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The big screen was shining with bright white light, shining on Zhang Tianyou's face, making his look obscure.

The light in the huge research room is dim. Except for this bright screen, all the equipment has been turned off, and even the air-breathing switch has been shut down.

The air can be described as dirty and unpleasant.

But Zhang Tianyou sat in such an environment for three days.

He didn't even move during the whole process, as if he was about to see something on this blank screen.


With a soft sound, the door slid away, and then the graceful little secretary walked in.

"President, eat something!"

The little secretary put the tray with food on the table and said softly.

"No, I'm not hungry!"

Even when he was speaking, Zhang Tianyou still stared at the screen, as if he was afraid of missing important information.

The little secretary sighed and walked behind Zhang Tianyou and gently kneaded his shoulders.

"President, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, just a little worried." Zhang Tianyou said solemnly.

"Now that Mr. Xue has already wiped out the star ring, is there anything you don't worry about?"

"Destroy?" Zhang Tianyou shook his head with a wry smile, "It was made by my own hands. No one understands its power better than me, so no matter how powerful Xue An is, it is impossible to completely eliminate it."

"Then why is there no trace of her until now?"

"This is what I worry about the most!" Zhang Tianyou sighed.

As soon as the voice fell, the air in the research room burst into waves, and then Xue An's figure appeared.

When he saw him suddenly appeared, the little secretary was shocked. Just as he was about to say something, Zhang Tianyou didn't even turn his head and chuckled.

"You finally came!"

Xue An was silent, and walked to Zhang Tianyou's side.

The little secretary looked at Xue An nervously.

Zhang Tianyou patted her hand, "You go out first!"


Although the little secretary was a little worried, she didn't dare to defy Zhang Tianyou's order and turned around and walked out.

Xue An looked at the big screen and said lightly: "Did you know I would come?"

Zhang Tianyou smiled, "It's not difficult to guess, after all, it hasn't appeared yet, so you must be wondering too."

"Yes!" Xue An turned sideways, looking at Zhang Tianyou with a cold look.

"Didn't you say that it is extremely difficult to be destroyed? Why did it seem to disappear after I wiped out all its clones on the earth, and never appeared again?"

Zhang Tianyou smiled slightly, then looked at the big screen in front of him, "Actually, it's not only you who are wondering, but also me."

"This screen is actually my observation of the entire solar system. As soon as it appears, the corresponding location information will appear on the screen. But I have been sitting here for three days, but I didn't even find any clues."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianyou's complexion gradually became serious, "But because of this, I am full of worries."

Seeing the expression on Zhang Tianyou's face, Xue An narrowed the cold light in his eyes.

To be honest, before coming here, he did doubt Zhang Tianyou.

After all, the star ring was made by himself, and the most important point of artificial intelligence is absolute loyalty to the owner.

But it was such an artificial intelligence that suddenly turned back, betraying his master and took refuge in the federal government.

No matter how you think about it, I feel a bit weird.

Especially this time, Xue An made an effort to destroy the Starlink clones in the entire Earth-Moon range, just thinking of using this method to draw out the forces lurking under the water.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't Starring's counterattack that would usher in, but a strange silence.

This made Xue An more suspicious.

But at this moment, Xue An dispelled his doubts.

Because Zhang Tianyou’s eyes were so calm, and he opened his heart to Xue An directly, allowing him to look up what he thought,

All these performances prove that Zhang Tianyou is really unaware of these things.

Thinking of this, Xue An temporarily put the matter of the star ring aside, and then took out the time and space stone he obtained from the Carter family.

"Have you seen this thing?"

Zhang Tianyou glanced suspiciously, then shook his head, "I haven't seen it."

"you sure?"

Zhang Tianyou smiled and nodded his head with his hand, "From childhood to adulthood, everything I have seen is stored in my mind in different categories. There will never be any omissions, so if I have seen If you don’t know this thing, you won’t know it."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianyou looked at the stone in Xue An's hand curiously.

"What exactly is this?"

Xue An didn't conceal it either, and directly recounted what happened.

When he heard that the stone was actually related to the chaotic timeline, Zhang Tianyou couldn't help but startled, and then a raging flame burned in his eyes.

That is the flame of knowledge.

"Can I have a look?"

Xue An threw it over.

Zhang Tianyou immediately manipulated a manipulator to catch it, and then pushed the wheelchair sitting under him.

In an instant, the entire research room seemed to come alive, lighting up the lights and equipment in turn.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianyou had no choice but to come to the console and carefully began to study this time-space stone.

Xue An didn't speak either, just watched quietly from the side.

After a while, Zhang Tianyou's face showed excitement, "Interesting, really interesting, this thing can actually change the flow of time on the surface of the body."

"What's the meaning?"

"That is to say, the time flow rate of this stone is different from the outside world, but according to theory, this situation generally only appears on the surface of a massive celestial body! It's really strange!"

Zhang Tianyou muttered to himself, and then said to Xue An: "Can I collect a small specimen from it?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianyou hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, I will be very careful and only take a piece the size of a soy bean!"

Xue An smiled slightly, "Of course, please!"

Zhang Tianyou was overjoyed and didn't know where he manipulated, and the entire research room immediately began to deform.

In the blink of an eye, an operation desk with complete facilities and complete isolation measures appeared in front of him.

Zhang Tianyou cautiously placed the stone in the center of the operating table, and then the three glass covers were dropped down in sequence to cover them.

"These glasses are all specially made by me, and each piece can withstand the impact of tens of thousands of tons to ensure that it is foolproof."

Zhang Tianyou explained, and then enthusiastically manipulated the mechanical arm inside and started to operate.

It looks like a child who has obtained a novel toy, full of curiosity.

Xue An also didn't say a word.


Accompanied by the operation of the ultra-high-speed motor, an exquisite and sturdy drill bit carefully approached this space-time stone.

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