And that was when their group left and looked for a place to stay.

The news that Xue An had arrived and went to Qisi Headquarters to sign up for the literary conference spread loudly, causing a big commotion immediately.

"What? This guy actually dared to come? I'm afraid he lost his mind and went crazy!" Someone was shocked.

"Hehe, I'm either crazy or I think that if I win a bet once, I can despise the people of the world! Do we really think that our Central Domain is comparable to his little Ling'an Domain?" Someone sneered.

Building outside the building.

Yun Lingxuan was sitting quietly in front of the window on the second floor, when Tuan'er ran up, and shouted excitedly before she entered the room.

"Miss, have you heard the news? Mr. Xue has come to Xihua City!"

After hearing the voice, Yun Lingxuan slowly opened her eyes.

At this time, Tuan'er rushed into the house, his face was flushed with excitement and running.

"Miss, I just heard the news that Mr. Xue has come to Xihua City, and he even signed up at the Qisi Poetry Club, saying that he wants to participate in this general essay meeting!"

Yun Lingxuan was taken aback when she heard the words.

Because she didn't expect Xue An to come suddenly.

"What's going on, don't get excited and talk slowly."

Tuan'er picked up the teapot on the table and drank a few sips first, and then said happily after he had recovered his breath.

"I heard the news from a friend who works in Qisi's headquarters. He said that today someone suddenly inspired Qisi Wenshan, who hadn't shown up for a long time!"

"What? Inspired Qisi Wenshan?" Even Yun Lingxuan's expression changed, and she asked anxiously, "Are you sure the news is correct?"

"Affirmative and affirmative are not half-words!"

"Then what then?"

"Then the entire Qisi headquarters was a sensation. Many great Confucians who lived in seclusion and rarely showed up were moved by the news, and wanted to take this person who inspired Qisi Wenshan as a disciple!"

Yun Lingxuan nodded, "This is normal, after all, Qisi Poetry Club has not inspired Wenshan for a hundred years!"

"That's right! That's what my friend said at the time, but guess what, the person who inspired Qi Siwen Mountain is actually Mr. Xue!"

"It's him...?" Yun Lingxuan had already guessed, but she was still surprised when she got the confirmation from Tuan'er.

That is the most famous poetry society in the world. It can be said that there are many talents under the school, not to mention other things, just the actual person in power Lu Hui is a first-class figure.

But none of these people could inspire Qisi Wenshan, and it turned out that an outsider did it.

"That's right, it's Mr. Xue! Those people didn't know him when he came out, and even took the initiative to recruit him. They didn't realize it until Mr. Xue took the initiative to sign up!"

Speaking of this, Tuan'er was overjoyed, "It's ridiculous that these guys from the Qisi Poetry Club usually have their eyes on the top, but they are still being taught by Mr. Xue to be human?"

Yun Lingxuan fell into contemplation, and after a while she said: "You mean this time Mr. Xue took the initiative to go to Qisi's headquarters?"

"That's right, he went to sign up! Hmph, there have been rumors outside that the young master's poems are all plagiarized, thinking that he would never dare to participate in this general essay meeting, but now he's being slapped in the face!"

"As long as you have a good performance in the literary fair, you will be able to shut up all doubts!" ​​Tuan'er said complacently, as if he had already seen the moment when Xue An "repented of his grievances".

Yun Lingxuan was not as optimistic as Tuan'er, she lowered her eyes and thought about this matter in her heart.

Before, I invited Xue An to come to Zhongyu to participate in this general essay meeting, but he flatly refused.

At that time, if it was said that Yun Lingxuan was not sad at all, it would be a lie.

After all, Xue An was the one who broke her strings, according to the words of the master who taught her piano skills back then.

One day, the person who broke her strings will appear, which means that the thing she has been looking for has finally turned around.

This was also the reason why Yun Lingxuan was so excited after the string was broken.

In the end, Xue An didn't give him any words at all, and flatly rejected him.

How could this not make her feel sad.

But she is a very tough woman, otherwise she wouldn't hold onto the original hatred until now and refuse to let go.

Since others can't count on it, even if you are alone, you have to go the rest of the way.

That's why she asked out that housekeeper Hong and paid a lot of money to obtain information.

Because she can't wait anymore, as time goes by, that existence will definitely become stronger and stronger.

This essay meeting is the best time to do it.

But Yun Lingxuan also knows that if she does it herself, the chance of winning is slim, so she is ready to die.

But I never expected that it would turn around at this time.

Xue An, who had categorically rejected him, unexpectedly reappeared suddenly.

Although she only came here to participate in the essay meeting, it still gave Yun Lingxuan a glimmer of hope.

Seeing that the lady was lost in thought, Tuan'er also vaguely guessed something.

As a personal servant girl, she has seen everything the young lady has done during this time.

She understood that the young lady had already prepared for the worst, but she wanted to persuade her but knew it was useless, so she could only watch with sadness.

This is also the reason why she was so excited after learning of Xue An's arrival today. UU reading www.

After all, in her mind, that young man in white is omnipotent, as long as he appears, it means that the young lady is saved!

"Miss, should we go see the young master?" Tuan'er said cautiously.

Yun Lingxuan woke up from her contemplation, thought for a moment and then nodded.


Tuan'er was overjoyed, "Then I'll prepare!"

After that, she went downstairs thumping.

And just when their master and servant got the news, what happened in Qisi's headquarters also spread, and once again detonated public opinion.

"Hey, did I hear correctly, a literary thief who plagiarized poems can actually inspire Wenshan?"

"The news is undeniable, but I think there must be some misunderstanding!"

"Is there any misunderstanding? I don't believe that this Xue is so powerful. I will immediately find out where he lives. I will pay a visit to see what the other party is like!"

For a while, the crowd was raging, and many people were eager to try it out, wanting to meet Xue An earlier.

Xue An didn't know about this.

In fact, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to these bad things.

At this moment, he has led everyone to live in an inn, and then started the mode of living in seclusion.

Every day when I have nothing to do, I just give advice on Ren Ning's cultivation.

With the help of that ray of inspiration, Ren Ning's talent and wisdom have grown rapidly, and his cultivation has advanced even more rapidly.

After a few days of this peaceful life, Tuan'er went to the door to look for him.

When Sheng Hongqian led her to see Xue An, Tuan'er was so excited that he was at a loss, and he suppressed the excitement in his heart and stepped forward to salute.

"Young master!"

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