Chapter 2677


  At this time, the interrogator saw the man squatting motionless in front of the lamp, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange.


   "Old Zhao, what are you doing when you squat?" He lowered his voice and asked.


  Old Zhao did not respond.


   The questioner frowned, but he didn't even suspect that he was there, and walked over.


   "Old Zhao, why don't you speak? If you squat here, if you are seen by Teacher Lu, you will be trained."


   As he said, he stretched out his hand to pat the old Zhao's shoulder, but the moment his palm just touched the old Zhao's shoulder.


   The old Zhao Huoran turned his head and looked at this man with blood red eyes.


   The man was taken aback, but before his exclamation could be heard, the old Zhao bit his wrist in one bite.


   With a click, the old Zhao tried so hard that he snapped the man's wrist in one bite.


   Blood splattered out, and then the person howled miserably.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


   Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the audience.


   Lu You's reaction was the fastest, and he rushed to the front in a sprint.


   At this moment, this man named Lao Zhao is chewing frantically with his wrist in his mouth.


      嘣嘣 chewing sound, bone foam mixed with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, even so, his face is still full of crazy smile.


   This weird and terrifying scene is simply chilling.


   And when Lu You rushed to the front and back, the old Zhao spit out the incomplete wrist in his mouth, and rushed towards Lu You like a ferocious beast.


   Lu You dodged aside, avoiding the blow, and at the same time the palm of his hand fell, hitting the old Zhao's back.


   With a plop, Old Zhao fell to the ground.


   This palm Lu You didn't use his full strength, but even so, it still shattered his spine and made him incapacitated.


   But it was in this situation that the old Zhao was still wriggling underground like a maggot, and at the same time he let out a vague low growl, like a mad dog.


   "Control him, and be careful not to get bitten by him!" Lu You shouted in a deep voice.


   Several people rushed forward to suppress the old Zhao on the ground.


   Someone bandaged the wound for the man with the broken wrist.


   "What's the matter?" Wei Rulan also rushed over at this time.


   Lu You shook his head, "I don't know, this old Zhao has followed me for many years and has always been so mature and respectful. He has never been like this before."


   Wei Rulan frowned and fell into thought.


   At this time, this old Zhao has been **** by five flowers, but even then he still growls like a beast, and his eyes are blood-red scary.


   This sudden incident added a layer of haze to the already depressed command room.


   Many people have serious faces.


   Because no one knows what's going on.


   In this silence, suddenly, the doctor who was bandaging the wound of the man with the broken wrist also let out a scream.


   Immediately after seeing the man with the broken wrist as mad, he threw the doctor to the ground, opened his blood basin and bit his mouth.


   This sudden scene shocked the whole audience.


   Although there are several guards who are very close, but at this moment they are all shocked by the scene in front of them, they are actually stunned, watching the man with the broken wrist biting the doctor's cheek.


   The horrible howl of the doctor almost overturned the ceiling.


   Lu You was also taken aback, but he reacted much faster than others after all, so he rushed forward, trying to control the man with his broken wrist.


   But unlike the previous time, the man with the broken wrist is good at strength. In addition, he bit the doctor's chin under him so hard that Lu You did not move.

   When she was unable to do anything, she heard Wei Rulan's voice coming from behind.


   "Don't have any more scruples, kill them immediately!"


   This command made Lu You's heart tremble, but out of awe of Wei Rulan, he almost subconsciously executed the command.




   He smashed the head of the man with the broken wrist with a palm, and the man slowly fell to the ground after his brain burst.


  The underground doctor was bloody, and cried, "Teacher, help me! Tutor, help me!"


   Lu You stretched out his hand to save, but Wei Rulan's extremely cold voice came from behind him.


   "I said he was among the people I wanted to kill!"


   Not only Lu You, but everyone else was stunned.


   The doctor stopped crying and looked at Wei Rulan blankly.


   "The master..."


   Wei Rulan didn't talk nonsense at all. When she flipped her wrist, a delicate pistol appeared in her hand, and then she fired several shots at the doctor on the ground.


   Although the gun is not big, its power is amazing.


   After a few deafening gunshots, I looked at the doctor on the ground again. The head and the upper part of his body were all shattered. Those who were already dead could no longer die.


   Not only that, but before everyone could react, Wei Rulan raised her arm and fired a shot at the already controlled old Zhao on the side.




   After the gunshot, there was a big hole in the center of Zhao's eyebrows, and then he fell to the ground slowly without any sound.


   This resolute and decisive scene made the entire command room extremely quiet.


   Wei Rulan didn't have any expressions, "They are all infected. If they are not executed in time, all of us will not be spared!"




The word    made everyone present stare at each other.


   But when they were puzzled, there was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps outside the command room, and then a blood-stained soldier rushed in.


   As soon as he entered the door, he hissed and shouted: "Da Master, Teacher Lu, there are many brothers outside who suddenly changed their temperament and began to slaughter their colleagues. The situation is beyond control!"


   "What?" Lu You exclaimed.


   There was even more commotion in the audience. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm


   Wei Rulan did not hesitate, and immediately ordered: "Open the isolation window!"


   Because all electronic equipment has failed, the separation window between the headquarters and the outside world needs to be opened manually.


   After several men laboriously pushed open the heavy isolation window, the scene in front of them stunned everyone.


   The planet where Santis is located has been completely messed up at this moment, with gun smoke raging, fire blazing, and the shouting of killings.


   and looked at the void in the distance, but saw that the ships were also attacking each other, and from time to time there would be violent explosions.


   "This...what the **** is going on?" Lu You was a little dazed.


Wei Rulan took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "This is Starlink's method. It should have used some method we don't understand to control these people, causing them to fall into hysterical madness. ."


   "After being bitten by them in this state, the injured will soon be infected! Just like the zombies in the movie." Wei Rulan explained.


   "Then...what can I do?" Lu's worried tears almost fell out.


   Don't look at him as the mentor of Saint Tis. He talked about the great principles from the podium, but he was completely stunned when he faced this unprecedented scene.


   (end of this chapter)


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