Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2715: Puncture menstruation with blood

The 2715th chapter with blood


   Although he said so, his words were full of approval.


   "Who did that do?" the man frowned.


   The two fell into silence for a moment, and then they looked at each other in unison, and said one person in unison.


   "The boy in white at the theater?"


The actor nodded, "It should be him. In today's Ren'an City, there are not many masters who can kill Qing Lao San and Bai Lao Qi in such a straightforward manner. Apart from this young man, no one else is absolutely possible. Go!"


   The man frowned and asked, "But the question is why did he shoot?"


The actor smiled, "It's very simple. The people in the Shura Temple always report to me. They sneaked on me in the theater before, but they were stopped by this white-clothed boy. It must be resentful because of this, so I took the initiative to come to the door! "


   The man nodded, "This should be the reason, but these guys never expected that this seemingly weak young man would be so powerful. If the attack was not successful, he was killed by him, and they deserved it."


   The actor did not speak, but turned around and took out a piece of black paper from the table and covered it on Qing Lao San's cheek.


   Then, he stretched out his **** and hung over the paper, stippling out of thin air, every time he touched a stroke, a gold seal appeared out of thin air on the paper.


   In the blink of an eye, a dragon flying and phoenix dancing appeared on this black paper, an extremely complex talisman seal.


When the    symbolic seal reached a mark, the black paper immediately turned into a thick black mist, and then penetrated into the corpse of the youngest third.


   The youngest third's body trembled, as if it was about to be scammed.


   At this moment, the actor pointed to the center of Qing Lao San's eyebrows, and then slowly raised it, and a wisp of black mist dragged out.


   The actor appeared solemnly, "This is all the memories that remained in his mind before he died, I hope there will be the information we want in it!"


   After that, the actor flicked his finger lightly.


   The black mist immediately turned into a black mirror, and a chaotic image appeared in the rear mirror.


   The image was very blurry at the beginning, but it gradually became clear soon.


   is the scene of the youngest three fighting with Xue An before his death.


   When they saw the **** Xue An and the tattoos all over his back, the two in the room screamed together.


   "Bone King!"


   Then the two looked at each other, and both saw the solemn color in each other's eyes.


This Bone Saint is an ancient god. It is rumored that he possesses the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. He even fought evenly against those ancient evil creatures. He was attacked only later, but these years, the Bone Saint's faith has never been. Cut off.


   Looking at the tattoo on Xue An's body, it is clear that he has obtained the orthodox inheritance of the Great Bone Sage.


   "No wonder he has such a powerful strength at his age!" the man murmured.


   But the next screen that appeared made them even more shocked.


   The carriage that broke in suddenly revealed mystery and weirdness. When the small round mirror appeared, the two shook together.


   "Outer building!"


   Then the actor smiled bitterly, "It should be the oiran Yun Lingxuan. It is estimated that the time should be there, too, but I didn't expect to face up with the people in the Shura Hall!"


   The next picture was very **** and violent. Xue An wiped out the two of them neatly, and then the picture fell into a cloud of darkness, and then the black mist collapsed.


   The corpse of the youngest third was also shattered together.


   There was silence in the room, only the faint sound of the oil lamp flame flickering.


   After a long time, the man sighed softly.

   "The Great Sage of the Bone, Shura Hall, and the people outside the building have all appeared. This literary meeting is really...lively!"


  The actor slowly said, "No matter who appears, our actions will not change this time, and we can only succeed, not fail!"


   When he said this, the expression on the face of the actor was very complicated, with perseverance and enthusiasm, but it was more of a kind of relief.


   The man also nodded solemnly, "Understood!"


   "Go ahead, leave these two corpses to me!"




   The man turned back and dived into the vast night.


  The actor stood there for a while, his thin figure looked very lonely under the light of the oil lamp.


   A moment later, he chuckled lightly, "Master, don’t worry, the two of us will be able to slash the enemy for you soon!"


When    said this, tears flickered in his eyes.


   But he quickly took a deep breath, pressed the tears back, and then stretched out his hand to draw a few times in the air, a flame rune appeared, and the two corpses on the ground were burned to ashes.


   After the flame went out, the actor collected the ashes again and buried it in a flower pot on the windowsill.


   There is a sun flower planted in the flowerpot, which is a very common flower species in the world, but the potted flower grows surprisingly bright and looks like a blooming flame.


   After doing all this, the actor double-checked and confirmed that there was nothing left, before he sat back on his desk.


   The unfinished manuscripts are placed on the desk. The fonts are beautiful and dense, and the color is almost bright red, which is actually a scripture.


   The actor first clasped his palms together religiously to the scriptures, then picked up the writing brush on the table and plunged into his chest without hesitation.




   The brush penetrated deep into his chest, but there was no blood spilling, but there was blood flickering.


  The actor's complexion turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he didn't have any painful color, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.


   After a while, he took out the brush after the brush became **** red all over.


   The big hole in his chest is exposed, and the beating heart can even be seen.


   The actor leaned down with a pious and continued to write the scriptures with the pen in his hand.


   Every bright red font is full of forbearance and anger.


   In a daze, he seems to be back in the past.


   At that time, the master was still by his side, just standing aside like this, staring at himself and studying.


   Whenever she wanted to be lazy, she would stretch out her hand to flick her head, and then smiled.


   "Boy, dare to be careful not to let you eat!"


   Now that I take it seriously, I will never be lazy, but the master will never come back.


   Tears dripped, hitting on the scripture, and a piece of it was wet.


   At the same moment, in an inn, Xue An closed the window facing the street.


   The scream of the watchman just now caused a commotion. Xue An heard all this, but he didn't care.


   Although he didn't go to see it, he believed that the corpse in that alley must have disappeared at this moment.


   At this moment, he felt a throbbing inexplicably, couldn't help but smile, and then let go of the restraint.


  In a short time, An Yan appeared in the room.


   "Yan'er you..."


   (End of this chapter)


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