Chapter 2665 fierce battle on the battlefield

The light from those light spots illuminates the face of everyone present.

Even Fox Night, who has always been optimistic, is not as easy as it used to be at this moment.

On the contrary, Wei Rulan was calm and calm, without any hesitation, and directly pressed the launch button.

In an instant, on the planet where the Santis headquarters was located, the tall buildings suddenly split from the middle, revealing the deep silo below.

Immediately afterwards, one after another giant missiles slowly rose.


Their tails burned with blazing light, and then they rose into the air at a terrifying speed, and blasted straight toward the battlefield.

The speed of these missiles was extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye they crossed the Sainttis fleet's line of defense, and then bombarded in this boundless ocean of light spots.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by a huge shock coming from the void, the originally dense light spots on the monitoring screen appeared a circle of blank space, and then quickly spread and connected together.

However, looking at the scene of the tea, there is no light spot on the monitoring screen.

But the command room is silent as before.

Because everyone knows that this battle will never end.

Hu Ye grinned and muttered in a low voice, "I have already attacked two waves. Will it be easier after this time?"

Zhang Tianyou on the side shook his head when he heard the words, "Impossible, I know this star ring too well. Since it shots, it proves that the benefits here are worth any sacrifice."

"So these two attacks are just a prelude, the real test is yet to come!"


As soon as his voice fell, countless light spots appeared on the screen that had just gone blank.

And rushed towards the Santis headquarters at an even faster speed than the previous two times.

"You are really a crow's mouth!"

Hu Ye complained, but his subordinates didn't have the slightest ambiguity and turned around and rushed out of the command room.

At this moment, his heart is calm.

He knew very well that this battle was crucial, because it was about whether his sister could return safely.

In particular, the starring behaves so crazy, which just shows that Xue An is on the right path.

Therefore, Hu Ye didn't hesitate at all, and rushed towards the battlefield.

He usually smiles hippiely, and he doesn't seem to be angry anyhow.

But once the matter concerns his sister, he will instantly transform into a cold-blooded killer, tearing up any existence that dares to hinder all of this.

Just as he was ambitious and flew into the void, a slightly immature voice came from behind him.

"Wait for me, I'll go with you!"

Hu Ye looked back, and it was Xiao Sha and Zhang Xiaoyu who were talking.

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course it's going to kill the enemy! Our boss can say that these robots are so arrogant, obviously they didn't put us in the eye, so we must teach them a severe lesson!" Zhang Xiaoyu waved his tentacles, very excited. Words.

"Go into battle to kill the enemy? Just rely on you two?" Hu Ye was full of disbelief.

Xiao Sha raised her chin proudly, "Why? Don't believe it? During this period of time, the master has given me a lot of exercises. With diligent practice, I consciously improve my cultivation. Of course it is not a problem to deal with a group of robots. ."

"Yes, it's the same with me. You can see that my tentacles can be twisted like this now. They must be amazing!"

The tentacles on the octopus waved back and forth, forming a Chinese knot shape, with a proud face.

Fox night: "..."

"Well, since you are willing to contribute, then follow up!"

With that, Hu Ye stopped delaying, and rushed towards the depths of the void.

The three figures quickly rushed across the line of defense formed by the fleet and came to the edge of the battlefield.

Then the scene they saw made them all look at it.

I saw a mess in the void, with countless broken mechanical parts scattered in it, forming a doomsday scene full of cyberpunk flavor.

But even in such a scene, one after another mechanical soldiers jumped out of it one after another, rushing towards the fleet defense line.

These mechanical soldiers were tall and large, and they were running extremely fast, moving very flexibly amidst the rain of bullets sent by the Santis fleet.

Although most of them fell midway in the end, from time to time, a few slippery fish rushed to the front of the fleet, and then launched fierce attacks.

Boom boom boom!

With a loud noise, some smaller ships with weaker defenses were easily destroyed.

Even those large warships are not immune, because when these mechanical soldiers see that a simple attack cannot break the defenses of these large warships, they will directly explode, tearing apart the armor of these large warships with their bodies.

Linghuye was moved by this tragic scene, but he quickly calmed down and rushed forward without saying a word.

The nine foxtails opened completely in the middle of the journey, and then wrapped up all the mechanical soldiers along the way, and slammed.

Boom boom boom!

With a loud noise, these mechanical soldiers exploded in the air like fireworks.

However, the speed of Hu Ye's advance was extremely fast, which also made the explosion sound behind him.

Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu looked at each other, and then rushed out in the opposite direction.

Xiao Sha roared, revealing the original form of the body, and the huge dragon tail smashed the rushing mechanical soldiers to pieces.

As for Zhang Xiaoyu, she saw her tentacles grow to a length of several thousand meters, pulling on the limbs of a mechanical soldier extremely flexibly, and then pulled hard.


This mechanical soldier was abruptly torn off its limbs, and then its electronic eyes glowed with red light, which was a sign that it was about to explode.

But the next second, another tentacle rushed out and pierced its chest directly.


The energy core of this mechanical soldier was pierced, and then its electronic eyes quickly dimmed and died.

Zhang Xiaoyu was complacent about this, and shouted at Xiaosha: "Boss, UU reading sees me Niu X?"

Xiao Sha said coldly: "Don't look!"

Zhang Xiaoyu: "..."

With the joint efforts of the three of them, all these mechanical soldiers on the battlefield were quickly wiped out.

The three reunited, and then Huye let out a sigh of relief, applauding: "Good job!"

Xiaosha smiled without saying a word.

Only Zhang Xiaoyu shouted excitedly: "It's enjoyable, it's so enjoyable, but unfortunately there are too few tin cans. I haven't killed enough. There will be no more!"

As soon as the voice fell, the mechanical parts all over the void suddenly began to converge, and then, these broken mechanical parts were quickly assembled as if they were spiritual.

In the blink of an eye, a mechanical soldier who was only taller than before appeared in front of the three.

Zhang Xiaoyu who watched this scene was stunned.

"I wipe, can I still play like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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