Chapter 2678


   On the contrary, Wei Rulan is very calm.


   "You immediately divide the uninfected guards around me into several small teams, and then start cleaning the battlefield. Remember, as long as it is bitten, even if it is just a small hole, you must kill it on the spot!"


   Hearing Wei Rulan's order, Lu You calmed down, and then took a deep breath.




   He turned around to execute the order.


   Soon, with the addition of this new force, the originally severe situation on the battlefield was relieved.


   The expression on Ke Wei Rulan's face did not relax at all.


   "Something's wrong!"


   "Why is something wrong?" Wei Ruyan asked.


   "Nothing is right. This star ring is suddenly so arrogant and reveals that it is abnormal. And Mr. Xue has been in for so long, why hasn't he come out yet?"


   "You mean?"


   "I hope it's not what I imagined, otherwise...we will lose!"


   And at the same moment in the wilderness, Xue An sat cross-legged, thinking about something.


   The giant snake man waited tremblingly.


   "That's it?" Xue An asked suddenly.


   "That's it, I have explained everything I know, and dare not hide anything!" The giant snake man hurriedly replied.


   Xue An gently touched his chin, and fell into silence again.


   The giant snake man just told Xue An all the information he knew.


   From his description, Xue An knew that this time wilderness was built after the time and space giant snake came to the heavens.


   is to place his huge body.


   You must know that the snake of time and space is considered the top level existence even in the high-dimensional world of evil things.


   Therefore, it is impossible for it to move freely among the heavens, and it must store its body.


   For this reason, this place is extremely strong.


   The most important thing is that this world is independent of the time of the heavens.


   Just now, Xue An has inspected every place in detail and found no flaws.


   This time wilderness is indeed a cage, as the giant snake man said.


   The giant snake man looked at him cautiously, and after a long time he finally asked.


   "My lord, is there any hope to get out of here?"


   Xue An glanced at him, "What? You don't want to go out?"


   "No, no, I didn't mean that. To tell you the truth, I want to get out of here sooner than you. After all, I'm tired of this ghost place!"


   "Wait a minute, what did you just say?" Xue An said suddenly.


   "Huh? I... I didn't say anything!"


   "No, what did you say in the last sentence?"


   "I said I was tired of staying in this ghost place a long time ago, is there any problem?" the giant snake man asked.


   "There is a problem, of course there is a problem, and the problem is gone!" Xue An stood up, with a bright smile on his face.


   As he said, Xue An started to circle around the field while muttering to himself.


   "This piece of heaven and earth is not synchronized with the time of the heavens, which means that no matter how long it passes here, the heavens may only have passed for a short period of time! And this also brings a problem."


   "The two worlds under different time flow rates can logically not have any direct intersection, because that will bring about a disaster in causal logic!"


   "But this piece of heaven and earth was built by the snake of time and space for the convenience of itself, so it must be attached to the main world, so no matter how strong this world is, it will have its loopholes!"

   Along with these murmurs, Xue An's eyes brightened and his expression became more excited.


   The giant snake man did not dare to speak, obediently found a corner far away from Xue An and squatted down.


   He didn't think Xue An could find a way out so quickly.


   He is even ready to stay here for thousands of years.


   After all, no matter how strong this world is, it is only a small world. After a long time, it will naturally collapse gradually, and then you can go out.


   But at this moment, Xue An stopped abruptly, and then the brilliance flashed between his eyebrows.


   An Yan, Miss Miss Nian Nian, and Xiao Hulu and his party all flew out of the Fu Bao Xiaolou.


   An Yan, who has a heart-to-heart connection with Xue An, naturally knows the predicament he is facing now, and can't help asking: "Husband, what should I do next?"


   Xue An smiled, "Don't worry, the key to breaking this world this time lies with her!"


   As he said, Xue An patted Xiao Gourd on the head lightly.




   The sound of shouting and killing gradually fell silent, but the dead bodies all over the floor were shocking.


   Although the turmoil was quickly over under Lu You's strong suppression, his heart was bleeding in the end result.


   In just such a short time, Santis lost more than half of his subordinates.


   This loss is not unremarkable.


   The key is that after this battle, people's suspicion among each other has reached its peak.


   Although all the injured have been wiped out, no one can guarantee that there will be no fish slipping through the net.


   In this case, people can only look at each other with guard.


   And once the heart is loose, it will be difficult to get together again.


   Lu You returned to the headquarters with a worried expression on his face, and reported to Wei Rulan.


   After Wei Rulan listened, there was no expression on her face, but she nodded slightly.


   "Got it! Take time to rest, because if nothing happens, the battlefield will soon be defeated!"


   As expected.


   Almost not long after she had just finished speaking, with a roar, the already silent frontline battlefield suddenly began to lively.


  Countless mechanical warriors poured out from all directions and rushed towards the headquarters of Santis.


   Although Huye and Xiaosha struggled to kill the enemy on the battlefield.


   But helpless, UU reading www.uukā how can they withstand this wave-like mechanical soldier only with the two of them.


  Especially after experiencing a turmoil, the originally tight fleet defense line has been riddled with holes, so in a few moments, the defense line fell one after another.


   Countless mechanical soldiers pounced on pilgrimage to the Tees headquarters like bees and ants.


   Seeing this scene, many people's faces paled in despair.


   Wei Rulan is extremely calm.


   "You don't have to worry about other things anymore, take out all the viable power and face these mechanical soldiers!"


   A tragic look appeared on Lu You's face, watching Wei Rulan want to say something, but in the end he turned around resolutely.




   Then he strode away.


   And when he left, Wei Rulan fiddled with the pistol in his hand lightly.


   "Sister, are you afraid?"


   Wei Ruyan smiled slightly behind him, "Of course I am afraid, but the matter is here, what's the use of being afraid?"


   Wei Rulan also smiled, "That's what I said!"


   Then she looked at the mechanical wave that was only a hundred miles away from the Santis headquarters, and said lightly: "If you really die this time, it's actually not bad!"




   (end of this chapter)


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