Chapter 2702


   "It will be a grand literary meeting in a few days. The son of a general who has always liked arty will definitely participate. Then it will be the best time to get started!"


   The man who turned into an actor nodded, "If this is the case, then we must act carefully these days and make no mistakes!"


   "Don't worry! I have already arranged everything, but the woman just now is also very interesting. Although she wears a veil, I still recognize her as the eldest lady of the Ren family!"


   The male actor nodded, "I've already seen it a long time ago. It is the daughter of the Ren family who has concluded a marriage contract with the son of the general!"


   "Yes, it's her! Strange, how could she appear here. At the same time, who is that man?"


  The male actor frowned, "I don't know, but this person is by no means ordinary. If you know that he will break my true identity!"


The man who appeared after    sighed, "Yes, although this man has only the seventh rank Wu Yilang, his aura is like the ocean, which is not to be underestimated!"


   Speaking of this, his face condensed, "Who was the one who did you just now?"


   The male actor smiled wryly, "Who else can it be? Of course it is the Shura Hall!"


   "Sure enough, it's these guys, what a damn!" The man who appeared afterwards looked resentful.


   The male actor shook his head, "At this critical moment, no matter who this man is, and no matter what the Shura Temple wants to do, just remember that the purpose of our trip is to be the son of the general!"




   And when the two were conspiring to talk, Xue Anye had led Ren Ning to the sky.


   "What did the man tell you just now?" Xue An asked.


   "I didn't say anything, he just asked for my name, but I ignored him!" Ren Ning said cautiously.


   Xue An's face appeared contemplative.


   He saw at a glance that the man who appeared after him was also an evil thing.


   should be inseparable from the actor man.


   Thinking about the tumbling inside of the evil thing again, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Xue An's mouth.


   "Let's go, the street is also shopping, let's go back!"




   And that was when Xue An led Ren Ning to rush back.


   This Ren Xingzheng anxiously paced back and forth in the parking lot.




   Along with a roar, a huge carriage slowly stopped in the parking lot.


   As soon as he saw the carriage, Ren Xing couldn't help but rushed up.


   The door of the carriage opened slowly, and then a spirited old man walked down from it.


   Ren Xing immediately gave a gift, "Father!"


   said it was an old man. In fact, he was only over forty years old from the outside. When he saw Ren Xing, a faint smile appeared on his face.


   "Good daughter, are you here to greet your father?"


   Ren Xing nodded again and again, "Yes, father, I have been waiting in this parking lot since I learned that you are coming back. I have paid my attention to it, and I finally saw you!"


   This Ren Xing's father, the director of the Ren family, couldn't help laughing.


   "Good! Good! Sure enough, you still have the intention, what about your unbelievable sister?"


   After mentioning Ren Ning, the different tone of the director of the Ren Jiajia was cold by three points.


   Ren Xing had been waiting for these words a long time ago. When she heard her father's questioning, she couldn't help but feel happy, but her face didn't show up at all. Instead, she pretended to look like a distressed head.


"Father, you don’t know that during the time you were leaving, my sister was so prestigious that no one dared to provoke her. After finally letting her go out to do things, she didn’t expect that she would bring it back soon. Man, I dare not say anything, I can only wait for my father to make a decision after you come back!"

   "What did you say?" Ren Different almost thought he had heard it wrong.


   You have to know that Ren Ning has always been honest, and it can even be said to be too honest.


   This is also the reason why Ren Different can make his own choice and betroth him as the son of the general.


   Ren Ning went out this time mainly because of the relationship between Ren Ning and the son of the general.


   But he never expected that when he was trying to make this marriage together, the eldest daughter who had always been honest and friendly would bring back a man.


   How can this not make Ren different a question mark.


  Especially when thinking about the consequences of this matter if it was known to the general, this different complexion became ashamed.


   He gritted his teeth and said, "Where is your sister now?"


   "I don't know, when I went to her courtyard just now, I seemed to hear the man say that he would take his sister to the nearby city to go shopping!"




   There was a muffled sound, and the ground under different feet instantly cracked open, and then he walked out aggressively.


   Ren Xing was secretly happy.




   Look at how arrogant you are now!


   actually dared to slap himself in the face, now you will be pretty!


   There is also my sister. After this incident, it is estimated that your image in the mind of your father will be even more unbearable. What will you use to fight me at that time?


  Of course, these thoughts were just tumbling in Ren Xing's mind. On the surface, he couldn't see the slightest, and he even looked anxious and worried, as if the friendship between their sisters was so deep.


  Ren Different has been unable to bear it for a moment. When he walked to the courtyard, he wanted to fly up to find Ren Ning and Xue An.


   Coincidentally, at this moment, Xue An and Ren Ning had already returned to the Ren Family Manor, and then landed in the courtyard where Ren Ning lived.


   This scene is different in my eyes, and my heart is even more angry, and he immediately turned around and rushed towards Ren Ning.


   At the same time, Ren Ning looked at the spotlessly renewed courtyard, her mouth opened slightly and her face was dull.


   She doesn't know how long it has been since this small courtyard has been so clean.


  Especially after these women grasped Ren Ning's temper, they were even more lazy for a day, and in the end even Ren Ning's personal maid began to do things. UU reading www.


   But until today, under the slap of Xue An, these women who are accustomed to the wind and rudder finally learned what awe is.


   Just as Ren Ning was stunned, there was a rush of footsteps outside the courtyard, and then Ren Different led a group of people to the courtyard.


   After seeing Xue An. This Ren was shocked, and his face immediately became angry.


   At this time, Ren Ning also saw her father's arrival. Although she was frightened, she hurried forward.


   "Father, you are here..."


   Before she finished speaking, she heard a crisp pop, and Ren Ning was slammed back a few steps.


   Then this Ren Yi raised his hand and pointed at Xue An, and said in a gloomy tone.


   "Who is this kid? Say! What is your relationship?"


  Ren Ning covered her face, a little dazed when she was beaten.


   But when I saw her look like this, I was even more out of breath, raising my hand and going to slap again.


   But at this moment, a figure appeared in front of Ren Ning, blocking her behind.


   "First of all, I don't call this kid!"


   "Secondly, there is no need for you to ask so aggressively about any relationship between us!" Xue An said lightly.


   (End of this chapter)


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