"Then what do you think of Xue An?" Tang Xiao asked.

Shang Haihong was silent for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "How should I put it, if I have to use four words to describe this Mr. Xue, I can only say...the appearance of a celestial being!"

Tang Xiao's pupils shrank slightly.

Because this was also what she really thought after meeting Xue An for the first time.

But immediately she was a bit unconvinced, and just about to speak, Shang Haihong said with a sad expression.

"Miss Tang, I have heard about the grievances between Brother Ling and Mr. Xue before, but I just want to advise you now, don't fight against Mr. Xue, because mortals cannot fight against gods!"

At the last moment, a look of fear flashed in Shang Haihong's eyes.

"Hmph, just because you were scared out of your wits by him, doesn't mean that other people are the same!" Tang Xiao said coldly.

Shang Haihong shook her head, "It's not that I was scared out of my wits, but that I was explaining a fact. Do you know what I did just now?"

"What are you doing?"

"Just now I went to the Wenhui registration office and canceled my registration!"

"What?" Tang Xiao was stunned.

She never thought that Shang Haihong would actually do this.

"After seeing Mr. Xue's demeanor, I knew that it was impossible to achieve anything in the general essay meeting with my own strength, so I simply canceled the registration!" Shang Haihong explained.

Tang Xiao fell silent.

She knew Shang Haihong's temperament before.

That's the character that strives to be the first everywhere, never willing to suffer the slightest loss.

In the end, after seeing Xue An, he actually turned into a temper that is indifferent to the world.

How could this not surprise Tang Xiao.

"Actually, not only me, but also many people made the same choice. On the way back just now, I also heard that the Jinhan Academy that Kou Zhengfeng belongs to has issued a statement. Everything is Kou Zhengfeng's personal behavior. In the end, he was responsible for his own death. Jinhan Academy will not pursue any form of investigation!"

Shang Haihong is so smart, she naturally saw Tang Xiao's thoughts, and couldn't help saying.

Tang Xiao's complexion gradually became solemn. She didn't expect that even Jin Han Academy would surrender.

Although it is said that this Jinhan Academy is only an academy that has only emerged in the past few decades, and it was built by relying on massive wealth, its strength is not comparable to that of ordinary academies.

But it was such a behemoth who didn't even hesitate when faced with this matter, and just knelt down.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao gritted his teeth slowly.

You are all so afraid of this Xue An, but I am not!

Not only am I not afraid, I have to show you my methods.

Shang Haihong understood Tang Xiao's character very well. Seeing the expression on her face, she knew that she was still not convinced, but it was useless to talk about the matter so far, so she could only sigh.

"Miss Tang, if I have nothing else to do, I will leave first!"

Tang Xiao nodded, "Go!"

Shang Haihong hesitated to speak, finally nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Tang Xiao already had calculations in his heart, so he stopped wandering on the long street, but turned around and went back to his own courtyard somewhere in the city.

The Tang family can be regarded as a wealthy family in Xihua City, but their parents passed away early, leaving only her and her brother Tang Zheng.

However, the huge wealth remained, so Tang Xiao had multiple residences in Xihua City.

At this moment, Tang Xiao returned to the residence closest to Xiyue Inn.

I saw that she first sat cross-legged in the room, trying to cultivate her mind like Lu Hui, but she was impetuous, so she sat for a long time in vain and achieved nothing.

In a fit of anger, Tang Xiao simply got up and started cooking.

I have to say that Miss Tang's cooking skills are pretty good, and she quickly cooked a table full of delicious dishes.

Then she picked up the chopsticks and ate it up.

After she finished eating and packed up, the lights finally came on outside.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xiao lay down on the bed and began to close his eyes and fall asleep.

Time passed by every minute and every second, until the moon was in the middle of the sky, Tang Xiao suddenly raised his eyes, then quietly sat up from the bed, picked up the night clothes that had been prepared by the bed, and changed into them.

This is her biggest reliance.

Don't look at Tang Xiao's disdain for Xue An during the day, but she knows better than anyone how powerful this white-clothed boy is.

And the reason why she dared to feel dissatisfied, and even planned to let everyone see her own methods, was because she had this ability.

Speaking of which, she was taught by accident when she was young, that is, she can perfectly blend into the night and perform stealthy things.

She has never used this ability since she learned it, so even her brother Tang Zheng didn't know about it.

But today, this ability has finally come to light.

That's right!

Tonight Tang Xiao intends to sneak into the Xiyue Inn to find out the secret behind Xue An.

In her opinion, since this Xue An dared to make such a high profile after plagiarizing poems, he must be relying on someone behind him.

If you want to know this secret, you must go through this method.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao confidently looked at the girl in black night clothes in the mirror, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com smiled slightly, and then quietly blended into the darkness.

The distance from where she lives to Xiyue Inn is only two streets away, if Tang Xiao's speed is usually there in an instant, but in the stealth state, Tang Xiao's walking speed is greatly restricted.

She didn't dare to sneak after arriving at Xiyue Inn, because who knows if there is Xue An's divine sense spying on the nearby blocks.

To be on the safe side, she could only sneak past a little bit patiently.


She came to the door of Xiyue Inn.

At this time, the door of Xiyue Inn was closed tightly, but a little light came out from the crack of the door, indicating that there were people inside.

Tang Xiao didn't go through the main entrance, but walked around to the wall behind, and then tapped the wall tiles with his fingers, and the whole person melted into the wall.

When it reappears, it has already come to the courtyard.

It was Tang Xiao's first time performing this skill, so she was a little nervous, but when she raised her eyes and saw the room of Xiyue Inn, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, outlining a smug smile.

The surname is Xue, you didn't expect someone to visit the Xiyue Inn at night!

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaoqiang calmed down his boiling blood, and then moved towards the room with the lights on.

At the same time, in one of the lit rooms, Niu Dali, Zhang Xiaoqiang and others were feasting.

While eating, Niu Dali praised, "Lao Liu, I really didn't expect you to have such good cooking skills!"

"Who says it's not, Lao Liu, from now on, stop pretending to be a big boss with red eyes, and be a cook honestly!" Zhang Xiaoqiang said.

Lao Liu had a naive smile on his face, scratched his head and said, "Actually, I think so too!"

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