After a while, the vast battlefield returned to silence, only the corpse of an extra dire wolf on the ground told people what had just happened.

Lu Hui stood in the middle of the battlefield, his expression suddenly became very gloomy.

"Li Niang, I left that gap in Wenxin specially for you, but now by chance, the last bit of regret has been filled, so this gap in Wenxin will also disappear in the future!"

"This also means that I may never be able to dream of you again!"

It turned out that the gap above Lu Hui's Wenxin was intentionally left by him, in order to give himself a chance to remember.

But now, with the last trace of gaps filled, this gap will soon disappear.

At that time, Lu Hui will become a true literary heart and sincerity.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for such things as dreams to exist.

A trace of sadness suddenly flashed across Lu Hui's face, but he quickly adjusted and murmured.

"Actually, that's fine. Time has passed for so long, and it's time to say goodbye. I believe that if you have a spirit in heaven, you must be bored already!"

At the end, Lu Hui smiled, but his smile was uglier than crying.


The illusion of the battlefield was shattered, and Lu Hui walked out of it, his usual expression of neither sadness nor joy had returned to his face.

At this time, the fog in the passageway of the ladder has thinned a lot, and even the top of the mountain in the distance is already faintly discernible.

Lu Hui looked up, and then ran towards the top of the mountain.

At the same time, on the top of Kuixing Mountain, the situation has fallen into a stalemate.

The two Xue An's fight was like a battle, each of them was injured a lot, but they still refused to stop.

Tang Xiao and Yun Lingxuan stood aside and watched anxiously, but there was nothing they could do.

They can't yell like the heroines of some dramas, stop fighting!

And at this moment, Lu Hui arrived.

His sudden appearance was like a light straw falling on a camel that had reached a critical point.

The situation that was originally congested and stalemate has undergone drastic changes.

The two Xue An who had been fighting endlessly disappeared like two phantoms.

Then Tang Xiao and Yun Lingxuan shivered as if they had suddenly woken up from sleep.

"what happened?"

"Where's Xue An?"

The two said in surprise.

At the same time, Lu Hui came up to the two of them, his expression became very solemn.

He also witnessed the scene just now.

Especially the fight between the two Xue Ans and their mysterious disappearance shocked him.

So when he came close to the second daughter, he immediately asked, "What's going on?"

Naturally, Tang Xiao and Yun Lingxuan would not hide anything, and immediately narrated everything that happened in detail.

After listening to it, Lu Hui's complexion also changed greatly.

Suddenly two Xue An appeared?

And they are all the same?

This is not important, the key is that they disappeared suddenly with their arrival just now.

So do they really exist, or are they just an illusion?

But one thing is certain, that is, no matter what the result is, it means that this matter is far more complicated and terrifying than Lu Hui imagined.

If it is true that there are two Xue Ans, one real and one fake, then behind the fake Xue An there must be an extremely huge force backing him.

And if this is just an illusion, then it will be even more frightening to think about it.

Because Lu Hui has never heard of any illusion that can create such a realistic effect.

Even after I arrived, I could clearly see the existence of the two of them, and then they disappeared.

At the same time, a more important issue also came to the fore.

If it was an illusion, where did the real Xue An go?

Not only Lu Hui had this question, Tang Xiao and Yun Lingxuan also had a big question mark in their hearts.

Where did the real Xue An go?

Does it really not exist anymore?

Of course he exists, not only exists, but he is facing an uphill battle.

This is a vain fantasy.

But it didn't start like this!

At the beginning, this illusion was very colorful, but as the battle progressed, everything was smashed into the most basic particles, so it was so empty.

But Xue An didn't pay attention to these, he just stood quietly in the void, looking at the enemy not far away.

Said they were enemies, but when the two of them stood facing each other, it was like looking in a mirror.

Because the opposite is an existence exactly like Xue An.

It was a resemblance that was identical down to the smallest feature.

For ordinary people, seeing such a scene would have been terrified.

But Xue An's eyes remained calm.

In contrast, on the contrary, the high imitation Xue An opposite had an unconcealable pride and arrogance in his eyes.

"Xue An, I have to say that you are really powerful, even I can't suppress you!"

"But do you think this is enough? No, you must know that your failure has been doomed since you were dragged into this imaginary space!"

Xue Jing was silent without the slightest emotion.

This kind of wordless contempt made the imitation Xue An a little annoyed, "Do you think I'm bragging? Let me tell you, in the real world at this moment, there is already a phantom battle between you and me formed by the leakage of energy!"

"So what?" Xue An finally said the first sentence.

"So what? Hehe, it seems that you don't know much about this imaginary space. This is the junction of illusion and reality, and the causality of reality is enough to map here. That is to say, as long as the two phantoms in the real world fight to the end, the final result will also affect this imaginary space!"

"At that time, no matter how powerful you are, so what? In the end, you will be crushed to death under the iron law of cause and effect, and I will replace you and become the protagonist of the fate of the world! Hahahahahaha!"

The imitation Xue An laughed outrageously.

At this moment, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Xue An's mouth.

"Are you so sure that I will lose in the real world?"

"Of course you will lose, because you outside are just a puppet projection without thinking, and you will lose soon!"

But just as the high imitation Xue An finished speaking, both of them felt the vibration of the imaginary space.

Then seeing this high imitation Xue An's face suddenly changed.

"What's going on? Why was the leaked air machine withdrawn by the disturbance?"

And in this fleeting moment, Xue An leaned forward and launched a fierce attack.

The high imitation Xue An had no choice but to back away because he was seized of the opportunity.

But Xue Ande refused to let anyone else go, and vowed to wipe out this imitation that was almost exactly the same as him in terms of appearance and strength.

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