Remember in one second【】

Walking on the much quieter long street, Xue An calmed down a bit by the cold wind blowing in his face.

The blood that had boiled because of the evil being about to be harvested also slowly subsided.

Xue An is very clear about what he is going to do and the consequences that may result from doing so.

But he did not hesitate.

Because compared to uncovering the black hands hidden behind the scenes, these so-called evil things are just a group of small people.

In order to avoid getting in the way at the Hundred Schools Conference, these guys must be eliminated.

Of course, the eradication mentioned by Xue An is not to completely eliminate it, but just like Bao Huarong or the leader of the witch **** cult. If you can control it, you can control it. If you can't control it, you can replace it with your body.

This is the same as playing a game, you have to clear the surrounding mobs before destroying the final boss.

Of course, the timing of the hands-on is also very important.

Too early will cause these evil things to be noticed. If you eliminate the old one and the other party sends a new one, wouldn't it be a waste of all previous efforts?

It's too late, too late, it's easy to miss the opportunity.

Only now is the best time.

The Hundred Schools Conference is about to be held soon, everything has been finalized, and if he flares up again, even if the evil thing detects it, it is too late to make new arrangements.

So Xue An was determined to prepare to do it.

Soon, Xue An followed the breath on the letter paper to a secret courtyard.

This courtyard is located in the corner of Yunxiao City, and looks unremarkable from the outside.

But when Xue An stood in front of the courtyard gate, there was a faint pain at the center of his eyebrows.

That was caused by his own divine consciousness being stimulated by the monstrous evil spirit in the small courtyard.

Xue An sneered slightly, then took a deep breath.

In an instant, his whole personality changed drastically.

The part of the traits that belonged to Xue An was perfectly hidden, replaced by the imposing vibe.

This feeling is as if a person has changed in an instant.

Then Xue An didn't knock on the door, and walked straight forward, as if he had penetrated a layer of mist, passed directly through the courtyard door and disappeared.

As soon as he walked with his front foot and his back foot was in the shadow of the corner of the alley, a figure gradually emerged.

This person was wearing a black robe, and only one beautiful eye was exposed.

And under the large black robe, half of his body was thick and white.

It was the descendant of the ghost country, the only remaining girl in the corpse family.

At this moment, she was looking in the direction of Xue An's disappearance with a face full of confusion.

She saw everything that happened just now.

Because of this, she had doubts about the identity of this "Baohuarong" in her heart.

After all, she had seen the scene where her temperament was changed like a reincarnation just now.

Who is this person?

What is he doing in this courtyard?

These questions circulated in the mind of the corpse girl, and they also made her hesitate.

Speaking of which, the corpse-driving girl followed Xue An today, originally intending to assassinate the sneak attack again.

The last attempted assassination in the restaurant made the corpse-driving girl extremely annoyed.

All her people died at the hands of evil things, and she suffered heavy losses, so she hated evil things to the bone.

And the evil spirit on Bao Huarong's body was so obvious, so of course she wouldn't let it go.

In fact, since the last assassination failed, she hadn't gone anywhere, and simply lurked, staring at the small courtyard where Liefengzhai lived, waiting for the next opportunity to do it.

This is why she hasn't shown up during this period of time.

What is strange is that this Bao Huarong seems to have noticed something recently, and has been hiding in the small courtyard and refused to show up.

Seeing that the Hundred Family Conference was about to be held, the corpse girl was anxious, and even planned to go straight in.

At this moment, Xue An appeared.

After seeing this familiar figure, the corpse-driving girl was overjoyed, and immediately followed, waiting for the opportunity to prepare for action.

But along the way, Xue An moved extremely fast, and she didn't find the right opportunity at all.

After arriving at this small courtyard, the corpse-driving girl suddenly became a little confused.

She can be sure that she is not mistaken. When she was just in front of the door, this guy did undergo a huge change.

This made the corpse-driving girl hesitate, who was going to charge directly.

The key point was that she was extremely horrified to discover that all her spying on this small courtyard had become useless.

Even the divine mind couldn't penetrate the courtyard wall.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the other side of the alley, and hurriedly ran here.

The corpse-driving girl gritted her teeth, and then she dodged her body and hid in the shadows again.

At the same time, this figure had rushed to the front, it was the woman from Liefengzhai.

She looked around for a moment, panting, and finally locked her gaze on this small courtyard.

Then she walked up tremblingly, reached out and knocked on the knocker.


A dull knock on the door echoed in this alley.

The corpse-driving girl hiding in the corner shrank slightly. What is she doing?

Face this

^0^Remember in one second【】

Did she knock on the door of the mysterious and unpredictable courtyard?

But at this moment, the courtyard door opened with a creak.

The woman was obviously taken aback and jumped back subconsciously.

But after seeing the person who opened the door, his face was a joy.

"Old... the village owner!"

From the perspective of the corpse girl, you can catch a glimpse of the scenery inside the courtyard.

I saw that Bao Huarong, who had just entered, was standing inside the courtyard gate exactly, without seeing any abnormalities at all.

But somehow, the corpse girl always finds something weird.

"Why are you here?" Bao Huarong said lightly.

"I... I saw the village master you come out, and suddenly felt a little flustered, so I followed!" The woman lowered her head and said weakly.

The beautiful and charming appearance makes me feel pitiful.

But this violent Huarong was completely unmoved.

"Get out of here, this is not a place for you to come!"

The woman trembled with fright, UU reading nodded quickly, "Yes!"

But she still plucked up the courage to say: "The village master, you... when will you go back?"

But the sound of the door slammed shut in response to her.

The woman was dumbfounded and stood there in a daze.

But the corpse girl hiding in the shadow of the corner just felt cold all over at this time.

Because she finally understood why she felt weird just now.

When this violent Huarong spoke, neither his eyes nor his body had any reaction, and even the tone of voice seemed to be set in advance, without any fluctuations that a living person should have.

This lifeless feeling is too familiar to the corpse girl who deals with dead corpses all day.

Could it be that the one who opened the door was not a living person at all?

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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