Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2716: An Yan who knocked over the vinegar jar

Chapter 2716 An Yan Who Overturned The Vinegar Jar


   Before the words fell, An Yan rushed up and bit Xue An's shoulder viciously.


   But she forgot that Xue Annai was the embodiment of divine consciousness at this moment, and she didn't feel pain at all.


   So no matter how hard she bites, it's all in vain.


   But in order to take care of An Yan's emotions, Xue An tried his best to put on an expression of pain, and then whispered: "Hi...Yan'er, what's wrong with you? Can you just let go and talk again!"


   "Huh! I don't, I just want to kill you!" An Yan said vaguely.


   Although she said so, she still let go of her mouth very distressed.


   But in the next second, she saw the narrow smile on Xue An's face, and then she was deceived.


   "You big villain oooooo..."


   After a long time, An Yan blushed and wiped his mouth, watching Xue An, who was smiling extremely happily on the side, stopped beating.


   "Huh, bad guy, big bad guy, I hate you!" An Yan muttered.


   Xue An stretched out his hand to embrace her waist.


  An Yan wanted to struggle, but at this moment, Xue An approached An Yan's ear and said softly: "What's the matter with Yan'er? Why is she so angry with her husband?"


   "You also said, what happened to the girl who just entered the spiritual consciousness space?"


   Xue An blinked, "Isn't that because of fighting with a strong enemy? In order not to hurt the innocent, I let her temporarily enter the space of spiritual consciousness to hide!"


   "Hmph, you will find a reason, don't think I don't know what happened these days, and touch someone's head intimately. Do you think she is young and beautiful, so you despise me!"


   Speaking of this, An Yan's eyes are already red.


Xue An felt very distressed, and hugged An Yan’s shoulders quickly, "Good Yan'er, how could I have that kind of mind? I just can’t get used to it, so I just let it go! Besides, who else is in this world? You can be as young and beautiful as Yan'er!"


   An Yan still pouted, "It's the same as the truth, who knows what you think in your heart, and this girl is so innocent and cute, so you are tempted!"


   Xue An can’t laugh or cry. Knowing what happened these days has made An Yan feel jealous, so he stretched out his hand and said solemnly.


   "I swear, I never have any double minds. As for why I treat this Ren Ning like this, there is a reason!"


   "What's the reason?" An Yan looked at Xue An seriously, waiting for his answer.


   Xue An smiled, and then stretched out his hand to squeeze An Yan's angry face.


   "What a silly girl!"


   An Yan opened Xue An's hand and said sternly: "Come on, tell me!"


   Xue An smiled, "Yan'er, what do you think of this world?"


   An Yan frowned upon hearing the words, and then hesitated for a while before saying: "It feels like it is not much different from the heavens!"


   Xue An nodded, "Yes, this is how I feel, but this world is real, and I can feel that its laws of heaven are far stronger and stronger than the heavens!"


   An Yan looked puzzled, "Does this have anything to do with what you want to say?"


   "Of course! Yan'er, how did I enter this world?"


   "Because... that Ren Ning's worship?"


Xue An smiled, "Yan'er is really smart. That's right. After I got Xingtian's inheritance, I actually took on his cause and effect, and Ren Ning's worship of Xingtian's incarnation of the Bone King was just right. I have a ray of willpower!"


   "Under the guidance of this willingness, I came to this world smoothly!"


   An Yan still didn't understand too much, but she didn't ask a question, but looked at Xue An quietly.

   "In this case, I found my connection with this world is actually very strange!"




   "That's right!" Xue An stood up and walked to the table. On the table were two apples, one large and one small.


   Xue An picked up the big apple, "This is the world we live in now!"


   then put the little apple aside, "This is the heavens!"


   "Just as these evil things enter the heavens from this so-called high-dimensional world will be rejected, so I will be rejected from the heavens when I come to this world from the heavens!"


   "Because relative to the rules here, I am considered an outsider. Under this circumstance, my existence is an intolerable thing for the gods here, but it is strange that..."


   Xue An looked at An Yan seriously, "None of this has happened!"


   An Yan thoughtfully.


   Xue An took a bite of the apple, and then said: "At first I was skeptical, and even thought it was because I abandoned my body and came here as the incarnation of God's consciousness, but later I found that it was not like that!"


   "The law of heaven in this world is far stronger than the heavens. It cannot be blinded by an incarnation of divine consciousness, so there is only one real reason, and that is from Ren Ning!"


Xue An discarded the core, "Xingtian’s incarnation, that is, the great sage of bones, has actually been dead for a long time, but the faith is still there, and there are still many people worshiping for so many years. In this case, there is nowhere to go. , So it was scattered between the world!"


"At this moment, Ren Ning’s worship in the White Bone Temple dragged me out of the black hole. Because of the aspiration contaminated, the law of heaven believed that I was the incarnation of these aspirations, and wished The power to become a **** is the law that prevails in the high and low dimensions, so this heavenly law has been perfectly concealed!"


   An Yan has already figured out the key, "In other words, Ren Ning is your cause and effect in this world?"


   Xue An shook his head, "It is not cause and effect, but protection for me. Because of her existence, the law of heaven will default to me as the incarnation of willing force, and if she is gone..."


"After knowing the truth, no one knows what the law of heaven will do when you become irritated! Although I am not afraid of it, it will also bring great trouble to my actions. In this case, of course I have to Protect this Ren Ning." Xue An said lightly.


   So far An Yan finally understands everything, and can't help but feel ashamed of her previous thoughts.


   "Yes... I'm sorry husband, I blamed you!"


   Xue An wanted to scold An Yan with a straight face, but when he saw An Yan who was as good as a kitten, his face couldn't get tough anyway.


   "Alright, as long as you are not angry, you can say anything."


   At this moment, An Yan suddenly thought of something, and said in shock: "Oh my husband, since the law of heaven is so cunning, will it overheard the conversation between you and me?"


   Hearing this, Xue An couldn't help but change his face, "Oh, I really ignored this! What can I do?"


   An Yan's anxious tears almost flowed out.


   "You blame me and blame me, I shouldn't doubt you, this..."


   At this moment, she saw the smirk on Xue An's face, and then she was deceived, and she couldn't help but anger.


   "My husband, you bad silver, I ignore you!"


   After that, she turned around and wanted to return to the space of spiritual consciousness, but in this long night, how could Xue An let her go back?


   After all... the incarnation of God's consciousness is also a body!




   (End of this chapter)


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