Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2707: Regular veil to feast on

Chapter 2707 the rule veil feasts


   Unlike many people's expectations, Xue An did not lead Ren Ning's surname and walked away.


   On the contrary, at this moment, he unexpectedly reappeared in this Ren'an city under the control of the Ren family.


   And walking on the street swaggeringly, there is no concealment in the action.


  In contrast, Ren Ning, who followed behind her, was shivering, and she lowered her head and tried her best to reduce her sense of existence.


   But she had forgotten that although she was wearing a veil, her Qiushui eyes and slim figure all revealed that she was a rare beauty.


   As for Xue An, who is walking in front, is even more star-studded, with outstanding bearing.


   How could such a combination walking on the street not attract everyone’s attention,


  Ren Ning is extremely sensitive to these curious or wretched prying eyes, so the more she walks, the more she feels on pins and needles.


   Finally, she couldn't help asking in a low voice like a mosquito.


   "I...Where are we going?"


   "Finally I am willing to speak! I thought you were dumb!" Xue An said with a smile.


   Ren Ning: 〃'-ω?


   "It's alright, I won't tease you anymore, let's go eat something now."


   Hearing the three words eating, Ren Ning's belly made a cooing sound, and the expression on her face changed to (?°?°?) like this.


   Xue Anwei really couldn't help but feel a little bit of laughter, stretched out his hand and rubbed her hair, "Let’s talk, what do you want to eat!"


   "No... I don't know! Or... eat buns."


   "Bun?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly.


   "Hmm!" Ren Ning nodded her head, her eyes bent into crescent shapes.


   "When my mother was still alive, I bought me a drawer of steamed buns and it was delicious!"


   Xue An was silent for a moment, "What about behind?"


   "Later, my mother died, and then my father married another aunt, which gave birth to Ren Xing!" At this point, Ren Ning's tone became very sad.


   "I mean just a drawer of steamed buns has made you miss you so far, don't you have to eat all these years?" Xue An couldn't help asking.


   "It really didn't make me full, because my father said that I am a rich daughter and cannot eat those mundane things, so I usually eat something like meal dew and drink wind soup."


   Looking at Ren Ning, whose eyes were filled with ignorance, Xue An suddenly wanted to speak bad words.


  Although I haven't seen it before, I can only imagine the spirit of the meal and the glutinous soup just by listening to the name.


   This is generally used by people of asceticism to replenish spiritual energy during retreat, and most people will never use this as a staple food.


   After all, everyone is already very hard in practice, so how can you feel wronged about this food?


   But this silly girl has passed so many years, just like a canary in a cage, she is raised up exquisitely, in exchange for greater benefits when she grows up.


   Thinking of this, Xue An couldn't help but patted her on the shoulder.


   "We won't eat steamed buns this time!"


   "What do you eat then?"


   "Eat a big meal, and it's a big meal you've never eaten before."


  Ren'an City is prosperous because of its geographical location and frequent businessmen.


   There are naturally countless restaurants in such a place.


   For example, the restaurant that appeared in front of Xue An and Ren Ning at this time is the premier location in Ren'an City.


   This restaurant occupies an area of ​​tens of acres, and the building is a hundred meters high. There is a large plaque with three characters on it.




   It was the lively time at this time, and the diners were crowded with several doors. From time to time in the sky, there were bright lights flying in and out, directly in and out of the tall buildings.


   Seeing such extravagant style, Ren Ning, who had the same level of social terrorism as his brain supplement ability, couldn't help being a little scared.

   "Or... let's change one!"


   "Change? Why change? I think it's pretty good here!"




   Before Ren Ning finished speaking, Xue An had already stepped inside.


   Seeing this, Ren Ning hurriedly followed, and then pinched Xue An's back skirt with her hand, not even daring to lift her head.


   At the same time, a shopkeeper who was in charge of reception in front of the door has greeted him.


   "Guest, do you want to eat?"


   Xue An nodded.


   "Two people!"


  Two people?


   Xiao Er was stunned, and then she saw Ren Ning hiding behind Xue An, she couldn't help but laugh secretly.


   This girl is really interesting, just like a **** little wife.


   But he didn't dare to say anything, and then Xue An let him into a private room on the third floor.


   "Guardian, what do you want to order! We can basically do as long as you can say it."


   Xue An has never wronged himself for things like eating, not to mention that at this moment, he holds the storage necklace that he snatched from Ren Xing, naturally more emboldened.


   "Then start with your best!"


  Dian Xiao Er Yi was stunned, "You mean all up?"


   "Of course it is all up, I can stop when I say no more!"


  Dian Xiaoer was secretly surprised, couldn't help but look at the two Xue An, and found that they were all like dragons and phoenixes among them, and couldn't help but think to himself.


   Is this the noble son who eloped from which rich family?


  In a short time, the shopkeeper also made up an emotional drama.


   Of course, he didn't dare to disclose these thoughts, so he just nodded and promised after a while, and then went down to prepare.




   All kinds of rare dishes came up like running water, and a table was filled in an instant.


   Not to mention eating, just smelling the rich aroma is enough to make the index finger move.


   Ren Ning's eyes are already straight.


   Xue An lightly said: "Eat!"


   After all, he looked at Ren Ning on the opposite side quite amusingly.


   He doesn't believe that Lemon can wear a veil while eating.


   "This... can I eat all of these?" Ren Ning pointed to the dishes on the table in disbelief.




   Ren Ning took a deep and then she took off her veil without hesitation, took up her chopsticks and feasted on it.


   Xue An was slightly startled.


   Because after taking off the veil, Ren Ning's lower half of her face is still shrouded in a faint mist.


   Although the mist is thin, even I can't see through it.


  The power of rules?


   Xue An's mind flashed these four words, but did not ask, just smiled and watched Ren Ning eat.


   Plates of dishes began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye. I don’t know how this seemingly weak little girl can hold her stomach so much.


   After a while, the table full of dishes was swept away.


   The shop Xiaoer who was waiting on the side looked stupid.


   Until Xue An nodded at him, "Go on!"


   The second person in this shop just came back to his senses, and then nodded hurriedly.




   In a blink of an eye, the dishes began to be delivered up again like flowing water.


   Ren Ning let out a sigh full of happiness, "It smells so good! Hey, why don't you eat it?"


   Xue An smiled, and Xuan even picked up his chopsticks.


   "Well, eat."


   (end of this chapter)


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