"How is this going?"

This was the first sentence Tang Xiao said after seeing Yun Lingxuan.

When Tang Xiao said this, his expression was extremely serious.

Because in her opinion, the current situation is very serious, so serious that it cannot be added.

Originally, one Xue An was enough to cause him a headache, but now another one pops up, what should he do?

Yun Lingxuan ignored the coldness and impoliteness in Tang Xiao's words. In fact, she was in no mood to care about others at the moment.

"I... I don't know!"

"I don't know?" Tang Xiao frowned, "Didn't you follow Xue An all the time, how could you not know?"

Yun Lingxuan said with difficulty: "I really don't know. When I was rescued by the young master from the illusion, I didn't have any abnormalities, but when I climbed to the top of Kuixing Mountain, I found that there was actually Xue An waiting here, and then..."

"Then what happened?"

"And then they fought!"

"Then which of these two rescued you, and which one is waiting here?"

"I... I can't tell the difference!" Yun Lingxuan said timidly.

I don't know if it's because of the cruel illusion or because of the sudden appearance of the two Xue Ans. Now Yun Lingxuan's square inch is chaotic, and she doesn't have the slightest composure she had before.

Tang Xiao was speechless for a while, knowing that it would be useless to ask any more questions, so he turned his head to look at the two people who were fighting fiercely in the air.

At least one thing is certain, that is, one of these two Xue An must be a fake.

Then the strength of this fake person is definitely extremely strong, otherwise how could he be on par with the real Xue An?

In this case, the question arises again, what kind of existence can pretend to be Xue An so vividly?

What is his purpose?

Tang Xiao fell into deep thought.

Although this Tang Xiao has a bit of a naughty temperament, and because of her brother's affairs, she is quite hostile to Xue An, but this does not mean that she is the kind of woman who can only blindly be savage.

On the contrary, this woman is extremely intelligent, otherwise she would not have become a leader among the younger generation of Qisi Poetry Club at a young age.

Almost instantly, Tang Xiao grasped the crux of the problem.

In stark contrast to her composure was Yun Lingxuan who was standing aside.

At this moment, she was in complete panic.

You must know that Yun Lingxuan and Xue An had a detailed talk before participating in this essay meeting.

During this detailed talk, the two considered various possible situations and gave their respective countermeasures.

This kind of detailed preparation once boosted Yun Lingxuan's confidence, thinking that this time she would definitely avenge her family's blood.

Unexpectedly, everything is not as expected.

Before he could meet his real enemy, his side was already in chaos.

There was another Xue An out of thin air, but she didn't even have the ability to distinguish, this feeling made Yun Lingxuan almost collapse.

And at this moment, the two people who were fighting fiercely in the sky suddenly separated, and then separated into the hatchback.

Looking at the two of them at this time, they were all out of breath, and one of them, Xue An, had blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The other one didn't feel any better. His left arm was twisted at a weird angle, and the broken bones even pierced through the skin, leaving him exposed.

Even so, the eyes of the two were still cold and chilling.

Xue An, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, said slowly: "Where did you learn your sword intent and boxing skills?"

Xue An, whose arm was broken, said coldly: "It seems that I should ask you this question, where did you get this ability?"

"You don't need to use this kind of words to question me. The calculations of these evil things are really vicious enough. You actually created an exact copy of me to deal with myself. But do you think this can stop me?"

Xue An, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, said calmly, and then a red lotus appeared between his eyebrows.

As soon as the red lotus came out, raging flames burned around his body.

The color of this flame is almost transparent, and it is very miraculous.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It looks like this should be the real Xue An!"

Somehow, even though he disliked Xue An very much, the current Tang Xiao cared about who was real and who was fake.

Yun Lingxuan was also quite excited.

As long as you can tell the truth from the fake, then everything is easy to say.

But they never expected that the joy of the two of them didn't last long at all, and then Xue An, whose arm was broken, chuckled lightly.

"Spray blood, the villain will sue this kind of trick first, you evil creatures are quite skilled at playing it!"

As he spoke, he suddenly snapped his arm and directly pushed back the broken bone.

Then he suddenly raised his eyes, and a red lotus also appeared between his eyebrows, and his whole body was also like a mountain of flames.

Now Tang Xiao and Yun Lingxuan were dumbfounded again.

If it is said that other sword intents and boxing techniques can barely achieve the same through imitation, then what is going on with this flame now?

It can't be such a coincidence, someone has cultivated the exact same flame!

At least Tang Xiao and Yun Lingxuan did not believe such a coincidence.

And at this moment, the pupils of the two Xue An in the air contracted in unison. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"You even have the red lotus karma, who are you?"

The two shouted in unison, and then fell silent for a while, then rushed forward again, fighting together.

This time the battle was even more intense than before, and the sky was full of flames, and there was a loud sound of fists and feet colliding from time to time.

Tang Xiao and Yun Lingxuan could no longer see the situation on the battlefield clearly, but they did not leave, but stood where they were solemnly.

Because they all know that the final result of this battle may affect the fate of countless people.

And when the two Xue An, who were indistinguishable from the real ones, were fighting on the top of Kuixing Mountain, they thought they were sincere, so Lu Hui, who entered the ladder passage alone, was also facing a fateful choice.

He rushed into the fog without hesitation, but felt that the fog suddenly disappeared in front of him, replaced by an extremely lively street.

This scene made him terrified, and he immediately turned around to look, only to see that the long street was full of people, and the shops beside the street were hung with colored lanterns all over the street, illuminating the night sky.

Lu Hui fell into a daze.

He recognized the street.

It was the main street in the small town where I was born and raised.

And at this moment...

Lu Hui looked up at the sky, and it really was a night full of stars.

It's the Star Festival!

This is the biggest festival in the small town where Lu Hui was born, once a year.

Every festival, people will flock to the streets, hang lanterns, and offer sacrifices to the stars.

But the question is, why did I suddenly appear here?

Lu Hui was at a loss, but he heard a pleasantly timid voice from behind.

"Brother Lu, is that you?"

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