Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2803: Crazy to the point of no cure

At this moment, Yun Lingxuan felt that it was difficult for her to breathe.

You must know that in order to find the rest of the ancient mirror fragments, she has racked her brains and tried various methods over the years, but the result is still nothing.

Even in the later stage, she was completely desperate, thinking that this kind of ancient mirror fragment except for the one in her hand, the others no longer existed.

He never expected that today he could learn about other fragments from Xue An, and it was even bigger than the one in his hand.

"Really...really?" Yun Lingxuan said in a trembling voice, suppressing her excitement.

Xue An smiled lightly, "Can I still lie to you about this kind of thing?"

"Then... can I see it?"

"Of course, it's just that I think it's troublesome to carry it, so I gave it to my apprentice, and I'm in the inn now!"

"Then let's go back to the inn now!"

Yun Lingxuan couldn't wait for even a moment, after all, she endured humiliation and planned for so long, just for revenge.

But it wasn't until today that she really saw the dawn of revenge.

At this point, she finally believed in the words of the teacher who taught her piano skills.

Once you meet someone who breaks your strings, that is when you are about to get what you want.

At this thought, Yun Lingxuan felt hot all over with excitement.

Xue An naturally also saw her excitement, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Okay, then let's go back now!"

From Lou Wai Lou to Xue An's inn, he needs to go through more than half of Xihua City.

Although Yun Lingxuan was very anxious, she could only sit on the carriage and pass through the city patiently.

She knew very well that Tuan'er flew over with Xue An when they came.

But when they go back, they can't hold Xue An's hand and fly together like Tuan'er.

Thinking of this, she secretly glanced at Xue An who was sitting in front of the car window.

At this time, the light from outside the window shone on Xue An's face, casting a layer of silver light on his profile.

This is not important, what is important is that from Yun Lingxuan's perspective, Xue An's deep eyes can just be seen.

Although he has been staring out of the window, Yun Lingxuan's heart stopped for half a beat by the breathtaking brilliance that emanated from him.

Over the years, she has also met countless handsome young men, many of whom are young and handsome.

But no one can catch up with the white-clothed boy in front of the window.

This boy... really is where Zhong Lingyuxiu lies.

Yun Lingxuan was thinking wildly, while Tuan'er next to her was already fascinated by Xue An.

After Yun Lingxuan calmed down a little, she couldn't help crying and laughing seeing Tuan'er's absent-minded appearance, and then quietly reached out and pinched her waist.

"Oh!" Tuan'er screamed and looked at Yun Lingxuan.

"Miss, what are you pinching me for?"

This sound caused Xue An who was in front of the window to look sideways.

Yun Lingxuan's face turned red immediately, "Ah, it's okay, a bug landed on your clothes just now, and I strangled it to death for you!"

"Insects?" Tuan'er glanced at the luxuriously furnished carriage, and asked doubtfully, "There is a magic circle to separate it, so how could there be insects?"

Yun Lingxuan even wanted to give Tuan'er a fat beating, she gritted her teeth and said, "I said yes, so why so much nonsense?"

Looking at the shy and angry Yun Lingxuan, Tuan'er suddenly understood something, and nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes, there was indeed a bug that crawled on me just now, and I was strangled to death by you just as I wanted to drive it away. Thank you, miss, you did a great job of pinching me!"

Yun Lingxuan: "..."

This dead group, don't explain it at this time! Is this not revealing? She hated it secretly.


Hearing Xue An chuckle slightly, "A bug really flew past just now!"

Yun Lingxuan's face was numb with embarrassment, and she was just about to say something.

At this moment, the carriage turned into a rather bustling neighborhood, where there were dozens of academies, large and small, and it was the most concentrated area of ​​Xihuacheng College.

The sound of reading from the academy dilutes the embarrassment in the carriage.

Xue An also turned his head to look out the window.

Yun Lingxuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then gave Tuan'er a hard look.

Tuan'er shrunk his neck and smiled mischievously.

Of course, Yun Lingxuan would not really reprimand this little maid who was like her sister.

She was just a little annoyed at the group's **** just now.

No matter how much you like him, you can't make it so obvious, you're almost drooling!

Just as Yun Lingxuan was thinking about her words and planning to teach the group a lesson, there was a burst of chaotic voices outside the car window, and someone shouted loudly.

"Hurry up, hurry up, everyone, go to the Xiyue Inn, there is a lot of excitement!"

"What's the fuss?" Someone next to him asked.

"Haven't you all heard of it? The Xue An who cheated the world and plagiarized his poems at the Ling'an Cultural Conference has come to Xihua City and is staying at the Xiyue Inn! Now Senior Kou from Jinhan Academy and Senior Sister Shang from Xingshi Museum have all passed by with a group of seniors!"

"What? That bully actually dares to live in our neighborhood, how brave!" Someone said coldly.

"That's right, this boy from the country must be taught a lesson!"

For a while, the crowd outside was furious, UU reading www. Then they heard the sound of footsteps, apparently these people had already rushed to the Xiyue Inn.

The silence in the carriage was terrifying, and Yun Lingxuan felt her heart tighten into a ball.

She had seen Xue An's methods with her own eyes, and knew that under the handsome appearance of this young man in white, there was actually a soul that refused to give in at all.

If you don't provoke him, it's fine, if you do, then wait for extremely cruel revenge.

The key point is that these people not only speak badly, but also dare to come to the door to provoke. What is the difference between this and going to death?


At this moment, I saw the corners of Xue An's mouth slightly raised, and an extremely cold smile appeared on his face.

"Interesting, you actually dare to come to my door to trouble me, then I have to see the methods of these people!"

"That's right! These guys are simply too hateful. They dare to slander you, Young Master. You are a deceitful person. You must teach them a lesson!" Tuan'er blushed with anger, and shouted fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Xue An didn't say a word, but the next moment the carriage seated began to speed up crazily, and flew towards Xiyue Inn.

At the same time, the street in front of Xiyue Inn is really bustling.

Students from dozens of academies gathered in front of the gate, completely surrounding the street.

And there are several people standing in the center of the crowd.

There are men and women in these people, all of them are well-dressed and have extraordinary temperament.

The leader was a man wearing a moon-white shirt.

I saw him holding a folding fan in his hand, standing indifferently, his handsome face was full of pride, and he was looking at the inn in front of him.

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