Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2712: Honey, welcome to my hell

Chapter 2712 Dear, welcome to my hell


   Inside the round mirror is the battle scene outside.


   "The Shura Hall and the descendants of the White Bone Great Sage appeared at the same time, and they were also grouped together. Is this a coincidence or..." The woman whispered.


   At this moment, the battlefield changed again.


   Xue An, who faced the two masters alone, not only did not have the slightest timidity, but became more and more courageous.


   In the end, the fighting spirit on his body had even turned into a real sword, and he attacked the opponent with Xue An's punches.


   In contrast, the two people in the Shura Hall became more and more frightened as they fought.


   because they were surprised to find that their strength was being suppressed and weakened as the opponent's fighting spirit increased.


  If you continue like this, it won't take long for you to be defeated.


   Under the split, the two people who could not have been united sincerely fell apart in an instant.


   almost coincidentally, they began to draw Xue An's firepower towards the other side.


   tried to use the opponent's life to win a chance to escape for himself.


  Because of the difference in strength, the white-faced man was quickly pushed to Xue An by the green-faced man.


   The white-faced man uttered an extremely desperate howl, "Chen Xiaosan, you can't live if I die!"


  Where can a green-faced man care about this? Nothing can be more important than his own life. As for the so-called fellowship...


   That kind of thing doesn't exist at all for those who live up to the darkness.


   "Ahhhh, please don't kill me, I am willing to be your slave..."


   Seeing that the threat failed, the white-faced man turned to Xue An for mercy.


   But Xue An, whose fighting spirit was as fierce as fire, ignored these at all, did not even hesitate at all, and raised his hand with a punch.


   The white-faced man spit out a mouthful of blood, which turned into countless vines, barely blocking the punch.


   But this was just a situation that allowed him to live a moment longer, because at this moment, Xue An’s other punch had already arrived.


   "Ah ah ah no..."




   With a muffled noise, Xue An's fist has penetrated the white-faced man's head.


  The dirty blood mixed with gray brains splashed out, and then the white-faced man fell softly to the ground and died.


   All this is slow to say, but in fact it is extremely fast.


   From the time the blue-faced man pushed the white-faced man forward to death, to the time when Xue An's two punches resulted in his life, there were only three flashes in total.


   But in such a short period of time, the blue-faced man caught the timing, bypassing Xue An like a snake, and then rushed towards the carriage.


   This green-faced boy is extremely cunning. At this moment, the battlefield is already shrouded by Xue An's fighting spirit, and he cannot escape wherever he goes.


  The only loophole is this carriage.


  Because this carriage appeared without everyone's knowledge, it shows that there must be something special about it.


   As for what is special, this blue-faced man has no time to think about it at the moment.


   He just wanted to control the carriage as soon as possible, and then use the people in the carriage as a bargaining chip to make Xue An throw the rat and escape.


   But although his wishful thinking was good, he missed an extremely important point.


   That's whether the people on this carriage will be caught in their hands!


   As expected.


   When he rushed to the carriage and saw that the curtain could be lifted by just reaching out, there was a cold rant from the carriage.




   The sound of the scolding was not loud, but it was no less than thunder in the ears of the green-faced man, and he shook him out.


   Not only that, but a small round mirror suddenly appeared on the carriage of the carriage.


   As soon as the square mirror came out, it immediately radiated a thousand rays of light, and a wave of righteousness rose to the sky, protecting the carriage.

   Seeing this scene, the green-faced man was shocked, and then he shouted three words in a tone of infinite despair.


   "The building outside the building!"


   At this point, he finally understood why this carriage could come to this battlefield without knowing it.


   It's too late to understand.


   Because at this moment, Xue An has already rushed behind him.


   In despair, he had no choice but to look back and fight Xue An together.


   At this time, Xue An has reached the pinnacle in terms of momentum and fighting spirit.


   In contrast, his strength, panicked like a dog in the family, has fallen to the bottom.


   One is going down, but after a few encounters, Xue An blows him out with a punch.


   Not only that, when his figure was still in the air, Xue An’s late hair rushed in front of him first, and then stretched out his hand and grabbed one of his tongue.


   The green-faced man trembled all over, before he had time to react, Xue An put his hands hard.




   This tongue was pulled out of Xue An's mouth like a green onion.


  Stained and blood splattered.


   The blue-faced man let out a miserable cry.


   But it was far from over, I saw Xue An kicked the green-faced man down, then stepped on his neck, grabbed all the tongue in his mouth with both hands, and slammed his arms.


Puff puff!


   A muffled noise accompanied by splashes of blood made the body of the green-faced man tremble constantly.


   After only a moment, all the tongues in his mouth were pulled out by Xue Ansheng.


   At this time, the green-faced man's aura was weakened to the extreme, lying on the ground shaking unconsciously.


   And Xue An grasped all the tongues in his hand, moved his fingers together, and quickly woven it into a rope.


   Then Xue An said slowly: "I said before that I would pull out all your tongues, then weave them into a rope and hang you! Now, I did it!"


   The green-faced man trembled, his eyes showed infinite fear and pleading.


   But at this time, he couldn't even say begging for mercy.


   Xue An knelt down and tied the meat rope in his hand to his neck.


   "Honey, welcome to my hell!"


  The words fell, Xue An's mouth slowly raised, sketching a mocking smile, and then slammed hard.


   This meat rope woven with his own tongue hangs him alive. UU reading


   There was a gurgling noise from his throat, and he struggled hard, trying to break the rope between his neck.


   But everything was in vain. After only a moment, his struggle gradually slowed down, and in the end he lost his breath and died.




   The dead body fell to the ground, agitating the blood.


   Then Xue An raised his head and looked at the carriage.


   The gaze made the little maid hiding behind the car curtain cover her mouth.


   She saw the scene of Xue An killing the two people in the Asura Palace just now.


   The extremely calm brutality actually gives people a strange sense of beauty.


   At least this little maid was completely fascinated by it.


   She didn't wake up until Xue An's eyes swept.




   Xue An’s arm burned with flames, burning away the remaining corrosive saliva.


   Immediately afterwards, Xue An took out a top with his backhand and put it on.


   After all this was done, Xue An just bowed his hand.


   "Just now, thank you girl!"


   (End of this chapter)


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