Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2576: But the real crisis has just begun...

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As for the military strategists and the Shen family, they are no exception.

Everyone has tried their best to try to retreat this evil army.

But at this moment, along with the causal change of an unknowable dimension, an invisible shock wave spread from the Yin-Yang home and spread at an extremely terrifying speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, this shock wave crossed the distance of hundreds of millions of miles between the Yin Yang family and the Shen family, and arrived on the battlefield.


Wherever he went, the evil things were all broken.

Fen Hong and Dia Hei, who had been fighting fiercely, were shocked even more after they felt the shock wave.

"How can it be?"

The two yelled in unison, and then turned around in infinite horror to escape the shock wave.

But how could their speed catch up with the bursting shock wave, almost in a moment, this shock wave rushed to the back of the two evil things, and then rumbling over it.


After all, the two evil creatures are powerful, and they actually last longer than those ordinary evil creatures.

But that's all, I saw the two of them spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then they screamed hysterically.

"This is impossible, how could Lord Donghuang be defeated?"

That's right.

They were originally evil creatures that relied on the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, so Fen Hong would come back from the dead before.

It can be said that as long as Eastern Emperor Taiyi exists, they are truly immortal in this world.

This is why they are so arrogant.

But it never expected that the existence they relied on today would have fallen, and disappeared completely.

So they are not reconciled, they are desperate.

But no matter what kind of mood it is, it is impossible to change the established facts.

However, in a moment, these two evil creatures were also shattered and turned into powder.

The battlefield was quiet.

The members of the Shen family and the military family stared at the empty void with big eyes and small eyes, and fell into a collective confusion.

"What the **** is going on? How come all these evil things disappear all of a sudden?" Zhong Lishan muttered with doubts on his face.

As for Shen Muyu, question marks were all over his face.

Only this great treasurer, the sword spirit of Jian Ancestor Longsword, turned his head solemnly to look at the source of the wave of destruction.

"I think I know what's going on!"

"What's the matter?" Shen Muyu asked immediately.

"Obviously someone just destroyed the core of evil things in this realm, that's why these evil things lost their source of power and turned into nothingness!"

The evil core of this world...

These words caused Shen Muyu to fall into deep contemplation. Then who has such a powerful strength? Could it be...

A face suddenly flashed in Shen Muyu's mind, but he quickly denied the idea.

How could it be him!

Even if his strength is stronger than his own, but he is also limitedly strong, how could he have eliminated the core evil in this realm?

Who is it then?

Just when Shen Muyu was puzzled, the wave of destruction had swept across the entire sky.

The evil things that were raging everywhere in the outer sky broke into pieces at the sound, and then turned into powder.

This naturally attracted the consternation and curiosity of countless people.

And at this moment, Xue An and the hundreds of people had already arrived in the main city of Jidu Star Territory.

When he was on the road before, Lei had already notified the subordinates who stayed here, so when everyone arrived, the capital of the city had already made some preparations.

When everyone landed, those who were injured were immediately properly arranged, as for the others, they also arranged for someone to serve.

Only then did many people breathe out, and then they collapsed on their chairs and didn't want to move anymore.

In the past two days, many people have experienced things they could not experience in their entire lives.

This kind of excitement like a roller coaster has made many people physically and mentally exhausted.

Obviously, Lei did not notice this, so he didn't make a big fuss. Instead, he tried his best to create a quiet environment where everyone could recuperate.

But they can rest, but Xue An can't.

Immediately after landing, Xue An immediately took Huye to a quiet and undisturbed corner.

"What is the situation of the heavens now?" Xue An asked straightforwardly without any politeness, the expression on his face was infinitely serious and solemn.

In fact, as early as Donghuang Taiyi was not dead, what Xue An was most worried about was not him, but the situation of the heavens.

Because the Eastern Emperor Taiyi revealed an astonishing fact at the very beginning, that is, some unknown existence has already sneaked into the heavens and began to implement a despicable and insidious plan.

These words were like a heavy stone, weighing on Xue An's heart.

So after killing the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, he disregarded his own injuries and immediately broke out of the battlefield, just wanting to know the situation of the heavens as soon as possible.

And when he saw the Fox Night appearing in the square, his heart sank even more.

If there were no special things, it would be impossible for Fox Ye to find here.

His ability to appear here proves that the situation in the heavens has obviously been corrupted to a terrifying level.


After hearing these words from Xue An, Hu Ye also changed her usual dangling and said with a serious face.

"Very bad! It can even be said to be more difficult than ever, because this time the enemy is invisible and intangible!"

"Go on!" Xue An said solemnly.

"First of all, the most unbelievable thing is..." Hu Ye paused, his face turned pale.

"The entire heavens have no trace of you!"

Xue An was shocked.

Is it true?

But Hu Ye went on to say, "God knows how this happened, it's like overnight, everything about you has disappeared!"

"There is no Xue An, no Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, and even the things you have done have become other people's achievements!"

A look of horror appeared in Hu Ye's eyes, as if thinking of some extremely unbearable memory, he trembled.

"At that time, after I discovered this fact, UU reading thought it was a joke made by others, but when I searched the sky, I found that all the history about you has been tampered with."

"I even went to find many friends for this, but without exception, they don't remember that someone like you existed! More importantly..."

"What is it?" Xue An asked with a deep face.

Hu Ye swallowed hard, and said in a choked tone: "The point is that even my sister Hu Ying, Mengxue Tang Xuan'er and others disappeared with them!"

"What?" Xue An changed completely.

Fox Ye cried and said, "I was shocked when I discovered this fact. I even checked the genealogy of the Fox Kingdom in Qingqiu. It turned out that there was no my sister's name on it. They were just like you. They all existed. All the traces of it have been obliterated abruptly!"

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