Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2530: The clue has now begun to harvest

Remember in one second【】

The audience was quiet.

Many people looked at Xue An with surprised eyes.

Can he actually smash the blood of the patriarch?

Where did this blood slave come from?

And this Susan was even more stunned, even if she was furious.

Because she discovered that she had just been timid under the coercion of this "blood slave".

This discovery made this self-respecting Susan simply unacceptable, so she shouted in a cold voice: "Humble things, do you really think it can be done by attaching Aisi? I will let you die now, you have to die!"

With that, Susan's eyes became scarlet and bloody, and the corners of her mouth showed squalid fangs. She raised her hand and patted a palm.

This palm turned into sharp claws in the air, tearing the air, and blasting down towards Xue Andou.

It is so powerful that if it is hit, even if this guy's body is made of the hardest metal, it will have to be chopped up.

The blood in Susan's eyes grew hotter, and there was a smug sneer in her heart.

But her pride didn't last long, and it all turned into consternation.

Because Xue An faced the blasting palm, as if the breeze was blowing on his face, he was not moved at all. It was not until the blood came to him that he took a deep breath, and then exhaled suddenly.



A sound wave blasted straight past.

The rays of blood are like ice and snow under the scorching sun, melting rapidly and disappearing invisible.

The audience was in an uproar.

Because even the dull blood clan, at this moment, it can be seen that Xue An is definitely not an ordinary person.

This Susan retreated violently and was horrified in her heart.

How could this man be so tough?

Then she noticed the faint smile at the corner of Ai Xi's mouth.

I was shocked, and then I understood why Ai Xi just said not to provoke this blood slave.

But the arrogance of being a blood clan made Susan absolutely unable to accept that she was defeated by a blood slave, so she narrowed her eyes, her figure shook, and her speed directly surpassed ten times the speed of sound, and she came to Xue An in an instant, and then lifted it up. The hand blasted a punch.

The force of the boxing force seems to be able to penetrate even the space.

Among the kinship, strength does not distinguish between men and women, but only in blood.

As long as your blood is strong, you can have incomparably powerful power.

This Susan is a close branch of the Faulkner family. Although not as direct as Aisi's lineage, it is quite extraordinary.

Therefore, the power of this fist is that ordinary blood marquis can hardly resist it.

Many people are slightly discolored.

Including the patriarch Jonson, who is above the head, can't help but nod slightly.

This Susan's strength is considered to be the best among the younger generation's kinsmen.

But such a punch only made Xue An chuckle.

"Is this the strength of the purebred blood race? Too slow!"

As he said, Xue An raised his hand slowly, but the second shot came first, and in a short period of time, he directly blocked Susan's punch.

Susan's face changed wildly, "No, this is impossible!"

With that, blood could surge all over, trying to shatter Xue An's hands.

Xue Ansen smiled, "In this world, nothing is impossible!"

As he said, Xue An suddenly twitched.


One of Susan's arm was torn off.

Susan turned around in severe pain to escape.

Xue An stood with his hand in his hand, without seeing how he moved, he had reached the top of Susan's head, and then stepped on it.


A strong golden light flashed.

Before this Susan could react, Xue An stepped directly on the ground from a high altitude.

The whole chamber was trembling.

Huge pits appeared directly on the hard granite ground.

And at the bottom of the pit.

This Susan didn't even hum and was trampled to pieces.

Xue An hovered in the air, looking around all the stunned kinsmen in the audience, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, and smiled sorrowfully.

"Everyone is here! If they are there, then I'm going to harvest!"

Many blood races were shocked.

"He is not a blood slave!"

"kill him!"

Many shouts were heard everywhere.

Dozens of kinsmen rose into the sky and directly attacked Xue An.

For a time, the blood was heavy and the light was shining.

All kinds of powerful auras filled the whole conference hall.

But there is only one goal, and that is Xue An standing in the air.

Tolan also awoke from the horror of Susan being crushed by Xue An's foot, staring at Xue An who was under siege in the sky, with a gloomy expression.

The toughness of this guy was beyond his expectation.

But now everything is over.

Because no one can torture and kill a noble kinship lady in front of so many powerful people in the Faulkner family.

But when he thinks so.

Suddenly found that Hall not far away was quietly retreating.

Following back together, there was Miss Ai Xi.

what happened?

How could the two of them not advance and retreat?

Especially Ai Xi.

This man is so disrespectful

^0^Remember in one second【】

She was guilty of chaos, but why did she not look surprised at all, but her eyes were full of excitement?

This Toran was puzzled.

But at this moment.

Xue An, who only listened in midair, said calmly: "Don't worry, today, none of you can escape!"

As he said, Xue An stretched out his hand, palm facing up.

The blood that hits suddenly turned around and gathered in the palm of his hand.

In an instant, a blood-colored light ball appeared in the palm of Xue An's palm.

Although not big, the powerful power contained in it makes many blood races tremble.

And what shocked them even more was Xue An's hand-in-hand attack turned into an invisible means.

"Enough!" Just heard a majestic male voice.

Many blood races stepped back one after another, standing down.

Because it is their supreme patriarch who speaks.

I saw this Johnson slowly standing up and staring at Xue An.

"Human race powerhouse, I am curious why you have such a strong confidence that you dare to come to my Faulkner family alone to cause trouble! But I believe that this must be your stupidest decision!"

Xue Anman casually weighed the blood cells in his hands, "Really? But I don't think so, do you know what you are in my eyes?"

"What is it?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "You are like rice growing in the and I am the person responsible for harvesting you!"

This remark made Jonson look pale.

Although he doesn't know what rice is.

But the insult of harvesting these two words still made this Jonson furious.

"court death!"

With that said, the blood shadow in Jonson's eyes flashed, and the whole person instantly broke through the sound barrier, came in front of Xue An, and then raised his hand.

"In my name, aging!"

A gray light came straight to Xue An.

Upon seeing this, the many blood races all stepped back in fear, for fear that they would be contaminated with a trace.

Because this is the celebrity skill of the patriarch Jonson.

The sigh of the blood ancestor. l0ns3v3

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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