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Xue An smiled and did not speak.

Soon, everyone dispersed.

And there is only one goal, and that is to find the stone of time and space.

After Yang Jian and others, even Zhai Lao Dao left.

Only then did Qin Yu summon the courage to step forward and salute Xue Anshen.

"Mr. Xue, thank you for your previous action, now my grandfather has recovered sober!"

Xue Anyun nodded lightly.

He was not surprised by this result.

Because no matter how the timeline changes, the general context of the development of the story has not changed much.

So since Qin Yuan will not die in a world that has not been tampered with, there is a high probability that he will be fine in this timeline.

Facing Xue An, Qin Yu was inexplicably nervous.

After all, this young man has created many miracles in just a few days.

First break through the second area, then cut the door of ten thousand ghosts.

Each one is a major event that is enough to shake the whole world, but it is so understatement in the hands of this young man that it is not worth mentioning.

Only then did Qin Yu understand that this young man is by no means an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth, "Mr. Xue, Daen does not say thank you. Although I am not able to help you much, but I have heard what you said just now, and I will do my best to help you find that. It's a stone!"

After that, Qin Yu turned and left.

For her words, Xue An just smiled and didn't take it to heart.

After all, this time and space stone is the key clue to the puzzle, obviously not a thing.

Even if this Qin Yu's family had a little background, and even attracted the coveting of the Carter family, it was impossible to come into contact with this kind of thing.

Thinking of the Carter family, Xue An's heart suddenly moved, and then he flashed, traversing a distance of thousands of kilometers in an instant, and arrived in the second district of New York City.

At this moment, the situation in New York City has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Yesterday, Xue An's aftermath of destroying the Carter family in one fell swoop did not dissipate, and Griffin swept the entire New York City giants with thunderous means.

Wherever he went, no one dared to complain.

After all, standing behind Griffin at the moment was the man who destroyed the starring with his own power and kept the Federal Government silent until now.

In this process, another family also shines.

It was the Leicester family to which Mandy belonged.

This Mandy was obviously not an ordinary woman, she was very keen to seize the opportunity in front of her, and persuaded her family, and finally turned to Griffin as a whole.

And this move also won rich returns for the Leicester family.

At least many family lands are now Leicester's territory.

Griffin didn't care about it.

Because he knows very well that all his current support actually comes from Xue An, and these so-called territories or benefits are nothing more than trivial petty gains attached to it.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a familiar breath appearing in the office.

In the next second, Xue An's figure emerged.

Griffin stood up immediately, showing extreme humility towards Xue An's arrival.

"grown ups!"

Xue An didn't talk nonsense either, spread his hands directly, and there was a floating stone of time and space in the palm of his hand.

"Have you seen this thing?"

Griffin didn't dare to neglect, he immediately looked up, but after waiting for a moment, he couldn't help but shook his head.

"never seen it!"

Xue An knew this would be the result, so he was not disappointed, but went on to ask.

"In today's federal government, how many other families such as the Carter family?"

Griffin immediately began to calculate, and finally reached out five fingers.

"If you calculate by scale and history, there are five other families that are comparable to the Carter family! They are..."

Xue An interrupted Griffin directly, "Well, there is no need to introduce their names. I can't remember them anyway. Just tell me where they are!"


Griffin didn't dare to neglect, and immediately revealed what he knew.

After he finished speaking, Xue An flashed away and disappeared in place.

Griffin looked in a daze at the empty room again.


He gave Lingling a chill.

Because he suddenly understood why Xue An asked that way just now.

After all, a dragon set that will die after only one appearance is not eligible to have a name.


Just as Griffin was in shock, the entire second district was once again a **** storm.

The first to suffer was the other big family closest to New York City.

The history of this family can even be traced back to the time when the second district was first established, and it was an out-and-out family with real power.

But no matter how deep their background and origins are, they can't save their fate that has been destroyed at this moment.

However, with a snap of his fingers, Xue An's figure rushed out of the manor that had turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Xue An didn't even have the slightest pressure in his heart to clean up these giants.

Because of these second-district giants, every one of them has a dirty and stinking past, and it is not an exaggeration to kill them all.

But Xue An obviously didn't come here to help the people in the second district.

His purpose is very simple, is to find clues to the time and space stones from these giants.

After all, he had found a large space-time stone in the Carter family before.

But obviously this thing is not so easy to encounter.

Not in this family.

But Xue An was not discouraged, and went straight to the next goal.

In the blink of an eye, the other four giants were all killed, and the result was still nothing.

Xue An couldn't help frowning at this.

Could it be that the two time and space stones that I encountered before were luck?

You must know that this thing can perfectly shield your own spiritual search, unless you see it with your own eyes, it is impossible to search it out.

Do you really want to look for it a little bit?

Thinking of this, Xue An felt a little irritable inexplicably, so he returned to Griffin's office.

At this time Griffin just received news from the outside world.

In just a few minutes, the five families were destroyed at the same time.

Despite his psychological preparation, Griffin's hands and feet could not stop shaking.

Each of the five big families has been passed down for hundreds of years and has a pivotal existence in the federal government.

But in the hands of this young man, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is like a chicken dog, completely vulnerable.

At this moment, time and space trembled, and Xue An's figure emerged.

"Let's pass on the order and try our best to search for this thing. If there is someone who can provide clues, I will reward it for countless!"

Griffin bowed his head deeply, "Yes!"

When he raised his head again, Xue An had disappeared.

Griffin's eyes were faintly red.

Not because of anger, but because of greed.

Countless rewards!

He couldn't be more clear about what these three words meant.

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