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Sure enough, when this figure fell, it was Xue An impressively.

In an instant, the audience was shaking like a tsunami.

To be honest, before this, many people thought that Xue An must be gone.

After all, that is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who can be called the first person in this world!

Coupled with the mysterious and unpredictable attributes of evil things, even if Xue An is a new up-and-coming star in the limelight, facing such a BOSS alone, it is estimated that it will be more fortunate.

It's just that although many people think so in their hearts, they don't show it on the surface, and instead try their best to attack the gods.

Because for them, their fate was saved by Xue An.

If he hadn't cut the string of cause and effect at the last moment, everyone on the scene would have fallen into the battlefield, and there would be no chance of survival.

Based on this alone, people cannot say nothing to Xue An.

Even if he really died in battle, people like himself would have to find a way to break through this idol and collect his corpse to avenge him.

Under this idea, none of the hundreds of families present actually left.

Instead, they all attacked the gods here with the belief that they were mortal.

But it never expected that when almost everyone secretly inferred that Xue An was dead, this idol was broken, and then Xue An rushed out of it intact.

What does this show?

This shows that he obviously won the battle with Donghuang Taiyi, otherwise it would be impossible to leave this hundred battlefield.

It seems to be to confirm the ideas of these people. The evil army that originally surrounded the square and formed a confrontation with the hundreds of people was also turned into powder with the fragmentation of the gods.

The city immediately below his feet also began to tremble.

At the same time, the entire Yin-Yang family, except for the Jidu Star Region guarded by Lei's different guards, everything related to the Yin-Yang family in the other two territories was falling apart.

In the blink of an eye, these two star regions turned into ruins and dead regions, and even the space was faintly collapsed.

Someone exclaimed, "No, this star field is about to collapse!"

But even in this situation, Yue Qinghuan rushed forward overjoyed, "Xue An!"

Although there are only two simple words, it contains infinite meaning.

As for Mengzhu Nasha and others, although they didn't come forward, the concern in their eyes explained everything.

Xue An smiled faintly, and then rushed towards Yue Qinghuan and the distant Yue Shifang and others nodded slightly.

"I'm fine, it's not suitable to stay here for long, let's leave first!"

As soon as the voice fell, a respectful voice came from behind the crowd.

"If you don't dislike it, you can go to the old Jidu Star Territory for a while!"

After hearing this, everyone turned their heads and looked around.

The speaker is different from the master of the Star Territory.

The Hundred Families Conference was held, and Lei, as the leader of one of the three star regions of the Yin and Yang Family, naturally also attended.

It's just that he, the master of the Star Territory, is nothing more than a decoration for the entire Yin Yang Family.

So he only attended the opening ceremony, but did not enter the battlefield behind.

But even so, Lei different still smelled an unusual smell from it.

Especially when I saw Donghuang Taiyi personally appear on the stage and turned into a **** statue to hold the battlefield, the anxiety in my heart became more and more obvious.

But he still underestimated the dangers of the Hundred Families Conference, especially after seeing countless evil attacks suddenly appeared in the square, he understood something in an instant, and then resolutely joined Fox Night and Luo Linyuan. In the battle group of others.

You must know that as Lei Zun, he himself is extremely disgusted with evil things, and coupled with his own wealth and life this time, he certainly has to spare no effort to deal with these evil things.

But the subsequent changes in the situation made him unexpected. First, the hundreds of people on the battlefield were actually teleported out of thin air.

Then I heard the news that the outstanding Chinese teenager stayed on the battlefield of Hundreds of families to face the blackened Eastern Emperor Taiyi alone.

After hearing this news, Lei could not help but sighed, and then made two decisions.

One is to immediately send someone back to the Jidu Star Territory to prepare, because the next thing is obviously going to be a shocking chaos.

The second is to stay by himself and prepare to deal with the darkened Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Lei was very clear, even if he escaped now, Donghuang Taiyi would not let him go after he came out of the battlefield.

Because since he even put aside the disguise that he had maintained for ten thousand years, the plot was obviously huge, and it was by no means as simple as dealing with a Xue An.

At that time, no matter what he intends to do, as the only outsider in the Yin Yang family, he will bear the brunt and become the first target to be eradicated.

At this point, Lei is sober.

But when he was ready to die, he didn't expect that things would turn around again.

Xue An, who everyone thought was bound to die, unexpectedly walked out of the battlefield without incident.

But looking at it now, it was actually the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who had already lost.

This couldn't help making Lei different feel a great shock.

Once upon a time, he always regarded Xue An as a junior.

Therefore, in the main city of the Jidu Star Territory before, he would have the meaning of supporting Xue An.

But looking at the current situation, the clown turned out to be me.

This young man who seemed to be a weaker champion turned out to be the formidable top existence.

So when he heard that Xue An was about to lead the crowd to leave this turbulent place first, he couldn't help but blurted out the words just now.

Seeing Lei different's ardent eyes, Xue An instantly understood what he meant in his heart, and then smiled slightly.

"Also, since the Lord Lei invited you like this, let's go to Jidu Star Region first!"

Lei Di was very excited, nodded and said: "Okay, in that case, then everyone, follow me!"

As the master of the Star Territory of Jidu, his strength may be slightly weaker, but the magic weapon on the way is the top of the top. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Originally, the Thunder family was good at speed, not to mention that the Thunder, the ancestor of the Lei Zun, was different.

So after he waved his hand, a ray of lightning attached to everyone, and then soared into the sky, broke through the broken space barrier, and flew straight in the direction of Jidu Star Territory.

As soon as everyone left their front feet, the two star regions of the Yin Yang family collapsed and broke apart, turning into a black hole-like existence.

At this point, the last trace of Donghuang Taiyi in this world has also been obliterated, and this place has completely become a place of cause and effect.

At the same moment, outside of the Shen family's star field, the two warring parties who were fighting endlessly did not know what was happening in the Yin Yang family.

Diablo and Fen Hong are both hideous at this moment, because they have already overwhelmed all their strength in this battle, and it can be said that they will be benevolent if they fail to succeed.

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