Chapter 2717 the fire is violent


   Today's alley is particularly lively.


   Just in the darkness before dawn, a few more figures appeared silently in the depths of the alley.


   Although the scene had been cleaned up by the previous man, one of the figures squatted down and touched the ground with his hand, seeming to be looking for something.


   After a while, the person solemnly said: "It should be here, but a master has cleaned it up, so there is no valuable clue left!"


   "Can you find the corpses of the Three Highnesses?" the leader asked in a deep voice.


   At this time, the sky is getting brighter, and through the dim white light, you can already vaguely see the figures that appear in the alley.


   This is a five-person team, all dressed in black and covered with black gauze.


   It is the leader who asked the question. This person is tall and should be the leader of this team.


   "I will try my best!"


   As he said, the man in black crawled to the ground, sniffing like a dog.


   Soon, he suddenly raised his head and chased in one direction.


   The black collar immediately led the crowd behind.


   After stopping all the way, they soon came to the street.


   At this moment, the sky has broken, and the voices of people are gradually being heard on the street.


   This leader took out a few talisman seals from his arms and waved at the hands in front of and behind him.


  In a short time, they disappeared.


   is a simple way of blindfolding, but it is very practical at the moment.


   Soon, after crossing several streets, they also came to the alley behind the theater.


   The man in black raised his hand and pointed, "The smell is interrupted here!"


   The leader smirked, "Very well, as long as there is a general area, can it be a small theater in a small theater?"


   Even though he said so, he was still very cautious and winked at his opponents.


  'S four people immediately dispersed, patrolled around the theater, and set up symbols in every corner.


   In an instant, an imperceptible red glow enveloped the theater.


   It wasn't until these preparations were done that the group of five people quietly crossed the wall and came to the theater.


   It is still early, and the theater is empty, without a single figure.


   The five men in black soon arrived outside the room where the actor and the man met last night.


   The man in black with an extraordinary sense of smell nodded slightly, indicating that it was right here.


   The leader sneered slightly, stretched out three fingers, and counted down one by one.


   The moment the last finger was retracted, the five people rushed into the room almost at the same time, and they were ready to fight in the first place.


  Unexpectedly, the room was empty, not to mention the imaginary enemy, not even a ghost.


   The five people searched this small room carefully, but they still found nothing.


   "What's the matter?" The black leader asked in a deep voice.


   The face of the black-clothed man with an extraordinary sense of smell was puzzled, "The breath I smell is indeed interrupted here! Strange, why is there no one?"


   As he said, he sniffed around the room again, and finally fixed his gaze on the pot of sunflower on the window sill.


   The flower is extremely beautiful, it is like a fire in the early morning sun.


   His eyes lit up, "This flower is not right..."


   "What's wrong?"


   "First of all, it opened really well, and second, although this person is very cautious, there is still a trace of breath leaking out of my nose."

   The man was proud of his face, and he reached out to take the pot of flowers.


   "Wait a minute!" The leader suddenly felt something was wrong, and just thought of stopping it, but it was too late.


   Seeing that the man's hand had just touched the leaf of this flower, the pot of Sunflower burst into flames.


   Countless strands of extremely gorgeous flames directly enveloped the entire room.


   The nearest man screamed. He was already ignited by the flame. He wanted to struggle, but the flame progressed so fast that it almost covered the man in the blink of an eye.


   "Ah ah ah ah, boss save me, I don't want to die!"


   He rushed towards the leader like a ball of fire, wanting to ask for mercy.


   Before he could take two steps, he was already short, because his legs were incinerated by flames.


   There was a plop, and the man fell to the ground, and there was no more sound.


   But at this time the chief didn't care about him, because the four of them were also besieged by this extremely violent flame.


  Although he was a little farther away, and immediately established a defensive formation, the flame was like a living creature, attacking all four of them.




   Without checking, another man in black was ignited by the flames.




   Before this person could react, flames rose into the sky, covering it completely.


   He opened his mouth to shout something, but flames spurted out of it, instantly burning it into fly ash.


   Such a cruel scene caused the remaining three people to die.


   Only then did the leader realize that this incident was actually a trap from the beginning.


   The aura in the alley was also deliberately left, in order to lead his party here.


   Thinking of this, he resisted the panic in his heart, and shouted in a deep voice: "Don't panic, this flame is so violent, it must not last too long, as long as we last through this period of time, it will be fine!"


   Upon hearing this, the remaining two men were a little bit shocked.


   "Boss, this flame is too aggressive, how can we survive it!" one of them shouted.


   "You move closer to me, try to reduce your formation as much as possible, only then can you hope to get through!" The black collar shouted.


The two immediately moved but when they came not far in front of the black head collar, a vicious color flashed in the black head collar’s ​​eyes, and then suddenly moved forward. push.


   The two were caught off guard, and were directly pushed into the flames on the opposite side.


   "Ahhhhh, boss, you..."


   "I'm sorry, instead of staying here to die together, it's better to use your lives to let me escape!" The black collar said in a deep voice.


   At the same time, the two people have been ignited by the flames, becoming two fireballs.


   But because of this, the flame's offensive stopped slightly, and a little gap was revealed.


   The black head collar waited for this moment, and then turned into a black light, rushing out of the gap with lightning speed.




   When he broke the window and successfully escaped, the room behind him burst into flames.


   But he didn't even have the courage to look back. He hurriedly stepped out of the wall like a bereavement dog, and disappeared into the street.


   On a teahouse opposite the theater, the actor stood by the window, and everything that had just happened was seen by him.


   After seeing the black collar fleeing, the man standing beside him couldn't help sighing slightly.


   "I still ran away one!"


   (End of this chapter)


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