After seeing the real face of this figure, Yun Lingxuan was so terrified that she almost bit her tongue.

Because she saw a face that was the same as Xue An's.

Even not only the face, but also the figure, clothing, and even temperament are exactly the same.

The scariest thing is not these.

What made Yun Lingxuan feel the chills down her spine the most was Xue An's eyes in front of her.

We must know that the world is so vast, and although people who look exactly the same are rare, it cannot be said that there are no such people.

At the same time, there are also people who are good at disguise and modification, who can imitate a person's appearance to the point of lifelike.

Only the eyes cannot be imitated.

Because the eyes are the most intuitive display and expression of a person's inner thoughts.

This is absolutely inimitable.

It is impossible to have exactly the same eyes.

But today, Yun Lingxuan's cognition has been subverted.

Because the Xue An standing in front of him not only has the same body and appearance, but even his eyes are the same.

There are also three points of contempt and three points of laziness and four points of silence and indifference between Gu Pan.

"This... this..." Yun Lingxuan was going crazy.

She thought that after climbing to the top of Kuixing Mountain, she would face a powerful evil, and then she would be able to fight with real swords and guns.

But I didn't expect to encounter such an existence.

But it was this existence that made Yun Lingxuan feel infinite fear.

She even bit the tip of her tongue secretly, because she was afraid that she would fall into the illusion again.

Soon, the sharp pain on her tongue made her realize that everything was real.

Regarding this, Xue An who was standing opposite smiled slightly.

"Miss Yun, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!"

Yun Lingxuan moved closer to Xue An subconsciously, but what Xue An said in the next second made her fall into an ice cellar.

"You're so sure that I'm fake, so the one next to you is real? Have you ever thought that he is actually fake?"

Hearing this, Yun Lingxuan felt her hair stand on end, and her footsteps that were approaching stopped.

"My lord..." Yun Lingxuan looked at Xue An beside him.

Now her head is a mess, and she can't tell which is real and which is fake.

Xue An beside her didn't look at her, but said coldly: "Stay away from here!"

Yun Lingxuan hesitated for a moment, and finally retreated to a corner of Juxian Pavilion.

This place is not too far away from these two Xue An, she can see and hear everything that happened, and at the same time she can react quickly, it is considered a good position.

However, the two Xue An standing opposite her didn't pay any attention to her small thoughts.

They looked at each other for a moment, and then Xue An, who came up with Yun Lingxuan, said slowly.

"It seems that I have really underestimated you evil things, and you can think of such a way to deal with me, it is really sinister enough!"

"Hehe, it's the same with each other, isn't it the same for you?" Xue An opposite said with a mocking look on his face.

Xue An shook his head, "I'm different. My memories are all real, and my experience is also real. It can't be replaced by fakes like yours!"

"Hahahaha, it's such a joke in the world. How do you know that your memory is true and reliable, and mine is fake? Haven't you ever thought that all your thoughts are actually artificially programmed and implanted?" Xue An, who was opposite, sneered.

"Whether it is true or not, we will know after the fight!"

With the voice, the Xue An who climbed Kuixing Mountain together with Yun Lingxuan had dense sword glows around him.

The point of the sword's edge was aimed at Xue An who was opposite him.

Seeing this scene, Yun Lingxuan felt relieved.

Now it is certain that the Xue An who saved him is obviously real.

Because only the real Xue An can use such a terrifying sword intent!

But he never expected that, facing his move, Xue An on the opposite side smiled coldly.

"It seems that only you can do the same!"

After finishing speaking, he stomped his feet violently and shouted: "Sword up!"


The sword glowed like snow, hovering in front of him.

The two phases are equal, not the slightest difference.

Even the aura on the sword light is the same.

Yun Lingxuan opened her mouth wide open.

How can this be?

One of the two must be a fake.

But the question is how could this fake Xue An also have sword intent?

And even the momentum is exactly the same.

We must know that each person has a different aura because of the different cultivation methods and even habits.

Even if you are practicing the same skill in the same genre, there are subtle differences in it.

It is impossible to be exactly the same.

And just when Yun Lingxuan was inexplicably astonished, the sword intents of the two sides clashed together.

Under the loud bang, the Kuixing Mountain under his feet began to tremble violently.

Yun Lingxuan hurriedly supported the pillar beside her, and looked into the battlefield with a look of panic on her face.

This sword fight actually only lasted for less than a few seconds. When the sword glow dissipated, both sides took a step back. It was obviously evenly divided, and no one took But this was just the beginning.

In the next moment, the two Xue An rushed towards each other without hesitation, and began to fight.

Yun Lingxuan looked dazzled, and after only a moment, she couldn't tell who rescued her and led her up the mountain.

This made her heart skip a beat.


Now I can't even make the initial distinction, what should I do?

Just when she was upset and uneasy, Tang Xiao walked through the fog and came to the top of the mountain.

After successfully defeating the illusion, she rushed towards the top of the mountain without delay.

But helpless, because this milky white mist is too weird.

Once deep in it, no matter how good your sense of direction is, you can quickly get lost.

It just so happened that Tang Xiao's sense of direction wasn't that good, so he walked a lot of wrong ways and finally reached the top of the mountain.

Then she noticed the two fighting in the air.

At the beginning, she didn't pay much attention to it, Zongwen will! Fighting is normal.

Don't look at the gentle manners of these students, it's because of the restrictions of the academy and Xihua City's rules.

When it comes to the general essay meeting, these restrictions are temporarily lifted.

In this situation, everyone will burst out with their deepest desires.

Revenge for those who have vengeance, and hold grievances for those who have grievances.

As a result, every general essay meeting is very lively.

But after Tang Xiao took a closer look, he saw something was wrong.

These two people were coming and going, and the fighting was extremely fast, which made Tang Xiao not able to see their faces clearly, but the temperament and behavior of these two people were simply too obvious.

It was so obvious that Tang Xiao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"This... are these two Xue An?"

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