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These words are very vague, at least many people did not understand.

But Xue An understood, and his complexion became extremely ugly, and his eyes showed infinite anger.

"What have you done?"

Donghuang Taiyi laughed, "It's really rare, Xue An, are you finally feeling scared now?"

As he said, Dong Huang Taiyi suppressed his laughter, and a deep ridicule appeared on his face.

"In fact, you should be very clear that the most effective way to destroy a race is not to destroy its body, because humans will multiply and thrive. If it can't be completely eliminated, then simply destroying the body will not help at all."

"The really effective way is to destroy the soul that this race depends on! And you Chinese are most proud of and also make us all feel helpless, it is your almost insoluble unity and sacrifice spirit!"

"Once upon a time, the evil army sent by us almost slaughtered your Chinese monks, but even this failed to make you succumb. Instead, you were born as a freak who assembled the great fortune of all worlds, and waited with me many times. Get it right!"

"So I started to reflect, and I finally understood the fact that if you want to wipe out your Chinese people, the only way is to break your backbone first, take away your integrity, and make you no longer united, The sacrificed hero sneered. In this way, even if your Chinese still exists, it is actually dead! What do you think of this plan? Xue An!"

Donghuang Taiyi asked triumphantly.

Xue An felt that the whole person was like falling into an ice cellar, with a deep chill pouring out from the depths of his soul, causing Lingling to shudder.

Without him, this plan is really too vicious and too insidious.

It even exceeds the sum of all previous conspiracies against the Chinese.

To be sure, if this plan is really implemented and succeeded, the Chinese will really fall into an impossible situation.

After all, a nation without heroes is sad, but it is sad and shameful to have heroes but not cherish it. On the contrary, a nation that slanderously slanders is even more sad and shameful.

The reason why the Chinese have been able to go through these tens of thousands of years is that even from the decline of a nation that once occupied a huge starry sky to a remote place on the earth, they can still stand tall.

The reason is that the breath in the Chinese people's chest is still there. As long as this group of righteousness persists, even in the face of no matter how big the storm is, no matter how terrifying the enemy, the Chinese will be able to come back to life.

But now, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is extremely sinister and wants to erase all the efforts of the Chinese from the root.

So Xue An felt a deep chill.

But immediately he reluctantly calmed down and asked in a hoarse voice: "This is impossible. The spirit of the Chinese people is immortal. Could it be that evil things like you can eliminate it with a few words?"

Donghuang Taiyi laughed, he seemed very excited today, and laughed wildly at every turn.

"A good question. Of course I can't do it on my own. In fact, even an adult stronger than me can't do it. The problem is that we can't do it, but someone can do it!"

"Who?" Xue An asked sharply.

"Hehe, of course you are the only ones who can defeat your Chinese! Just find out the scum among your Chinese who are willing to cooperate with us, and then seduce them a little bit, and they will take the initiative to deceive their ancestors and lure your Chinese. All things you are proud of are pushed down the altar!"

"At that time, we will help the outside world again, such as erasing the traces of your existence through means, and then fabricating some false facts, so that those sober Chinese in the Chinese people will also have self-doubt, thinking that the heroes who have existed in the past are all Fake, so as to break the last bone of your Chinese people, do you think, if this is the case, how long can your Chinese people hold on?"

Xue An is scared!

Once he fell into the vortex of time with a mortal body, entered the heavens, and faced the gods and demons in the sky, he was not afraid.

While advancing bravely and diligently on the path of cultivation, he attracted a lot of jealous eyes, and even when he provokes many large families, he was not afraid.

After proving Dao Immortal Venerable, he wanted to go further, but was shattered by the robbery. When he died of nine deaths, he still didn't feel scared.

Even when he got to the back, with his own body, with a single face full of evil spirits, and his strength disparity was almost desperate, he still didn't feel a trace of fear.

But now, Xue An is really scared.

This kind of fear deepened into his bones, causing him to tremble slightly, and his teeth rattled even more.

If what Donghuang Taiyi said is true and has been implemented, then this will be the biggest crisis Xue An has faced since his cultivation to rebirth, and there is no one.

As if feeling Xue An's fear, Donghuang Taiyi's excited tone began to become savage.

"Xue An, frankly speaking, I actually admire you very much. After all, you walked step by step on your own and almost disrupted the overall plan of me and many adults, but do you really think we are afraid of you? Wrong, we just can’t deal with you directly for some reason!”

"But today, you never have that good luck anymore! Because I have been so painstakingly waiting for the opportunity, just to rely on these guys participating in the Hundred Schools Conference to disrupt the secrets. Now the overall situation is complete, Xue An! Your ending! I will write it for you myself!"

Speaking of the end, Donghuang Tai's evil spirit was very strong, and quickly enveloped the audience.

There was a riot in the stands.

The previous conversation between Donghuang Taiyi and Xue An was conducted in a shielded state, so everyone didn't hear it at all.

But now the evil spirit on Donghuang Taiyi's body can't be faked in the slightest. UU reading

By this time, many people just realized it.

The ultimate BOSS of the Yin-Yang family turned out to be an evil thing.

At this point, the court quickly rioted.

It should be known that although it has been a long time lapse, the hatred between the sects of the various families and the evil things in Tianwaitian is still as deep as a sea of ​​abyss.

So when they felt the evil soaring to the sky, many people looked angry, and then planned to do it.

The two Confucian villagers looked at each other, and then they drew out their swords one after another.

The gentleman's sword is to show his virtue.

But sometimes the gentleman sword can also kill.

They move fast, but it is the Mohist who move faster than them.

Mo Kong, the giant of the Mo family, sighed softly, "This guy has been hiding for thousands of years, and finally he has shown his feet!"

After that, he shouted in a deep voice: "The disciples of the Mo family listen to orders!"


"Get up and kill the enemy!"

Taoism is also moved by the wind.

Chongyangzi sighed softly, "Brother, you are really accurate in this divination! Isn't this a monster that stands tall and indomitable?"

He Tianxuan smiled bitterly, but did not speak, but quietly looked towards the stage while he was leaving.

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