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On the contrary, if someone else sits in his position, he might not be as good as him.

In addition, the chaos in the outer world is imminent, and Shen Muyu's strength is amazing. It would be a pity to fall into the ring like this.

That's why he told him exactly what happened.

And this reaction of Shen Muyu was also in his expectation.

Just as his Jianxin was about to collapse, Xue An suddenly took a deep breath, and then coldly shouted.

"What you did back then was not what you did. What you should do now is to go back to Shen's house and ask who gave this order back then, so that you can recover some of your mistakes!"

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, directly awakening Shen Muyu who was trapped in self-blame and confusion.


The best thing I should do now is to go home and confront the chief treasurer and the owner in person.

Thinking of this, Shen Muyu's mind quickly recovered, and then said to Xue An with a firm face.

"Thank you!"

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Not only was Xue An told a lot of truths that he had never heard before, but the key was that Xue An completely frustrated the arrogance in his heart.

One must not be arrogant, but not arrogant.

This is especially true of Jian Xiu who lives on the sword.

But at the time, Shen Muyu mistakenly regarded arrogance as arrogance, so that although his strength was extremely high, his realm did not match.

This is also the reason why he practiced in retreat, that is, he wanted to hone his state of mind through retreat.

But even after so many years of retreat, the arrogance in his heart has not disappeared, but has been hidden deeper.

This is why he was defeated by Xue An with one move.

At this moment, Shen Muyu felt that although there were many cracks on his sword heart, the anger was gone, and it appeared clearer and clearer.

This is obviously of great benefit to his future cultivation.

Xue An smiled faintly, "You are welcome!"

Shen Muyu nodded, did not say anything, rose directly into the sky and disappeared on the ring.

He didn't even look at other people during the whole process, so he left so simply and neatly.

The audience was silent.

Especially Shen Hongyi and others were all dumbfounded.

Who could have imagined such a big turning point?

And as the absolute master of the Shen family this time, Shen Muyu actually left like this?

Zhang Zhixing in the Confucian camp couldn't help but chuckle.

"This Shen Muyu is really a wonderful person, brother, you said it is..."

The rest of the story was not finished, because he found that the complexion of the brother suddenly became extremely ugly.

And there was a look of fear in his eyes.

what happened?

Zhang Zhixing followed Yan Jingcheng's gaze, but only saw Xue An standing on the ring.

At the same time, not only Yan Jingcheng, including Mo Kong, the giant of the Mo family, Yue Shifang, He Tianxuan, Chongyangzi, and many other people became extremely solemn.

In the corner of the stands, Yang Qin, a descendant of Yang Zhu who was leaning on a chair and drinking tea, couldn't help but straighten up at the moment, and then slightly squinted those half-amber and half-black eyes.

"This breath..."

At the same time, but seeing Xue An's mouth gradually raised, showing a smile that he had expected, then turned his head to look at somewhere in the ring.

"After watching the drama for so long, are you finally willing to show up?"


Who is he talking to?

There are many people in the stands with dumbfounded faces.

But at this moment, there was a burst of clear applause in the void, and then someone smirked and said, "I have to say, this drama is indeed very exciting!"

Following the voice, a figure slowly appeared above the ring.

As soon as this figure appeared, there was an uproar in the audience.

The Yin-Yang family, who had been sitting in the middle of the stand, stood up and worshipped this figure.

"Meeting Lord Donghuang!"

That's right!

The figure that appeared here was the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Speaking of the first person of the Yin Yang Family, the most mysterious powerhouse in the entire Tianwaitian, he only appeared once at the very beginning of the Hundred Schools Conference.

Then he turned into a deity and disappeared.

So some people have always been a little curious about where this person has gone.

Until now, when seeing the figure suspended above the ring, dressed in gorgeous robes and concealed by chaos, many people have felt the awe from the depths of their souls.

It was as if this figure was no longer a creature of the same dimension as himself.

This vision also caused the pupils of Yue Shifang and others to shrink slightly.

But Xue An was not afraid, just staring coldly at the figure not far away, and then slowly said: "Should I call you Lord Eastern Emperor, or should I call you an evil thing?"

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed like a shocking shock, and everyone in the audience was very embarrassed by it.

In the Yin Yang family camp, the Moon Hua Zhongjun, who had bowed down to the ground, trembled even more.

Many suspicions that had been hidden in the deepest part of my heart were finally answered at this moment.

At this moment, the Eastern Emperor smiled, "Xue An, it seems that I really underestimated you, so you already knew it!"

Xue An raised his head and his eyes were snowy, "Of course, after all, I still have fresh memories of the finger that broke through the boundaries of the heavens!"

Above the stands, Yue Qinghuan shook violently, and his eyes showed infinite horror.

Because she also personally participated in the battle back then, she naturally knew how terrifying that shocking finger was.

Unexpectedly, the person who did it turned out to be the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Yin-Yang family.

Don't mention the shock of the audience, just listen to Donghuang Taiyi laughing.

"Yes, that finger was indeed my hand at the beginning, but unfortunately because of the boundaries of the heavens, only the strength below the saint can be allowed to pass, so I can't crush you!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, and there was a trace of fear and greed in his tone.

"I can feel that the woman who hurt me back then hides in your sea of ​​knowledge!"

"So what?" Xue An did not shy away.

Because in the presence of such an existence beyond ordinary people's imagination, any concealment is useless.

"Hehe, not very good, I just want to imprison the woman who can hurt me after I kill you, and do some research!" Donghuang Taijii laughed strangely.

Xue An was not angry.

He knows very well that in the face of this kind of existence, anger does not help at all.

In fact, when I stepped into this battlefield, UU read www. uukanshu. com he already knows who is the ultimate boss.

But he came without hesitation.

Because everything must have an end after all!

What's more, he has been preparing for this moment for too long.

But in the next second, a word from the Eastern Emperor Taiyi changed Xue An's expression drastically.

"Xue An, do you know why I have to work hard at this Hundred Conference?"

"Everything is because you want to delay your time through this event. In fact, at the beginning of the event, someone has already gone to the heavens where you are. It is estimated that the plan is now complete! Hahahahahaha!"

Hearing this, Xue An was shocked and blurted out, "It's impossible. When I left, I left a lot of magic circles in the heavens. If you really sneaked in and did evil, how could I not know?"

Donghuang Taiyi Jiejie laughed strangely, "Who said it was my subordinate? Who said he was going to do something wrong? You are too naive. Those are all very inferior methods. In fact, there is still China in order to deal with you. Family, we have changed our strategy!"

"Instead of destroying the body, it is better to destroy the soul!"

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