Lu Hui turned his head to look, and saw a girl standing gracefully under the colored lights on the street.

This girl is twenty-eight years old, at the time when she is full of youth. Although she is dressed in ordinary clothes and has not applied makeup, just the natural beauty is enough to fascinate people.

Seeing this girl, Lu Hui couldn't help but his heart trembled wildly, and he blurted out: "Li Niang?"

Hearing this address, the girl blushed to the base of her ears, stomped her feet lightly, and said shyly: "Brother Lu..., if you continue to make fun of me like this, I will ignore you!"

Saying that, the girl turned and left.

Lu Hui hardly hesitated, and immediately followed.

And this scene happened to be seen by the vendors on the street, who laughed and said with a smile.

"What is Li'er doing running so fast? Brother Lu, whom you've been thinking about so much, is right behind!"

"Master Lu, if you want me to tell you that your marriage with Li'er should be finalized quickly, old man, I'm still waiting for the wedding wine for the two of you!"

Looking at these folks who were smiling and talking to him, Lu Hui became more and more flustered.

Aren't they... already dead?

But this thought was only fleeting, and immediately Lu Hui forced a smile at these people, then pushed through the crowd and walked away quickly, leaving only the sound of giggling behind him.

The girl Li'er in front ran very fast, Lu Hui chased her and left the main street very quickly, and after turning a few turns, he came to a place that was very humid.

This is a pear grove, and the pear blossoms are in full bloom at this moment, and they look like snow-capped mountains under the starlight.

Lu Hui slowed down and walked through the pear grove, and then a small pond appeared in front of him. It may have been used by the owner of the pear orchard to water the pear trees, but with the abandonment of the pear orchard, this small pond was also abandoned.

Li'er was standing by the pond right now, with her back to Lu Hui, as if in a daze.

Lu Hui walked up slowly and stood side by side with Li'er.

Neither of them spoke, they just stood there quietly.

The pond in front reflects the stars in the sky and the pear blossoms by the pond, forming a beautiful picture.

"It's so beautiful!" Li'er sighed softly after a long time.

Lu Hui didn't say a word, because in his opinion, all the good things added up are not as good as the girl beside him.

He just wanted to stand quietly with Li'er like this.

But he didn't speak, and Li'er beside him didn't intend to keep silent.

"It's all your fault. Calling me Li Niang in front of so many people caused me to be ridiculed by so many people! Hmph!"

At the end, Li'er stomped her feet coquettishly, then turned her head away, ignoring Lu Hui.

She originally wanted to wait for Lu Hui to comfort herself, but she didn't expect to hear the sound after waiting for a long time, so she couldn't help but look sideways.

But at this moment, Lu Hui was staring at him obsessively.

Li'er looked a little flustered with this gaze, but a gleam of happiness surged up in her heart.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Li'er lowered her head and asked with some embarrassment.

Lu Hui still didn't say anything.

Li'er raised her head annoyed again, but seeing Lu Hui's stupid look, she finally couldn't help but laugh when she wanted to sulk.

"Speak, are you dumb?"

Lu Hui opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and finally said in a low voice: "Li'er, you are so beautiful!"

Li'er's face turned even redder, she had nowhere to put her hands and feet, she stood there eating and saying, " will make fun of me!"

"What I said is true!" Lu Hui said very seriously.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that the lady asked me to sell the paper-cuts at home! I'm going back!"

Saying that, Li'er was a little flustered and wanted to leave.

Because she felt that there was something wrong with Lu Hui today.

Especially the frighteningly bright eyes, which made her a little scared.

But just as she was about to turn around and leave, Lu Hui suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Oh!" Li'er exclaimed, "Young master Lu, let go of your hand, and it will be over if others see it!"

Li'er shouted in panic, but soon she stopped what she was doing because she saw the pain in Lu Hui's eyes.

"Brother Lu, you..."

"Li'er, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been obsessed with literature back then, but in the end I failed your feelings for me! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Lu Hui murmured.

And with his murmur, the surrounding pear trees gradually distorted and dissipated.

Li'er in front of her also left together.

I saw her face gradually blurred, and her body also became transparent.

Even so, Lu Hui still didn't let go, but held on tightly, as if he could keep the girl in front of him for a while longer.

But this is just a futile struggle, and everything is not based on Lu Hui's will.

Soon, Li'er's figure dispersed piece by piece, and the whole city also dispersed together.

Lu Hui closed his eyes in pain.

Although he knew it would be like this, he still didn't want to see this scene.

And at the moment when he closed his eyes, a strong **** smell rushed straight into his nostrils.

At the same time, there are pungent and unpleasant smoke and meaty smell mixed together.

This weird smell made Lu Hui tremble uncontrollably, and then slowly opened his eyes.


What appeared before him was a hellish scene. UU reading

The once bustling city had become ruins, and the fire that had been burning for many days finally subsided gradually, but the thick smoke still lingered over the entire ruins and lingered for a long time.

The vulture and the unknown carrion bird landed on the half-collapsed city wall, staring at Lu Hui with red eyes.

Although he had experienced it once, this time Lu Hui couldn't help but staggered, and then rushed towards the city with his feet uncontrollably.

The once bustling streets are gone, leaving only crumbling houses.

Long poles were erected on both sides of the street, and corpses were hung from them.

Although they have been eaten by vultures beyond recognition, Lu Hui can still tell the identities of these people.

Uncle Liang of the steamed stuffed bun shop, Uncle Zhang of the blacksmith shop, shopkeeper Fan of the silk and satin shop...

Once a fresh life ended on the pole like this.

Lu Hui felt that his hands were shaking, and then involuntarily continued to run into the depths of the ruins.

Soon, he came to a shop that had been razed to the ground.

He used to be so familiar with this place that he could even describe the scene here with his eyes closed.

A door facing the street is hung with emerald green curtains all year round, which sells various color thread rouges that girls like.

This is Li'er Niangqin's shop, and it is also a place that Lu Hui often visits.

But at this moment, the emerald green bead curtain is gone, and the shop is gone.

The only thing left were the two corpses hanging from the long pole.

When Lu Hui saw the cyan dress on the petite corpse, he fell to his knees with a plop, tears streaming down his face.

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