Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2518: Arrival of Mohist School

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Jiang Cunliang was envious for a moment, and then stepped forward to get in.

But at this moment, a group of people suddenly appeared on the long street.

The appearance of this group of people quieted the originally noisy street, and then the crowd took the initiative to separate a road, and many people looked at this group with eyes mixed with curiosity and consternation.

Jiang Cunliang couldn't help turning his head and looking around.

This is a group of men in black.

This is not surprising.

The key point is that the black clothes worn by this group of people are extremely simple or even crude linen. At the same time, they only wear a pair of straw shoes under their feet and a small package on their backs, which is obviously a long journey.

Despite their simplicity, these people's eyes were bright and firm, and their expressions were very calm, as if they were wearing the most gorgeous clothes in the world.

When he saw this group of people, Jiang Cunliang was also taken aback, and then he couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

"My God, it's the Mo Family!"

It seems that after hearing his shout, the man in black who was walking in the front turned his head and looked at him.

Jiang Cunliang's body became stiff, and he felt that his eyes were as fierce as the scorching sun at noon, and there was no selfishness or desire in them. They were so bright that one would not dare to look directly at them.

But this feeling only lasted for a while, because the man immediately smiled at Jiang Cunliang, and then turned his head and walked forward.

Jiang Cunliang froze in place, his heart full of infinite shock.

Because he was a son of a miscellaneous family, he has recognized the identity of the man who smiled at him at this moment.

It was Mo Kong who was the leader and leader of the Mohist school, the 33rd generation of Mohist tycoon.

But such a prominent figure smiled gently at himself, and he wore the same clothes and straw sandals as other disciples.

Except for a black long sword slung around his waist, there was no difference.

How could this not shock Jiang Cunliang.

You must know that even for a miscellaneous family that has faded to the point of dying, Jiang Cunliang, as an ordinary disciple, cannot easily see the Patriarch, and even if he does, he will have to worship three times and nine times.

But this more prominent Mohist tycoon is so easy-going and easy-going.

Jiang Cunliang couldn't help but fell into deep thinking.

And at this moment, these Mohists, under the gaze of the audience, went straight to the restaurant, but they did not go in, but walked to the side of the corridor in an orderly manner.


It was not until the giant ordered that these Mo family disciples sat down against the wall in silence.


From giants to ordinary children, they all took out a piece of burlap from their arms. After opening it, there was a piece of steamed bun inside.

Then these people just sat under the eaves of the corridor, silently gnawing the buns in their hands.

In the hall separated by a wall is a dazzling array of delicacies from mountains and seas, and the fragrance is floating for many miles.

The children of the Mo family under the eaves of the corridor outside ate the steamed buns in their hands happily, and everyone's face was full of happiness.

It's as if the steamed buns in my hand are the best delicacy in the world.

Such a strong contrast made the onlookers on the street a little dumbfounded.

Someone couldn't help whispering softly.

"Before I heard that the people of the Mo family are noble, and they are extremely strict with themselves and don't covet any material desires. Today is considered to be an insight!"

"But didn't the Mo family never participate in this Hundred Schools Conference? Why did you come this time?" someone asked.

"Who knows, but it's estimated that the reason will not be that simple, let's watch, this Hundreds of Arts Conference is estimated to be very lively!"

The crowd talked a lot, but Jiang Cunliang was looking at these Mohist children thoughtfully.

To be honest, he was really shocked today.

He never thought of anyone who could live in such a simple to almost harsh way.

Especially from the tallest giant to the most ordinary disciple, all are treated the same.

This caused cracks in his worldview.

Because he used to be a disciple of a miscellaneous family, he was instilled in his childhood thinking that everything can be used for himself, as long as he can benefit himself, even his parents can betray.

For a long time, this kind of thought of plucking a small amount to benefit the world has long been ingrained in his mind, and even thinks that the whole world is like this, but some people cover it up.

It wasn't until today that he met the Mo Family that he knew that people could still live like this.

Somehow, seeing these Mo family disciples eating dried buns, he suddenly felt a little envious.

Because they may lack material desires, but what they practice is the Tao in their hearts.

This sense of happiness is self-evident.

Jiang Cunliang was sighing, and saw a middle-aged man dressed in splendid clothes quickly walked out of the restaurant.

In a few steps, the man came in front of the children of the Mo family, and then gave a deep salute to the giant Mo Kong who was sitting in the middle.

"I don't know if the Mo family tycoon is coming, it's **** it!

Mo Kong smiled gently, "Shopkeeper Fan is polite. We haven't notified anyone here, so why do you need to welcome you?"

The visitor was the great shopkeeper of this restaurant and a prominent figure in the business, Fan Wuli.

As a disciple of the businessmen who should be most interested in chasing profits, his name is Wu Li, which is really a ridiculous feeling.

Fan Wuli smiled, then glanced at the steamed buns in their hands, and immediately said: "I have just notified the chef to prepare a banquet, everyone, please come to the hall!"

Mo Kong shook his head, "The shopkeeper has bothered me, we are used to this kind of steamed buns, and we have already given up on alcohol and meat!"

"But..." There was an embarrassment on Fan Wuli's face, and then he glanced at the growing crowd of onlookers on the street.

So many people are watching If he just goes back like this, what news will come out tomorrow.

There will definitely be people ridiculing themselves and the merchants for being too profit-seeking, and the Mo Family, who is regarded as a hundred families, is eating bread outside.

As if noticing the embarrassment on his face, the Mo family giant smiled suddenly, and then said to the left and right: "Well, since the shopkeeper Fan sincerely invited us, let's go in for a cup of tea!"

Fan Wuli was overjoyed, "Thanks to the giant! Please!"

These Mohist disciples stood up silently and lined up into the hall in an orderly manner.

After seeing this scene, Jiang Cunliang moved his eyes and walked into the restaurant.

At the same time, on the Tianjie Street not far from this restaurant, a woman looked at the backs of the Mo Family in amazement, and then whispered.

"Mo Home is here too? Didn't they never attend such gatherings?"

An old man with a short stature on the side struck his beard and smiled, "Master Xuan Nv is right, but I feel that these Mohists must have a reason for coming this time!"

"After all, what these ascetics-like guys are best at is to spot dangers in advance and eliminate them!"

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