Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2522: The general trend has become unstoppable

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"You said that two gluttonous gluttons suddenly appeared in today's restaurant, and then they were subdued by a woman from a medical background?" A faint voice came from the void.

Fan Wuli didn't even dare to lift his head, and said in a deep voice, "Yes, and I have already inquired just now. Next to this woman, there is Ghost Needle Doctor Cha Wenliang!"

"Hehe, that can't be wrong, this woman must be the female emperor Xuantian who came out of the Pharmacist Alliance some time ago! I didn't expect even the members of the Pharmacist Alliance to come this time." The voice groaned.

Fan Wuli cautiously said: "In fact, it is not just the Pharmacist Alliance and the Mo Family. The news that has just been received is that in the time of this day, the Fajia, Taoist Quanzhen faction, and Shennong have all arrived, even those who have not been born for a long time. The descendant of Yang Zhu has also reappeared in the world!"

"Oh? It's the ancient school of indulgence, like a demon sect?" There was also a hint of surprise in this voice.


"Unexpectedly, I thought this school had already been cut off!" The voice sighed a few words, and then said in a deep voice.

"This Hundred Family Conference is no trivial matter, it has shocked countless hidden family sects, so our business must be careful and careful, and must not lose the chain at this critical moment!"

"Subordinates understand!"

"Continue to collect information at all costs. Although this time is a challenge, if you grasp it well, it will not be a golden opportunity!"


The voice disappeared.

When Fan Wuli walked out of the room, his expression had returned to normal.

On the outside, it looks no different from an ordinary restaurant shopkeeper.

But it is such an existence, but it is a high-status disciple among the merchants.

I saw him solemnly said, "Has the person sent to follow him come back?"

"Return to the shopkeeper, I have come back!"

"How about it?"

"Everything is as usual, the group of the Pharmacist Alliance headed straight for Yunxiao City, and the Mo Family is no exception, but..."

"But what?"

"But there is one person who is also behind the Mohist!"

"Oh? Who?"

"It's the person who knelt down and begged for mercy in the lobby just now. I have just sent someone to investigate. This person was a child of a miscellaneous family before, but I don't know why he quit suddenly!"

"Oh!" Fan Wuli nodded, and said after a moment of contemplation.

"Don't worry about him, it's just a deceased kid from the miscellaneous family. It's not worth mentioning. If he really wants to do something, he will have the Mo Family to deal with it!"


The subordinate quietly retired, and Fan Wuli looked at the ledger, always feeling that he had overlooked something.

But he couldn't remember what was going on anyway.

This feeling made him very irritable.

When he was hesitating, I suddenly heard a tsunami-like noise from the mountains outside, mixed with exclamations.

"Gosh, it's from the Shen family!"

"Are all the sword repairs in the Shen family dispatched?"

"Such a spectacular scene is simply breathtaking."

Hearing these words, Fan Wuli's heart shook wildly, then immediately rushed out of the restaurant and looked up.

However, the Luofu Gate at the starting point of Tianjie Street in the far distance has been opened wide, and many bright brilliance are pouring in from the gate, forming a mighty torrent across the sky.

When you get closer, you can see where the brilliance is, it is clear that they are sword repairs one by one.

Fan Wuli's scalp was numb in this scene almost beyond imagination.

He finally understood what he had just missed.

That is the Shen family!

We must know that although there are many participants in this Hundreds Conference, only a few families are really eye-catching.

Among them, the Shen family must be the one with the most attention.

After all, what happened some time ago has spread all over the world.

Shen Muyu, a genius of swordsmanship who was known as an inexperienced genius, broke through and made a war with the mysterious young man Xue An who was in the limelight.

But now that Xue An has no news, and doesn't know where it is.

All people want to know if the second son of the Shen family will come.

What kind of attitude does the Shen family have towards this Hundred Schools Conference?

The long river of sword energy rumbling by, silenced everyone who saw this scene.

Because the Shen family was silently declaring his strength in this domineering way of playing.

This is an almost desperate feeling.

At least many members of the family sect on Tianjie have this idea in their hearts.

What kind of family sect is capable of so many sword repair opponents?

But this is not over yet.

After the long river of sword qi flowed halfway, violent waves suddenly appeared in the void, and then several sword lights leaped out of it.

Each one is so dazzling that one dare not look directly at it.

But these few sword lights guarded a person together.

A young man with a long body of jade, red eyebrows and phoenix eyes, and a beautiful girl like a woman.

But it is such a young man, there is supreme majesty in his gestures.

Just looking at it makes people dare not have the slightest heart of resistance.

Fan Wuli only felt cold in his hands and feet, because he clearly felt a sword intent that resembled the sun and the moon from this young man.

No need to ask, this must be the second son of the Shen family, Shen Muyu.

And not just him, almost everyone was silent for a while after seeing this second son Shen.

This feeling was only slightly relieved after the long river of sword energy of the Shen family had disappeared into the sky.

Then someone sighed almost desperately.

"Such peerless geniuses have already appeared, how can I wait to get ahead in this hundred conferences?"

Fan Wuli didn't speak, he just took a deep breath, and then walked back into the restaurant with composure.

After a while, a letter paper turned into white light and flew out, flying towards the depths of the void.

At the same time, news of the Shen family's strong arrival in a very high-profile manner has also spread wildly.

When the news passed, there was an uproar.

Somewhere in the gorgeous manor in Yunxiao City.

The owner of Bailu Village, Yan Jingcheng, looked at the water mirror in front of him with a serious expression.

Erzhuang advocates knowing and doing, while whispering softly: "The Shen family will do everything possible this time. UU reading seems to be inevitable for this Hundred Schools Conference!"

Yan Jingcheng ignored him, but directly asked Luo Linyuan, the owner of the three villagers.

"Senior Junior Brother, what do you think?"

Luo Linyuan pondered for a moment, and then said five words.

"They are creating momentum!"

Yan Jingcheng nodded in satisfaction, "Go on."

"This second son of Shen has just left the customs, and he is in desperate need of a victory to prove himself, and the Shen family also needs to train the next generation of descendants through this method, so it is so high-profile!"

"After all, momentum is also an extremely important part of sword repair! Now that the general situation is complete, I am afraid that no one can stop the rise of the second son of Shen!"

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