Chapter 2701 the inside of the evil


   This black light was like an arrow from the string, and it came to the actor almost in the blink of an eye.


   He seemed to be frightened and stupefied, and stood still in place.


   At this moment, a white light flew in an oblique thorn, just hitting the black light.




   With a muffled noise, the black light shattered into fog.


   faintly, there was a painful hum from the stands behind him.


   The actor seemed to be aware of it, and Huo Ran turned his head to see Xue An on the left side of the front row.


   Xue An smiled faintly.


   The actor was taken aback for a moment, and Xuan even smiled back.


   At the same time, the theater was full of voices, loud noises, roars, and clamors. It was a mess.


   But soon, the security guards of the theater filed in, and in a short time, the boiling hustle and bustle gradually died down.


   Now that it happened, the play can't be sung anymore.


   Many spectators were sent out of the theater in an orderly manner.


   Ren Ning squirmed nervously in her seat, whispering.


   "Or let's go too!"


   Xue An smiled faintly, "Don't worry, wait a minute!"


   Ren Ning was puzzled.


   It's already this time, what else can I wait?


   But at this moment, the young man who had led them into the arena came up and said respectfully.


   "This lord, my son has asked you to go backstage and talk!"


   Xue An seemed to have expected it, Yun Qingfeng nodded, "Okay, I get it!"


   Then he stood up and rushed to Ren Ning: "You are waiting here, don't go anywhere!"


   After that, Xue An said to the young servant: "Lead the way ahead!"


   Ren Ning looked at Xue An, who was following Xiao Si with a blank face, and suddenly shuddered, and then shrank herself in the seat, not even daring to lift her head.


   This theater is a typical backstage layout. Xue An followed this young servant around and around, and finally came to the backstage.


   Xiaosuo lied forward, "My son is waiting for you inside, please come in!"


   Xue An is not welcome, and directly opened the curtain and walked into the background.


   The backstage at this moment is empty, the lights are dim, and there is only one person sitting alone in the corner, busy facing the mirror.


   seems to have heard the sound of footsteps, this person didn't even turn his head, just said indifferently: "Sit down!"


   Xue An was not polite, and went straight to find a chair and sat down.


   At this point, the backstage fell silent again.


   Quietly, you can even hear the sound of the mirror couple fiddling with all kinds of bottles and cans.


   Xue An was not anxious, but looked at it with interest.


   It wasn't until a long time later that this person removed the heavy make-up on his face, revealing a face that could be called delicate and refined.


   But just above this face there is a miserable beard stubble.


   That's right!


   This man who is even more coquettish and feminine than a woman after wearing makeup is actually a man.


   I saw him slowly turning around and smiling at Xue An.


   "What happened just now, thank you very much!"


   Xue An took a deep look at him, then shook his head, "You're welcome, but it's just a matter of effort!"


   The man pursed his mouth and smiled as if there were a lot of amorous feelings in his smile, "You think it's a simple effort, but it is a life-saving grace to me. After all, if it weren't for you to do it, I might be separated by yin and yang now!"


   Xue An was noncommittal, but asked with interest.

   "In fact, I am even more curious about who is chasing you, after all... in this world, you should be in a dominant position as an evil creature, but why are you being chased and killed?"


The man looked sad, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you. Yes, I am indeed an evil thing. As for the question you asked, the answer is actually very simple. Of course, I am no exception!"


   Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the man's narration.


   "Falling off against the enemy? With that said, your evil creatures are not united anymore?"


   "It's more than disunity, it's almost to the point of life and death."


   Speaking of this, the man smiled bitterly, "Otherwise you think I would be willing to do this?"


   Next, through the man's narration, Xue An finally understood the ins and outs of the whole thing.


   It turns out that this actor is indeed a family of real evil things.


   is nothing but evil things. The clan has actually split into several genres a long time ago.


   Those who are good will naturally have evil, and they are even incompatible with each other.


   Taking this incident as an example, this man should have been out of the matter, but he did not expect that someone secretly used a trick and almost killed the man.


   Xue An nodded after listening, "It turns out that it is, but why do you, as an evil creature, want to throw yourself into this theater?"


   "This..." The man looked hesitant.


   Xue An waved his hand, "Forget it. Since you don't want to say it, don't say it!"


   While speaking, Xue An stood up and walked out.


   At this moment, the man's voice came from behind, "This lord, is the one next to you the Ren family's daughter?"


   Xue An turned around and looked around, "Yes! Why? You know?"


   "I can't talk about knowing it. I just heard it! But I want to remind you that if there are no special circumstances, you'd better keep a certain distance from this daughter of the Ren family, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."


   Xue An laughed dumbly, but didn't say anything, just nodded, and then strode away.


   The man looked at Xue An's back, and a daze flashed in his eyes.


When    went back, naturally, there was no need to lead the way. Xue An left the backstage and came to the front.


  At this moment, the theater has become empty, only Ren Ning is sitting on a chair with a dull and beside her sits a man who is talking endlessly.


   The more he said, the more Ren Ning's figure shrank.


   It wasn't until after seeing Xue An that Ren Ning showed relief, and then immediately stood up and greeted her.


   "Let's go!" Ren Ning whispered.


   Xue An remained unmoved, and said lightly: "What's the matter?"


   "It's nothing, just ran into a weird guy, ignore him, let's leave as soon as possible!"


   Ren Ning is going to leave.


   At this time, the man chattering beside her also stood up and looked at Xue An with interest.


   Xue An took a deep look at this person, did not say a word, turned around and led Ren Ning away.


   And just after they left, the man who was in the background just stepped out.


"How about it?"


   "The strength is not high, but the momentum on his body is unpredictable and interesting!" The man who appeared afterwards said in a low voice.


   "I am not asking you this, I am asking you how things are going!"


   "Don't worry, I have already arranged it,


   (End of this chapter)


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