himself with this method.

In his opinion, the great village master did this obviously not for an ant-like shopkeeper, but to prevent himself from coming to the stage in public.

This bastard... why is the method so sharp all of a sudden?

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