But Xue An was the only thing missing from this happy table, at least Tang Xiao, who was standing outside the window and peeking in, didn't find Xue An's figure.


Where has he gone?

Tang Xiao was wondering when he saw Ren Ning who was eating at the table put down his rice bowl, "I'm full!"

Speaking of getting up and walking outside.

Seeing this, Sheng Hongqian couldn't help laughing and said, "Miss Ning, are you going to see your lord?"

Ren Ning nodded, "Master has been in the room since he came back, I want to go see him!"

"If it's Miss Ning, I really have nothing to say to my lord!" Niu Dali sighed.

"That's right, don't you look at who our lord is, Miss Ning..." Zhang Xiaoqiang swallowed the food in his mouth and was about to continue when Sheng Hongqian gave him a hard look.

Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly shut his mouth.

Ren Ning didn't notice these things. At this moment, she only cared about Xue An in her heart, so she left in a hurry.

Seeing her go, Tang Xiao, who was lurking outside the window and eavesdropping, was overjoyed, and immediately followed.

The Xiyue Inn is actually not that big, so she soon followed Ren Ning to the outside of Xue An's room.

At this time, there were two people standing outside the door, they were Yun Lingxuan and Tuan'er.

They were also waiting for Xue An's exit, so they didn't even eat dinner.

When they saw Ren Ning coming, they nodded to each other.

Ren Ning asked in a low voice, "Has my master not come out yet?"

Yun Lingxuan shook her head, "No!"

Ren Ning looked at the dark window with a look of worry in his eyes.

But she didn't dare to enter the door rashly, for fear of offending Master again, so she could only stand outside the door and wait patiently.

The three of them were waiting outside the house, but Tang Xiao didn't have that much patience.

In fact, she was also curious about what this Xue An was up to, so she hid in the room and refused to come out.

Therefore, she quietly walked around Yun Lingxuan and Ren Ning, and then went outside the window.

The room was pitch black, and one could only vaguely see a person sitting in front of the desk through the faint moonlight.

I saw him sitting quietly on the chair, as if staring at the two things on the table in a daze.

Besides, Tang Xiao couldn't see anything clearly.

So she gritted her teeth secretly, and her whole body merged into the wall again, and then entered the room.

After entering the room, Tang Xiao even stopped breathing, for fear of being discovered by Xue An again.

But after waiting for a while, she found that Xue An who was sitting at the table was motionless, obviously not aware of anything, then she secretly let out a sigh of relief, and then felt a little proud.

Aren't you great?

But you never expected that I would suddenly appear behind you!

This time I want to see what you are doing!

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao sneaked around and carefully moved to the desk.

Even though she knew that after entering the stealth state, all her breath was hidden, but when she reached Xue An's side, she subconsciously held her breath, and then looked at the table.

The result was far beyond her expectation. What was placed on the desk was not the book she had imagined, but two fragments of ancient mirrors!

The surface of one of them was also covered with dense runes.

What is he doing?

Is there some kind of ceremony?

Tang Xiao was wondering, but Xue An suddenly sighed slightly.

This sigh was extremely ear-piercing in this silent room, at least Tang Xiao was so startled that his heartbeat accelerated half a beat.


was discovered?

It was at this moment that Xue An stretched out his hand and gently stroked the two ancient mirror fragments on the table, muttering.

"This is the only way I can think of, I hope you won't let me down when you merge later!"

As if in response to his words, the fragment of the ancient mirror covered with runes flickered slightly.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Very good, it seems that you are ready, let's start now!"

As he said that, Xue An's expression became solemn, and a nearly transparent flame suddenly rose from his hand.

Even though they were separated by a certain distance and had the bonus of a latent state, Tang Xiao was still startled by the overwhelming power contained in the flames, and subconsciously took half a step back.

What a powerful flame!

At the same time, the two ancient mirror fragments on the table floated up, and were then wrapped in the flame.


The flame turned into a ball of fire, and the scorching air began to shake, showing the high temperature.

Xue An didn't even blink his eyes, just sat there and watched quietly.

At this moment, a hysterical scream came from the flames.

"Ah ah ah ah ah my lord don't melt me ​​down, I promise I won't talk anymore, I will listen to you!"

It was the fragment of the ancient mirror that Xue An got that was shouting. After entering the flames, the shielding restriction that Xue An imposed on it before naturally became invalid, so it can make a sound.

But Xue An was not moved at all.

At this time, it can be seen that the two fragments of the ancient mirror in the fireball began to melt, and then they were forced to move closer together under the drive of the flames.

The whole process proceeded extremely slowly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ During the period, it was accompanied by the howling of ghosts and wolves from the fragment of the ancient mirror.

"That's enough! It's not about killing you, it's just letting you fuse with other fragments, what are you crying about?" Xue An said coldly.

"My lord, are you asking me to fuse with other fragments? You are purely trying to kill me, and you actually let a fragment with a nascent intelligence take the lead. What's the difference between killing me?" The fragment of the ancient mirror called out to Tianqu.

It turned out that the reason why Xue An spent more than half a day in the house was because he was helping Yun Lingxuan to activate the spiritual wisdom of the fragment of the ancient mirror in his hand.

That's why those densely packed runes came about.

Xue An's idea is very simple, since it is difficult to change the character of this fragment of ancient mirror, then simply replace it with other fragments.

Although there will be some lack of spiritual knowledge at the beginning of spiritual intelligence, it also means that it is easy to control.

That's why this chatterbox fragment is so unwilling, because it's no different from killing him directly.

"My lord, you are also a Chinese powerhouse, do you really have the heart to kill my spiritual consciousness? You must know that I appeared with the ancient mirror!" Hua Tuo Shards was making the last effort.

"Stop talking nonsense, the real and complete ancient mirror spiritual consciousness will never be like yours, you are just a newly produced spiritual consciousness in the past hundred years!"

Xue An directly exposed the lies of the chatterbox fragments.

The chatterbox shards wailed unwillingly, but nothing changed according to its will.

In the next moment, under the threat of the flames, the two melted ancient mirrors finally merged together.


After a loud noise, the flames dissipated, and then a fragment of a much larger ancient mirror appeared in the air.

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