Chapter 2706 Qisi Poetry Society


  Its initiator is the Qisi Poetry Club, which plays an important role in the whole world.


   You have to know that because of the large number of academies, poetry and songs in this world are popular, and even all kinds of novels are popular in the world. This is evident from the excitement of the theater that Xue An saw before.


  Because this kind of entertainment and pastime will be so prosperous only in a time when the culture is flourishing.


   In this context, Qi Si Poetry Club has become one of the highest palaces in the minds of scholars without mathematics.


   Although it is impossible to verify who founded the society because of the age too long, the rules have been passed down.


   Every year, branches in various places will hold various cultural gatherings from time to time, but these are all ordinary gatherings of literati, which do not attract much attention.


  Only when the three-year period is reached, the Qisi Poetry Club will hold the most grand literary event.


   This is the focus of attention of all scholars and scholars.


This essay was first organized by local branches. If you are shortlisted and write good poems, not only will you be eligible to be promoted to the literary meeting held by the head office, but you can also print your poems on the papers of Qisi Poetry Club. superior.


   Only then will it be regarded as a real one-shot fame and the world knows it.


   This temptation is fatal to any student or scholar.


But soon, the scholar in Qingshan couldn't help but sighed lightly: "Fine, just based on your and my literary talents or don't expect to be able to stand out in this literary meeting, or pin all your hopes on Brother Zhuo. Come on!"


   Everyone nodded.


"Yes, in terms of your knowledge and talents, you can barely get the eye in this small Fangwai city, but I heard that this branch literary meeting, all the cities in the entire Ling'an territory will participate, it can be said It is the gathering of talents, so I don't have to wait for it." The black-faced scholar couldn't help saying.


   After all, everyone looked forward to Zhuo Benzheng.


  Takumoto smiled bitterly, "You don't have to give me too much hope, I just got the qualification to enter the venue, and it's still up to you whether you can get results after the literary meeting!"


"Hey, Brother Zhuo doesn't have to be so self-conceited. I think you have devoted yourself to studying for so many years. Isn't it this opportunity to prove yourself? And I heard that this literary meeting is different!" Said the student holding a fan. .


   "Oh? What's the difference?"


   Everyone was full of spirits when they heard it.


   All of this is because this fan-holding scholar is a son of the Wu family in the outer city of Fang, named Wu Zizhang.


   And there is an old man in Wu's family who has been working in the general's mansion, and the news is naturally better than the average person.


   "The general attaches great importance to this literary meeting and intends to make it the most grand gathering in decades, so she specially invited the girl Yun Ling Xuan Yun in the outer building!"


   "What? But the girl Yun who claims to be shocking the world with her talents and playing the piano?" the man in the green shirt exclaimed.


   "There are still a few Yun girls under the sky, so naturally it is her!"


   Hearing this, all the people present became disillusioned.


   There is no other reason.


   It is that the reputation of this girl Yun is so great that even if they live in a corner, their ears are already full.


"It's actually her... if that's the case, then the general has really lost his blood this time, because who doesn't know that this girl Yun is a well-known oiran in the world, one of the housekeepers in the building outside the building!" The black-faced scholar self-mumbling.


   Zhuo Benzheng's face showed a contemplative look, "Why does the general value this literary meeting so much?"


   "Yes! You know, the generals in the past were not this temperament!"


"The reason is very simple, that is, this literary meeting, the eldest son of the General's Mansion will also participate! In order to build momentum for his son, he naturally has to work hard!"


   "What? That hakama anointed beam is also going to participate? Don't be kidding, this guy is no one else in terms of Xunhuawen Liu's ability, but if he writes poetry...Which green onion is he?" Hei Mian Shusheng sneered.


   But everyone's complexion is a bit ugly.


   "You can't say that. If the general arranged this way, he must have his plan. Otherwise, he will try his best and even invite Miss Yun to create a trend. In the end, won't he make a wedding dress for others?"


   "You mean... stealing poems?" The black-faced scholar asked in surprise.


   "I didn't say that, I just thought it was possible!"


"No! To know the topic of the poetry society and literary society, no one knows it beforehand. Instead, the Wensheng tablet is asked to fortune it out face to face when it arrives at the scene. Also, the poetry society can come and investigate. If someone steals the poem, it will be noticed on the spot. !" The black-faced scholar shook his head repeatedly.


   "Hehe, do you think the general would not consider what you said?" The Qingshan scholar suddenly sneered.


   "This..." The black-faced scholar also felt that what he said was a little naive and ridiculous.


   Because everything has rules, there is a possibility of cheating.


   Although it is said that Qisi Poetry Society is a huge existence, and does not put a fourth-rank general in the eyes, this is after all just a branch literary meeting.


   The general is the host again, and it is possible to sell him face at that time.


   But if this is the case, it would be even more desperate.


   Just when everyone was silent, he saw this Zhuo Ben suddenly smile.


   "If this is the case, then I have to participate in this literary conference. Not only do I have to participate, but I must also get a good ranking and try to beat the eldest son of the general's family!"


   At the end, a touch of determination flashed in this Zhuo Benzheng's eyes.


   Seeing this scene, the scholars present were silent for a moment, and then burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm.


   "Okay! As expected, he is the leader of our foreign academy, and his courage to compete with the son of the general is a big success!" The Qingshan scholar said with joy.


   "I'm going to buy wine now, UU reading www.uukā today I must not be drunk or return!" The black-faced scholar said without hesitation.


   Even this Wu Zizhang, who is holding a folding fan, is full of admiration, "Brother Zhuo has such an integrity, so why worry about failing to study in the future!"


"Hahaha! You guys have praised it, I just can't understand the recklessness of this general mansion. In the past, he only targeted various forces and I couldn't say anything. But this time he actually reached into the poetry society. , How can I stand by as a student?"


   Zhuo Ben was talking boldly.


   "Good!" The scholars stood up one after another, exclaiming in unison.


   It is the time when these scholars in Fangwaicheng discussed the upcoming poem society.


   A low-key and elegant carriage slowly drove into the territory of the Ling'an General Mansion.


   "Miss, we have entered the Ling'an Domain now!"




   A slender hand gently lifted the curtain of the car, a little maid looked out the window, looked around very curiously, and then whispered softly.


   "Miss, do you want to inform the person from General Ling'an Mansion to pick it up?"


   "No, he said that he should arrive at the time of the literary meeting. There is still plenty of time now, so let's do it slowly!"




   (End of this chapter)


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