Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2817: Folding Fan Scholars of Thunder Academy

As soon as the words fell, the elite disciples of these major academies who were rushing towards the ladder felt suddenly stagnant.

It was as if an invisible force descended on their shoulders, and their speed inevitably slowed down.

At the same time, a ray of light flew from the sky to everyone at an extremely fast speed.

After seeing the white figure among them, Tang Xiao gritted his silver teeth secretly, and then popped out two words from between his teeth.

"Xue An!"

That's right!

It was Xue An who came.

I saw him standing in the air Shi Shiran, looking indifferently at the students with different expressions in front of him.

All of a sudden, there was a commotion in the audience.

Whether it was the academy students who were about to climb the ladder, or the crowd watching from a distance, they were all commotion because of Xue An's sudden arrival.

Because before, many people thought that Xue An might not come.

Unexpectedly, he came to the scene at the last moment.

At this time, many people with ghosts in their hearts could not help but change their expressions, and retreated quietly to the back of the crowd.

Among them, of course, was Mao Cong from Jinhan Academy.

The reason why he dared to yell like that just now was because he thought it was impossible for Xue An to come.

But after Xue An really came to the scene, how could he dare to stay in the field for a long time with his courage, so he retreated quietly.

But at this moment, Shang Haihong suddenly stopped the way, and then gave him a cold smile.

"What? Don't you want to see what kind of person the person who killed your adopted son is? Now that Mr. Xue is here, why do you want to escape?"

Mao appeared flustered from that fat face, forced a smile and said: "I... I just said it casually, Miss Shang, don't take it to heart!"

Shang Hai's red face showed disgust, and he snorted coldly: "Get out!"

Mao Cong fled in a hurry as if he had been pardoned.

Shang Haihong also ignored it.

Because now she has no time to waste time on this Mao Cong, all her attention is focused on the figure standing high in the sky.

In fact, it wasn't just her. After the initial panic, everyone present focused their attention on Xue An.

Because people want to know what is so special about this legendary boy who has mixed reputation and reputation.

At the same time, Xue An turned around to look at the ladder, and then slightly raised the corners of his mouth, outlining a vague smile.


After saying that, Xue An stepped forward and headed straight for this ladder.

The elite disciples of the major academies behind them looked at each other, and immediately someone snorted coldly.

"Boy, are you crazy? You want to be the first to climb the ladder after asking others!"

Following the voice, a figure rushed towards Xue An, and his actions were quite powerful.

But Xue An didn't even look back, and continued to walk forward.

This kind of ignorance completely angered the speaker, and he waved his hand violently when he was still a few feet away from Xue An.


With a clear and loud noise, he opened a folding fan in his hand, and an extremely powerful power erupted in an instant.

Amidst the brilliance, the folding fan swayed, hitting Xue An's back directly.

Seeing this scene, someone exclaimed in a low voice: "It's the folding fan scholar Tan Kexin of Thunder Academy!"

Hearing this, many people's faces showed gloating looks.

Because they all know this Tan Kexin.

You must know that Lei Ming Academy can be regarded as a first-class academy even in Xihua City, and this Tan Kexin is a strong man cultivated by Lei Ming Academy with all his strength, so he is quite prestigious among the elite of these academies.

In addition, he has an arrogant personality and never shows mercy, so many people are afraid of him.

Seeing that it was actually Tan Kexin who attacked Xue An at this moment, many people who were not used to Xue An could not help but sneer secretly.

People who bully the world dare to be so arrogant, now someone is punishing you, let's see how you make a fool of yourself!

But there are also some people who are not optimistic about Tan Kexin's attack.

For example, Tang Xiao.

Although she wanted to see Xue An make a fool of herself more than anyone else, she knew very well in her heart that with Xue An's ability, a mere Tan Kexin was not enough to shake even half a hair on him.


Seeing that Xue An didn't even turn his head, he just stretched his hands back casually.

Tan Kexin's pupils shrank when he was attacking with a fan.

Because he discovered a terrible fact.

It was as if his folding fan was being handed to Xue An on his own initiative.

This made him secretly startled, but the movement in his hands did not stop at all. With a flip of his wrist, the folding fan drew an almost impossible angle in the air, and then tapped towards Xue An's ribs.

This blow is not without trickery.

If it were someone else, they would probably have been recruited on the spot.

But Xue An seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, he didn't see any movement of him, and the other one had already appeared on the only way Tan Kexin could attack.

Now it was too late for Tan Kexin to change his tactics, so he could only grit his teeth and attack with all his strength.

Don't you want to catch my fan with your palm?

Then I'll just smash it to see if it's your hand or my fan!

Tan Kexin thought secretly.


The impact sound was much smaller than At least Tan Kexin was taken aback.

But in the next second, his dazedness turned into fear.

Because in this short moment, the folding fan in Tan Kexin's hand has come to Xue An's hand.

Tan Kexin didn't notice the whole process, and didn't even know what happened.

In fact, not only him, but only a few people in the audience saw clearly what happened just now.

Lu Hui who stood on the ancient stone platform smiled slightly.

Of course he was one of those few.

Just now Tan Xin used his fan to attack, but at the moment when the two collided, Xue An's hand pinched out an extremely mysterious seal, which directly suppressed the power of the folding fan, and then took it into his hands lightly.

The whole process was so fast that Tan Kexin, who was closest to him, only felt his hand lighten, and then the weapon he was famous for appeared in Xue An's hands.

Just when he was infinitely astonished, he saw Xue An turning the folding fan with one hand, and after playing with it for a while, he suddenly opened it.


After a crisp sound, the fan was completely opened, and then Xue An shook the folding fan, turned his head and smiled at Tan Kexin who was doubting his life.

"The fan is good, it's a pity to be with you, so it will be mine from now on!"

After finishing speaking, Xue An ignored Tan Kexin who was stunned in place, and strode towards the ladder.

Tan Kexin woke up instantly, and finally understood what happened just now, and he couldn't help but let out a roar of shock and anger.

"Boy, give me back the fan!"

You must know that the folding fan was built with the strength of the entire Thunder Academy, and it was only because of its outstanding performance that it was entitled to own it.

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