Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2529: Quanzhen Chongyang sincere cooperation

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In a Taoist temple that was temporarily rebuilt in Yunxiao City, the Dragon Slashing Immortal Master He Tianxuan looked solemn and remained silent.

He had just received a reply from Yan Jingcheng, which described the entire process of divination in detail. After seeing what Luo Linyuan said, even if you were the first person in the Taoist school of Zheng, He Tianxuan was still heartbroken.

This kind of horror from the heart made him flawlessly care about the three lost yin and yang chaotic money.

There was only one thought in his mind at the moment.

what to do!

In fact, as Yan Jingcheng said, as early as when the three shadow gods of the Yin and Yang family appeared, he had already noticed something was wrong.

Confucianism emphasizes sincerity, while Taoism emphasizes the unity of nature and humanity. Although they choose different paths, they can reach the same goal by different routes, and they can perceive danger in advance.

That's why He Tianxuan lent the Yin and Yang Chaos Money to Yan Jingcheng without hesitation.

The purpose is to use Luo Linyuan's means to deduct the secrets and solve the mystery of the sense of crisis in happiness.

But I didn't expect that the result would be so serious. Luo Linyuan, who possessed the Ibu Tianshu, was crushed to a serious injury by a heavenly secret, and the result of the deduction was also chilling.

After a long time, he couldn't help sighing, then flicked the dust.

"Come on!"

A disciple walked into the house, bowed and bowed, "Master!"

"Give me an order. During this time, no disciples are allowed to go out. I will talk about anything when I come back!"


This disciple Rin promised and was about to ask when the Master would come back, but when he looked up again, He Tianxuan was nowhere to be seen.

At this time, He Tianxuan had already flown out of the Taoist temple and arrived in the outside world.

Yunxiao City is very large, but how could this stop He Tianxuan, and saw him spanning a full half of the city in a flash, before arriving at another Taoist temple that was temporarily rebuilt.

When he fell into shape, the guards in front of the door recognized him at a glance, and there was a commotion.

Because no one knows what the head of the decent school intends to come here suddenly.

He Tianxuan took a deep breath and said loudly: "He Tianxuan, the righteous school, come to see the Master of Quanzhen Chongyangzi!"

The guards looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

At this moment, only a chuckle came from the Taoist temple.

"Brother He came to visit, this is really a rare visitor! Please come in."

With the voice, the door of Taoist temple opened.

The Taoist guards then retreated.

He Tianxuan stepped into the Taoist Temple, facing a wall of Zhaobi, and after bypassing the wall, his eyes suddenly opened up.

I saw that in this small courtyard, there are various rockery and flowing water, and all of them are exquisitely arranged and beautiful in shape, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

But He Tianxuan's attention was not on these. When he entered the courtyard, his eyes were immediately attracted by a figure standing by the small pond.

Although this person was simply standing there, he was integrated with the entire small courtyard. If He Tianxuan hadn't cultivated at a high level, it would be impossible to spot him.

This feeling is very mysterious. This person is clearly standing by the small pool, but ordinary people can't see him at all, and even the divine consciousness can't find him.

As if standing there was not a person, but a tree, a stone.

He Tianxuan's complexion became serious.

The strength of this guy... seems to be diligent again!

Not to mention anything else, this realm of harmony with light and dust cannot be underestimated.

This also strengthened the thoughts in He Tianxuan's heart, and saw him quietly walking behind this person.

The small pool in front of it was gurgling, and several goldfish were swimming in it.

Without looking back, the man quietly looked at the fish in the small pond.

He didn't speak, so He Tianxuan wouldn't speak.

The two remained silent like this.

It wasn't until a long time later that I saw the man chuckle and said, "Brother He came here, it shouldn't be just to watch these goldfish!"

He Tianxuan nodded, "Of course not, I'm here to discuss an important matter with you!"

"Oh? Important thing? But I don't know what it is?"

With that said, the man finally turned around and revealed his face.

This was an ordinary looking man, of the kind of ordinary appearance that was thrown into a sea of ​​people that even a spray could not provoke him.

The only thing that shines is his narrow and long eyes, although they usually contain divine light, they don't show any clues.

But the light that occasionally revealed between Gu and Pan was enough to shock people.

Especially when you are watched by these eyes, you can feel a strong sense of crisis.

He Tianxuan took a deep breath.

This man is the new leader of the Quanzhen Sect of the Taoist Chongyangzi.

Regardless of his age, he is an extremely tricky character.

The strength is unfathomable.

This time, He Tianxuan came here specially, just to discuss with such a rising star of Taoism about the Hundred Schools Convention.

"Chongyang Junior Brother has a profound Taoism, and I must have felt a faint sense of crisis at this moment!"

He Tianxuan broke the secret and said straightforwardly.

In the eyes of the Chongyang child, the light is very bright, but the tone is unhappy, "Oh? So did Senior Brother Tianxuan feel it?"

"More than just feeling, I also discovered an important thing."

With that said, He Tianxuan spoke in a solemn tone about cooperating with Confucianism in deducing secrets.

When he finished speaking, Chongyangzi's eyes flowed and he was silent in thought.

He Tianxuan eagerly said: "Although Na Luo Linyuan is not very young, he is very talented and he knows it by birth, especially the Ibu Tianshu handed down by Confucianism. It can be said to be an extremely powerful existence."

"But it is such a character, coupled with the support of the Yin-Yang Chaos Money, which is the treasure of Zhenshan Mountain, is still crushed and seriously injured by the heavenly secret that he has peeped.

"So what? It's impossible to say that you just withdrew from this Hundred Schools Conference just because you felt the danger?" Chongyangzi said lightly.

He Tianxuan shook his head, "That's impossible. If my Taoist school retreats without a fight, this Baishi prestige that has finally been accumulated will be destroyed."

"It turns out that Senior Brother Tianxuan also knows the Then why did you come here to inform me of this?"

"It's very simple. I want to temporarily abandon factionalism with you, and unite and cooperate. Only in this way can I gain a firm foothold in the next Hundreds Conference."

Chongyangzi seemed to be smiling but not smiling, "Abandon the opinion of factions? Senior Brother Tianxuan, are you serious in saying that?"

He Tianxuan blushed.

You must know that since the Taoist orthodoxy split into the Zhengyi and Quanzhen factions, they have been arguing with each other.

Among them, the orthodox school that pretends to be orthodox is the most, and it often denounces Quanzhen as fallacy.

Therefore, these words of unity and cooperation from He Tianxuan's mouth are indeed very awkward.

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