The once beautiful and bright face like a flower has now become withered and shriveled.

Those bright eyes like autumn water have been pecked off by vultures, leaving only two dark eye sockets.

On the cheek that was blown dry by the wind, there were scars with deep bone visible.

Obviously, this is the mark left by some kind of biological bite.

And it is very likely to happen during the girl's lifetime. From this, one can imagine how much pain the girl has suffered.

Lu Hui stretched out his hand and gently stroked the face that had become extremely ferocious, with tears glistening in his eyes.

"Li Niang!"

Following the words, tears dripped into the hollow eye sockets, splashing a little bit of water.

And just when Lu Hui knelt down and cried bitterly, behind him, wisps of mist quietly gathered together, condensed into an extremely sharp long thorn, and then pierced Lu Hui's back viciously.

The whole process did not stir up any waves, but at this critical moment, as if Lu Hui had expected it, he stretched his hand back suddenly, just in time to hold the sharp thorn that was piercing him.

In an instant, the wind stopped and the clouds stopped, and everything came to a standstill, including the vultures and various carrion birds flying over the deserted city.

They were all stagnant in the sky, and the angle at which the feathers were blown by the wind did not change at all.

It feels like a giant beast has hit the pause button.

Only Lu Hui was not affected by these stagnation, and he slowly turned his head to look at the spike formed out of thin air, and said in a calm tone.

"Using the concern deep in people's hearts as an inducement, constructing an extremely realistic illusion to surround and kill them. If I'm not wrong, this should be the method of the dire wolf!"

As soon as the words fell, the sharp thorn in Lu Hui's hand was shattered, and the whole city was also shattered.

Immediately afterwards, wisps of mist condensed into an incomparably burly giant wolf.

It was the genus of the nightmare wolf that Tang Xiao had encountered before.

But this dire wolf is much bigger than the one Tang Xiao encountered.

And the strength of this kind of creatures is often directly proportional to their size, that is to say, this dire wolf is far stronger than the one Tang Xiao encountered.

Lu Hui didn't care about this, he just looked at it coldly, and he said indifferently until the dire wolf was fully formed.

"I should have guessed it a long time ago. Who else can trap so many elite disciples in the illusion, except for you evil creatures who specialize in manipulating the illusion of people's hearts!"

The dire wolf sneered sullenly when he heard the words, "Lu Hui, I have to say that you are really ruthless. This kind of illusion can't break through your mental defenses! It seems that the emotions buried deep in your heart can't be true!"

Lu Hui sneered, "Why did you have to break through your mind defense?"

"Shouldn't it? You must know that your literary heart is perfect, but I still saw this from a crack in the deepest part of your heart. That kind of strong emotion should not be faked! But why didn't you collapse?" Dire Wolf asked strangely.

"Just because I didn't break down doesn't mean that my feelings for Li Niang and this city are fake. On the contrary, it's because my feelings for them are so sincere that you can't deceive me!" Lu Hui said softly.

"Don't talk about these scenes, I don't believe that you are really invulnerable!" The dire wolf began to panic.

"Of course I'm not invulnerable, you know what, I even have to thank you!"

"Thank me for what?"

"Because you gave me this opportunity to face Li Niang and express my regrets!"

"Just one sentence can make up for regrets? Don't be ridiculous, you must know that the woman and hometown you miss have disappeared! You can never go back! Hahahaha!" The dire wolf began to laugh.

For these evil things that have an extremely accurate grasp of people's hearts, they naturally know how to anger a person.

But this time it miscalculated, because a sneer appeared on Lu Hui's face, and he said coldly.

"Of course it's not easy to make up for the regret. I also know that Li Niang and the hometown where I was born have disappeared, and the culprits are you evil things, but what does it matter? After all, I have personally avenged them!"

"Revenge?" The dire wolf's laughter stopped abruptly, and then looked at Lu Hui inexplicably in astonishment.

"That's right, I have paid back a thousand times the pain they have endured!"

When he said this, Lu Hui's tone was extremely calm, so calm that there were no waves.

But it was this extremely calm tone that made the dire wolf shudder.

An extremely ominous premonition suddenly rose in its heart.

And the dire wolf's reaction was not unpleasant, it didn't even hesitate, it immediately turned around and fled from here.

But it was too late.

At the moment it turned around, the surrounding environment suddenly changed drastically, and the milky white mist receded again, replaced by a battlefield.

In fact, it is not appropriate to describe it as a battlefield. To be precise, it should be a slaughterhouse.

Because just on this vast there are countless corpses of evil things lying horizontally and vertically.

The death patterns of these corpses are different, but the faces of each evil creature are condensed with infinite fear and pain, which shows that they all suffered extremely cruel torture before dying.

And under the bodies of these corpses, green, blue, pink... all kinds of blood soaked the ground to the point of saturation.

The smell of blood in the air was so strong that it was disgusting.

The dire wolf began to tremble uncontrollably.

Because as an expert in playing with illusions, it knew that it had been forcibly dragged into the illusion by some unknown means by Lu Hui at this moment.

The key is that this illusion is still so realistic that all the methods it tried out in an instant all failed.

And at this moment, Lu Hui's voice came from behind it.

"Welcome to my fantasy, and the next moment will be your exclusive moment!"

Hearing Lu Hui's words, the dire wolf was about to go crazy from fright.

Just as it controls the life and death of others in its own illusion, in the illusion of others, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

It knows this very well, so it wants to escape.

But all the attempts just now have failed, so it has no choice but to turn around and look at Lu Hui fiercely.

For now, the only way to escape is to kill Lu Hui, the owner of this illusion.

Thinking of this, a strong killing intent appeared in its ugly eyes.

Lu Hui knew this well, but he just smiled lightly.

"Because you just let me make up for the shortcomings, so I decided to give you a happy death. Next... Please enjoy it!"

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