Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2713: Mirror in the mirror outside the building

Chapter 2713 the mirror in the mirror outside the building


   There was a moment of silence in the carriage, and then a calm female voice came.


   "The son is polite, if it wasn't for your righteous action just now, I might have been injured by the evil thing now."


   Xue An smiled, "The girl is too modest, and with the power of the small round mirror just now, it is more than enough to kill the two people in the Shura Palace in a second, and I can't use me to shoot."


   "Then thank you son for your righteous shot!"


   "No, no, no, I want to thank the girl for helping me stop this guy!"


   As soon as the voice fell, I heard someone in the carriage screaming, and then the little maid poked her head out and laughed.


   "The two of you guys and girls are endlessly thanking you, don't you know to ask each other's names?"


   Xue An blushed once, because he also felt that the appearance just now was a bit silly.


   So he condensed his breath and said in a serious tone: "My next name is Xue An, dare you ask the girl's name?"


   There was another moment of silence in the carriage, and then the person inside said softly, "Yun Lingxuan!"


   "It turns out to be Miss Yun, please forgive me for taking the liberty of it. May I ask what magical artifact the small round mirror was just now?"


   "Oh, that is a treasure that I carry with me!"


   "Can you let me take a look down?" Xue An asked.




   Following the voice, a white light flew out of it, and then the small round mirror was suspended in front of Xue An.


   Xue An solemnly reached out his hand to take it, and after carefully examining it for a moment, a very complicated look appeared on his face, and then let go.


   "Thank you girl!"


   Yuan Jing did not return to the carriage, but hovered in front of Xue An, and then Yun Lingxuan's voice came.


   "Does the son recognize this thing?"


   "I can recognize it, but this is obviously not the original thing, but a fragment taken from a certain ancient mirror and then refined." Xue An said in a deep voice.


   Upon hearing this, the carriage trembled first, and then a rustling sound came from it.


   Soon, the curtain of the car opened, and a woman dressed in white clouds quickly walked down.


   How to describe the beauty of this woman in words!


   Let's put it this way, Xue An has seen countless beauties in these three thousand years of practice, but no matter how she ranks, this woman can be firmly in the top five.


   The extremely exquisite facial features, coupled with the curling Tingting figure, look like a fairy in a dream.


   At this moment, a touch of anxiety appeared on this overly beautiful face.


   "Xue Gongzi, do you really recognize this thing? Then do you know its origin?"


   Xue An shook his head, "Sorry, I can only see this. As for where the ancient mirror came from, I don't know!"


   Yun Lingxuan looked disappointed when she heard the words, and then the small round mirror flew back into her palm.


   "Actually, I have been exploring the origin of this small round mirror for these years, but after several efforts, I still found nothing, so I was so excited after hearing that Xue Gongzi actually recognized this thing."


After    finished speaking, she bowed a bow, and then turned to leave with a sad face.


   At this moment, Xue An whispered: "Miss Yun, please stay. I have another question to ask you!"


"Please say!"


   "But I don't know who made this little round mirror? Why is there such a powerful and righteous spirit?"


   Yun Lingxuan smiled lightly, "It seems that Young Master Xue really doesn't know where I came from, I was born outside the building!"


   "The building outside the building?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly.


   This is the second time he has heard this name.

   The green-faced man who died just now called out this name after seeing the small round mirror.


   "That's right!" Yun Lingxuan nodded slightly, she seemed to see the confusion on Xue An's face, and she added.


   "To be precise, it is a girls' college!"


   Next, Yun Lingxuan briefly introduced the outer building.


   As mentioned above, the world is prosperous in style and there are many academies.


   But even in the academies that are all over the place, the building outside the building is considered a maverick existence.


   This is not only because it is a girls’ college.


   After all, although colleges that specialize in girls are scarce, they are not without them.


   But unlike those academies that specialize in cultivating wealthy and wealthy women, this building only accepts orphans who are poor and humble.


   After entering the door, the building outside the building will be trained according to everyone's talents and aptitudes.


   Until you reach adulthood, everything is free.


   then let you go and stay.


   But most of the women will choose to stay, because for them, the outer building is no longer a simple college, but their own home.


Speaking of this, Yun Lingxuan suddenly smiled, "And I happen to be one of the housekeepers in this building. This small round mirror is the thing in the building. It has experienced the sacrifices of the sages of the past and is naturally full of righteousness. ."


   Hearing this, Xue An couldn't help but stand in awe, not only because of Yun Lingxuan's identity, but more importantly because of the philosophy pursued by this building.


   The four words "There is no kind of education" are easy to say, but it is very difficult to implement it.


  Especially in the outer building of this building, the rescuers are also women who are deeply mired in the mud.


   This is even more rare.


   "That's it, that's disrespectful!"


   In any case, this Yun Lingxuan was enough to win Xue An's respect based on the aura of righteousness just now.


   Yun Lingxuan smiled and shook her head, "Master Xue is polite!"


   Speaking of this, she didn't seem to want to talk more about these things, and looked down at the corpse on the ground.


   "But I don't know how a character like Xue Gongzi could provoke an evil existence like the Asura Hall?"


Xue An didn’t conceal it, and smiled freely: “It’s just an accident, when they were about to attack an unarmed person. UU reading happened to see it, so I just took care of it. As a result, these guys. Put it on like a dog skin plaster."


   Yun Lingxuan nodded, "Young Master Xue is best to be careful. Although the strength of this Asura Palace is not too strong, it is despicable and hidden in the dark, so beware."


   Xue An nodded.


   Yun Lingxuan took a deep look at Xue An, "In that case, the little girl resigned!"


   After that, Yun Lingxuan turned and wanted to leave.


   Xue An suddenly said: "Ms. Yun is going to participate in the literary meeting?"


   Yun Lingxuan was startled, and then she looked back and smiled, "It turns out that Young Master Xue also knows about this literary meeting, yes, thanks to the invitation of General Ling'an, I am going to participate in this literary meeting!"


   Xue An also smiled, "Then I wish the girl a smooth journey!"


   Yun Lingxuan didn't speak any more this time, she just nodded slightly, and then under the service of the little maid, she picked up the skirt and got into the carriage.


Da da da!


   The carriage moved slowly.


   Xue An turned sideways to the side of the road. When the carriage passed by him, the little maid’s head suddenly protruded from the curtain, and then squeezed his eyes at Xue An.


   "Hi, tattoo master, can you go to this literary meeting?"


   (End of this chapter)


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