Remember in one second【】

As soon as this idea came out, the corpse-driving girl became very curious about this small courtyard.


I must go in and see what's going on!

Thinking of this, the corpse-driving girl quietly walked around the back of the small courtyard, and then slowly wriggled.

Along with her squirming, the whole body slowly climbed, and soon came to the courtyard wall.

Although the spiritual thoughts have been shielded, after climbing up the courtyard wall, the situation in the small courtyard is very clear at a glance.

I saw a large house in this small courtyard.

Looking from the location of the corpse girl, you can just see the big open window of the house.

It seemed to be full of people.

At this moment, Bao Huarong had just closed the door and walked back. When he entered the house, he only heard the sound of questioning coming from inside.

"what happened?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just a guy who walked the wrong door, has been blasted away by me!"

Bao Huarong's voice was very low, and if he didn't listen carefully, he wouldn't be able to hear it at all.

The corpse girl tried her best to listen, trying to hear the voice of the people inside as much as possible.

But at this time, the sound in the house suddenly weakened, and finally returned to silence.

The corpse girl was a little annoyed.

She knew that the other party had obviously laid the restraining circle, and had blocked all the voices.

But she was not ready to give up.

The more careful you are, the more proof that these guys must be ghosts.

With this thought in mind, the corpse girl simply crossed her mind and carefully climbed over the courtyard wall and entered the small courtyard.

Although her strength is not too high, but because of her practice, her ability to hide her form is very high.

So as soon as she landed, she became transparent directly, and then sneaked to the front of the room.

Because of the forbidden magic circle, even when she got closer, she didn't hear any sound.

But this prohibition is obviously only for the sound, and does not block the line of sight.

Obviously, the people under the ban did not expect that someone would be so bold and come here to spy.

So she quickly came to the back window of the house, and then quietly looked around.

When the scene in the house came into view, the originally curious corpse-driving girl felt that the blood all over her body instantly solidified.

Because everything that happened inside has completely exceeded her imagination.

I saw blood and stumps everywhere in this huge house.

Of course, the corpse girl is not afraid of these Xu's blood.

What surprised her most was the battle that was still going on.

I saw many strange evil creatures encircling Bao Huarong, but Bao Huarong was not afraid, and waving his hands again and again, carrying out a unilateral massacre.

The corpse girl suddenly understood.

This violent Huarong is obviously no longer the original him.

Otherwise, he cannot kill these evil things.

So who is he?

It seemed that it was to solve her question, and with a loud noise, the original voice ban was instantly shattered.

Then he heard the hoarse roar of evil things coming from the room.

"Asshole, who are you? What do you intend to pretend to be us?"

"Haha, haven't you been looking for me? Now you still ask who I am?"

With the voice, Bao Huarong's body dissipated, revealing Xue An's original face.

As soon as he saw him, there was a violent commotion among the evil creatures in the field.

Immediately a few evil creatures turned around and wanted to escape.

But since Xue An came here, he was fully prepared, and naturally it was impossible to let go of any evil things.

Therefore, these evil creatures had just walked out a few steps, and they were directly nailed to the place by strands of sword light, turning them into pus and blood.

Such a clean killing made these surviving evil creatures shudder.

Because this is really going too far.

Originally, today was to convene all the lurking evil things to discuss what to do next, but I didn't expect that when the master of the strong wind village, Bao Huarong, arrived at the scene, he suddenly started his action without finishing three sentences.

Unprepared, at least dozens of evil creatures died on the spot.

Feeling the trembling of these evil things, Xue An sneered, "Now I give you a choice, kneel down to live or stand to die, you choose..."

Before Xue An finished speaking, these evil things knelt to the ground without hesitation.

"My lord is forgiving! Your lord is forgiving!"

For these evil things who never knew what propriety, justice and shame are, they can do anything to survive.

Kneeling down and surrendering is nothing.

As long as you can escape from here, is it hard to say the rest?

But he never expected that Xue An didn't wait for these guys to finish begging for mercy, and said coldly: "Let me ask you, why didn't any of the people who summoned you to come to the Zhenwu Taoist temple show up?"

These evil things were taken aback for a moment.

Xue An raised his hand and pointed, and the head of an evil creature shattered.

The remaining evil creatures were so scared that they screamed and hurriedly said, "My lord, we don't know what they are doing. It's just that they have been absent from this meeting because they heard that it seemed that a great person had summoned them."

^0^Remember in one second【】

"Summoned by a big man? What big man?"

"We don't know this!"


The evil creature's head also shattered.

The remaining evil creatures were shocked, and they looked at Xue An's eyes full of fear.

It was as if in their eyes, Xue An was the real demon.

Xue An just sneered at this.

"Don't look at me like that, I said that if you forgive you if you don't die, then I will definitely not kill you!"

These evil things are overjoyed, "Thank you, sir!"

"But even if you don't kill you, you can't just leave like this!"

With that said, the light in Xue An's eyes was great, and huge spiritual thoughts rushed out, and the remaining evil things were shrouded in an instant.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

These evil things struggled painfully, but after only a moment, they were suppressed by this divine mind.

Puff puff!

After the heads of several overwhelmed evil creatures burst, the eyes of the remaining evil creatures all became blurred. U U Reading

"Now, I am your master, can you understand?" Xue An said in a calm tone.

"Yes! Master!" These evil things knelt to the ground one after another, and bowed to worship Xue An.

And this scene also made the corpse-driving girl almost exclaimed.

She had never thought of anyone who could completely surrender these inhuman evil things.

But all this seemed so ordinary compared to what happened next.

Seeing Xue An waved his hand, the flames rolled directly from the house, burning away all the blood and stumps.

After the flames dissipated, the evil things that had just died reappeared in front of them.

It's just that the eyes of these people have become a little dull.

It's like a puppet controlled by a man.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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