Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2519: Non-attack and love the world

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Jiu Tian Xuan Nu took a deep look at this restaurant, and then couldn't help sighing.

"Yes! These guys, they should have come here for a long distance because of the smell of some kind of smell!"

Ao Shu on the side blinked, and said with a dazed expression: "Master, Empress, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand at all? Is there something special about the people in black who just entered? A place?"

Cha Wenliang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I can't say that it's special, it's just that these people are very unique, even in this huge sky, they are considered unique existences!"

Ao Shu immediately aroused his vigilance, "Will they come here to ruin Brother Ang's affairs?"

"No, not only not, it should be a big help for Xue An!" Cha Wenliang said.

Ao Shu's face was full of question marks.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl explained: "The black-clothed men you have seen all come from the Mo family, and this Mo family is a very special existence among the various scholars, because the thinking they hold is completely different from that of everyone. The grand concept of universal love and universal harmony!"

Speaking of this, there was a trace of respect in the tone of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

"Not only do they have lofty ambitions, but the key is that they are also doing their own things. They are going retrograde in the tide of the world, so they are also respected as sages of the Mo family!"

Cha Wenliang also nodded, sighing.

"The Empress is right. Three thousand years ago, a large family in the limelight at the time bullied others and planned to annex a small sect!"

"At that time, no one dared to care about this matter. Only the Mo family stepped forward and brought three hundred Mo family children Xueye into the sect, and finally forced back these people who intended to invade, but after the incident was completed, they were stunned. Go, I haven't even drunk my saliva from start to finish. It can be said to have no cause and effect. Its chivalry is enough to be admirable!"

After listening to this introduction, Ao Shu's eyes couldn't help but shimmer.

"Wow, it turns out that this Mo family is so powerful! Then let's go in and have a look!"

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl glanced at Cha Wenliang, nodded slightly when she saw him with a smile, and responded.

"Alright, it happens to be a trek, everyone is a little tired, it is good to have a rest in this restaurant first!"

As soon as he heard something to eat, he followed the little gourd who hadn't said a word all the way behind everyone, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and he nodded in agreement.

The group then walked to the restaurant.

There was only one person standing in place, with a hesitant look on his face.

This person is young and looks very young, but his aura is not weak at all, especially those eyes, when you stare, it is easy to fall into it.

At this moment, he frowned slightly, looking at this restaurant.

"Strange, why do you suddenly feel an inexplicable heart palpitations? This feeling is the same as when I was taken away by others! Is there any danger in it?"

These thoughts hovered in his mind, and he hesitated in his actions.

At this moment, Ao Shu, who had already walked to the door of the restaurant, turned his head and saw him standing in place, and couldn't help but shout.

"Xiaoyu, why are you standing there stupidly? Come over to eat!"

That's right!

This man is the glutton who was rescued by Xue An in Linglong City.

After the gluttonous glutton was surrendered by Xue An, he has been living in the Fubao Xiaolou in Xue An's Sea of ​​Knowledge.

Until this time, Xue An went to Yin and Yang's house in advance to investigate the evil things. Before leaving, in order to enhance the strength of everyone, but also to let this glutton use its abilities, Xue An called him out and asked him to follow the investigation. Wen Liang and others acted together.

When Jiu Tian Xuannv and Cha Wenliang settled everything and came to the Yin-Yang home, he naturally came with them.

On this road, this gluttony got along very well with Ao Shu, as if he had become Ao Shu’s younger brother.

So at this moment when Ao Shu called him to go over, Taotie trembled slightly, and even after gritting his teeth, he quickly followed.


The lobby of this restaurant is very lively.

Many people didn't even eat food, but looked at the excitement.

Under the arrangement of this Fan Wuli, a few tables were placed near the window, with tea and snacks placed on them, and they were very thoughtful and considerate.

And these Mo family children didn't speak the whole time, they just sat down silently.

Fan Wuli smiled at Mo Kong, "Master Giant, do you think you have some food? I promise that they are all very clean and simple meals, you..."

Mo Kong waved his hand, "Needless to say, we understand your kindness, but this is already very good!"

With that, Mo Kong held up the teacup in front of him.

"Don't let down the goodwill of others, drink it!"

Hearing what he said, these children just picked up the teacup and drank silently.

I don't know what's going on, maybe because of the atmosphere of these Mo family children, the hall gradually quieted down.

Even the people who sneered at the Mo Family before, now have to admit that these people are indeed worthy of the word sage.

Jiang Cunliang's eyes gradually showed a brilliance that had never been before.

That is a feeling called respect.

In the past, Jiang Cunliang would only feel scared even when faced with an existence whose strength was much higher than his own.

As for the sincere respect, this is the first time.

In fact, it wasn't just him, even the expression of Fan Wuli, the merchant's son, became awe-inspiring.

"If this is the case, then I won't bother everyone, if you have any needs, please feel free to let me know!"

With that, Fan Wuli turned around and walked out.

And it was at this moment that the Nine Heavens Profound Girl and Cha Wenliang and her party walked into the hall.

This is not surprising, especially when the Mohists have attracted most attention, many people have not even noticed their arrival.

Jiang Cunliang was the same at the beginning, but a person who came in immediately made him feel as if he was struck by lightning, and he was stunned on the spot.

It was the gluttonous man who came in behind. U U Reading

In fact, thanks to Xue An's help, this gluttonous incarnation technique is so superb that most people can't feel the strange aura in him at all.

But Jiang Cunliang was different. He had just got out of his two gluttonous hands, and he had a deep memory of the unique breath of the gluttonous family.

So when he saw the man's first glance, he immediately determined that this was definitely a gluttonous food.

This discovery made him tremble slightly.

Not because of panic, but because of surprise.

Originally, he was still worrying about where to find news about that little gluttonous food.

But I didn't expect that just the effort of eating a meal would actually let me run into it.

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