Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2708: Assassination of Shura in the street late at night

Chapter 2708 Assassination On The Streets Late At Night


   After completely eliminating the six big tables of dishes, the two of them stopped the chopsticks in the horrified eyes of Xiao Er in the shop.


   Ren Ning sighed with infinite satisfaction, "This is the first time in my life that I have eaten so full! Uh... so comfortable!"


   Xue An smiled faintly, "Don't worry, follow me in the future, you will be full with every meal!"


   "Hmm!" Ren Ning nodded like garlic.


   I don't know if it is an illusion or what is going on. Xue An found that with Ren Ning's nod, the mist on her face seemed to be thinner.


   I can faintly see the outline of the facial features below.


   However, Xue An didn't say anything about it, just smiled faintly, then paid for the meal, turned around and took Ren Ning down the restaurant.


   At this moment, the streets are getting more and more lively. After Ren Ning has eaten enough, she seems to be more courageous, and asks in front of Xue An softly.


   "Where shall we go next?"


   "Naturally find a place to live first, or else sleep on the street?"


   Hearing the word stop, Ren Ning's face turned red again, and she lowered her head and whispered: "Yeah!"


   Xue An didn't notice these, but wandered down the street.


   Ren Ning followed step by step, and at the same time started crazy brain supplements in her mind.


   My god!


   He actually wants to take me to the store.


  According to the description in the novel, we will definitely encounter the dilemma that there is only one room left when we stay in the store, and then he will look at himself very embarrassedly and ask himself what to do!


   At this time, there will be pouring rain outside, the kind that can't walk at all.


   In desperation, he had no choice but to acquiesce, and then followed him into the room.


   At the beginning, he will be very gentleman, and even take the initiative to give up the only big bed and lay on the floor by himself.


   But in the middle of the night, he will crawl into bed quietly...


   My god!


   What can I do, I'm ashamed to think about it! Do you want to reject him now?


   But he just invited himself to a sumptuous dinner. According to the routine in the novel, isn't this the equivalent of acquiescence?




   He must have thought so in his heart, no, I have to tell him that I am not that kind of casual woman.


   Although he saved himself and invited himself to eat, he still couldn't hand over himself so easily.


   But how do you refuse?


   directly said that it would definitely annoy him. What if he is unhappy and throws himself here?


   Ren Ning fell into distress.


   Xue An was unaware of the overwhelming thoughts in her heart, and even bought some desserts after dinner on the street and handed them to her.


   "Eat and play!"


   Ren Ning took these desserts and suddenly gritted her teeth.




   "What's wrong?" Xue An looked back.


   Ren Ning suddenly shuddered again, but she still resisted the panic in her heart and trembled.


   "It won't rain tonight!"


   After that, she walked away quickly like a frightened bird.


   "Huh?" Xue An stood in place, looked up at the sky full of stars, a question mark in his forehead.


   And at the same moment, a carriage drove slowly outside Ren'an City.


   "Tuan'er, where is the front?" A question came from the carriage.


   The car curtain opened, the little maid poked her head out again and looked at it for a moment, then took out a map from her pocket and gestured for a long time before finally speaking.


   "Miss, Ren'an City is in front of you. After you get here, walk forward for a daylight view and you will almost reach Ling'an City!"




   "Miss, it's getting late at the moment, should we take a break and eat something in this city of Ren'an?"


   "No, it's better not to have extra branches along the way, and pass through the city!"




   The little girl answered with a pouting mouth.


   The Ren'an City in front is brightly lit and extremely lively, which has a fatal attraction for Nian Fang Cardamom.


   Therefore, when I heard that the lady didn't want to stay but went straight through the city, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.


   But she didn't dare to say anything, so she fiddled with the rein a few more times, and then she retracted into the curtain.


   This seemingly low-key and simple carriage is really unique.


   There are many space-time magic circles carved on the car body, which separates this small space forcibly.


   In the front is the residence of the little maid, and behind it is a room the size of a room.


   this moment.


   On the bed in this room lies a wonderful person.


   This woman is dressed in white gauze, and the gauze beside the bed obscures her face, but the looming curve of the body shows that she is definitely a beautiful woman.


  At this moment, the woman is whispering to herself while holding a volume of new poems from the Qisi Poetry Society.


   "This year's literary conference, the local branches have already settled, and there are some excellent works, but compared with previous years, they are still a little worse. I don't know that this spiritual and peaceful society will not give me a surprise!"


   Speaking of this, she suddenly laughed at herself.


   "I am too optimistic, even those Yucheng with the prosperous style can't do it, how many surprises can this small Ling'an Region have?"


   After that, she put down the selection of poems in her hand and sighed faintly.


   At this time, the carriage drove along and entered the Ren'an city through the city gate.


   At the same time, Xue An and Ren Ning also walked through the bustling main street to a slightly deserted street.


  Although it is deserted, there are many inns here and it is close to the city gate. It is very convenient to enter and exit, so the environment is very good.


   Just as Xue An took Ren Ning to the first inn and was preparing to stay in, suddenly, he stopped.


   Ren Ning who followed closely behind her was caught off guard and slammed directly on Xue An's back.


   "Ah!" Ren Ning screamed, just about to ask what happened.


   At this moment, Xue An whispered: "Stay behind me later, don't go anywhere!"


   Ren Ning trembled all over, then nodded as if pounding garlic, she could not even speak. UU reading


   Because at this moment, she also felt the strangeness around her.


   First of all, static!


   Quiet to the extreme, the kind of quiet that is disturbing.


   Although this street was a bit deserted before, there was noise, and it would never be as quiet as it is now.


   and then Ren Ning clearly remembers to walk a few steps forward and there is a brightly lit inn.


   But at this moment, the inn has disappeared.


   And not only this inn, the whole street has disappeared.


   There is only a faint candle burning that seems to be extinguished at any time.


   These weird and gloomy scenes scared Ren Ning's face pale.


   stood behind him obediently without asking Xue An at all, and didn't dare to move.


   At the same time, Xue An faced the gloomy darkness, the corners of his mouth slowly raised, and a cold and solemn smile was outlined.


   "Since they are all here, why haven't they shown up yet?"


As soon as   's words fell, the darkness began to surging, and at the same time a weird laugh like a ghost cried from within.


   "Boy, I have to say that you are so courageous. If you offend our Shura Temple, you can still be so calm!"


   (end of this chapter)


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