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Accompanied by this roar, the gluttonous couple's figure swelled sharply, and in the blink of an eye they transformed into a strange half-human half-beast shape.

But Taotie's iconic face still betrayed them.

There was a commotion in the audience.

"Gosh, it's gluttonous!"

"How could this ancient fierce beast suddenly come here?"

Accompanied by bursts of exclamation, the number of people in the hall increased unabated, and many even appeared greedy.

After all, no matter how strong these gluttonous foods are, there are only two. With so many people on his side, if they can capture these two gluttonous foods, it would be a huge benefit.

This is why the gluttonous couple has not dared to reveal their whereabouts before.

After all, the hustle and bustle of the world is the word for profit.

Even the weakest people may take risks for profit.

And if it is targeted by the strong, then it will really be over.

But now, it’s no good if you don’t want to show up.

You know that they are the ancient fierce beasts, and their tempers can be described as extremely irritable.

In addition, this time, in order to find his son, I have been running around for a year in the outer sky, and my heart has already been filled with grievances.

At this moment, I finally saw my son, only to find that he had been "kidnapped and kidnapped."

At this time, the anger in their hearts finally broke out completely.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by the extremely heavy footsteps, the gluttonous couple rushed towards the Nine Heavens Profound Girl one after another.

In their eyes, this woman was clearly the culprit who kidnapped her son, so her attack was a ruthless move.

Cha Wenliang's expression changed suddenly, but the Nine Heavens Profound Girl just smiled coldly.

Then he raised his hand with a palm.

The palm force spit out, and it happened to be printed on the body of the female glutton who rushed to the front.

Before she even had time to hum, she was directly blown out by the powerful palm.

The man's gluttonous eyes instantly turned red when he saw this, and then opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, biting the Nine Heavens Profound Girl with the momentum of swallowing the sky.

Nine Heavens Profound Girl frowned slightly, killing intent surging in her heart.

My group was sitting here well, but they didn't expect to suddenly rush in with two gluttonous foods, and they would come up and fight regardless of whether they were indiscriminate or indiscriminate.

No matter how good-tempered people are, they will get angry at this time.

What's more, the spleen pressure root of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is not good.

So she snorted coldly, "Looking for death!"

As she said, a violent coercion suddenly rushed out of her body and turned into a sharp and unparalleled blade in the air, slashing this gluttonous head straight.


Blood spattered.

The gluttonous glutton roared, but his figure did not retreat, but instead rushed towards the Nine Heavens Profound Girl again.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl was so angry that she wanted to kill her.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard an exclamation.

"Master Empress calm down, this is my father!"

The speaker is the little gluttony.

Hearing his shout, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl took back her mortal palm without letting her hair go, and then spit out her palm, and shook the male gluttonously away.

"What the **** is going on?" Nine Heavens Profound Girl asked with a cold face.

Xiao Taotie stepped forward, supported the injured couple, and then said in a choked voice.

"Master Empress, they are my parents, and they came here to find me too!"

Immediately afterwards, this little glutton shouted out a series of complicated syllables to his parents.

After listening, the gluttonous couple couldn't help showing embarrassment, then quickly recovered their human form, walked up quickly, and bowed to the ground.

"I'm really sorry, it was just that the two of us were so reckless that we started fighting with you without asking what was going on!"

At this point, the misunderstanding was finally resolved.

And after hearing that two gluttonous gluttons had come to the territories of the human race at any risk to find their lost sons, Jiu Tian Xuan's complexion couldn't help calming down and waved her hand.

"Forget it, since you are looking for your son, then I won't care about you!"

"Thank you, thank you!"

Soon, the gluttonous couple also took a seat, and then excitedly asked about their son's situation over the years.

Xiao Taotie sighed, and probably told it again.

When they heard that it was a human teenager who had rescued their son, the gluttonous couple expressed gratitude, and then looked at Jiu Tian Xuan Nu and Cha Wen Liang very seriously.

"Since several of you are here to help Xue Engong, then we are naturally also duty-bound. The two of us are also willing to accompany you to Yunxiao City and do our best."

Faced with this proposal, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu and Cha Wenliang had no reason to refuse.

Don't look at the gluttonous couple looking very savvy in front of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, but that is because the strength of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is too strong.

In fact, the two of them, being ancient fierce beasts, are far from being comparable to the general strong.

With the joy of everyone, the atmosphere on the wine table couldn't help becoming more enthusiastic.

The crowd onlookers in the hall couldn't help but dispel the greed in their hearts when they saw it.


Everyone looked at the strength the Nine Heavens Profound Girl showed just now.

That must be at least a real saint.

In the face of such an existence, no matter how greedy people are, they must learn to be humble.

Soon after the banquet was finished, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl and her group got up and prepared to leave.

At this moment, the Jiang Cunliang suddenly rushed over, then he threw himself and knelt in front of the crowd.

"Masters, please let me go!"

Seeing this scene, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu and Cha Wenliang were not sure why.

This gluttonous couple suddenly realized.

I saw the gluttonous laugh and said: "Are you afraid of the divine mind that I left you? Don't worry, that obsession has automatically disappeared after finding my son!"

Jiang Cunliang was taken aback.

He had no idea that things would be so easy.

I thought I would have to pay a heavy price to survive, but I didn't expect to let myself go so lightheartedly?

Just as he was stunned, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu and her group walked out of the restaurant.

When passing by the group of Mo family children, Mo Kong, the giant who had bowed his head to drink tea, smiled slightly.

"The female emperor is a good way!"

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl was stunned for a moment, and even smiled.

"The giant is polite!"

"See you in Yunxiao City, then!" Mo Kong whispered. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Okay, see you in Yunxiao City!" The Nine Heavens Profound Girl said calmly, and then led the group to leave.

After walking out of the restaurant, Ao Shu couldn't help asking, "Master Xuan Nv, what did the giant just say?"

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"On the surface, he is telling me that the Mohists will also participate in this Hundred Schools Conference. As for whether there are other meanings, then I don't know!"

While in the restaurant, Mo Kong smiled faintly as he looked at the direction where the Jiutian Profound Girl and her party were leaving.

"This Hundred Schools Conference is really interesting!"

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