In the end, the expression on Xue An's face became extremely evil.

But in the next second, this expression froze.

Because at some point Xue An had already come behind him, said coldly.

"Since you have experienced everything I have experienced, then you should understand...I am invincible!"

When the words fall, the fist arrives.

Just like before, the head of this high imitation Xue An exploded into powder, and then even his body dissipated.

And after Xue An delivered this blow, he withdrew his fist lightly, stood where he was, and silently recited the numbers in his heart.

one two three….

When Xue An counted to ten, there was another muffled hum from the depths of the void, and then everything reversed, and the high imitation Xue An reappeared in this imaginary number space.

"You..." Gao Fang Xue An opened his mouth to speak.

But this time Xue An didn't bother to talk nonsense with him at all, he rushed to the high imitation Xue An with a single pounce, and punched with a raised fist.

This imitation Xue An was horrified.

In a short period of time, he has been killed twice in a row. Although he has the blessing of his master and is immortal, it is not a problem to continue like this!

So when Xue An charged again this time, the high imitation Xue An had already made up his mind and snorted coldly.

"Use the same trick twice, do you really think I'm a fool?"

Following the words, he raised his fist and greeted him.

But when his fist hit halfway, he felt something was wrong, because he was shocked to find a sneer on the corner of Xue An's mouth in front of him.

Terrified in his heart, he wanted to escape from here, but the sharp pain from his neck stopped him from moving in the next second.

Then he saw his back.

It turned out that the Xue An who rushed forward this time was just a clone, and the real Xue An had quietly come behind him, grabbed his head and twisted it off forcefully.

This time Xue An did not blast it into powder, but lit a wisp of red lotus karmic fire to burn it to ashes.

After finishing, Xue An raised his head and counted silently in his heart again.

one two three….

This time it was a full count of fifteen before hearing the muffled hum, and then everything repeated the same mistakes, and the imitation Xue An was resurrected again.

It's just that this time he has lost the courage to shout, and for the first time a look of panic appeared in his eyes.

But Xue An didn't even have the slightest hesitation, and charged up again.


After a stick of incense, Xue An used his hand as a sword to chop off his head.

Eighteen seconds later, he was resurrected again.

After a cup of tea, he was killed by Xue An again, and was resurrected 23 seconds later...

Everything goes round and round.

It wasn't until Xue An was killed for the thirty-eighth time that the copycat was killed, that Xue An recited silently for a full three hundred times before he heard the muffled groan full of weakness and unwillingness in the void.

Then everything returned, and the high imitation Xue An reappeared.

But looking at him at this moment, he still doesn't have the smug look he had before.

Even though time returned, even though he died more than thirty times, he still didn't suffer any damage.

But these more than 30 deaths in different ways have caused great trauma to his heart.

In particular, he had already clearly felt the master's impatience, which made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

So this time he gritted his teeth and decided to change from passive to active, launching a counterattack against Xue An.

Driven by this idea, he schemingly showed Xue An's weakness, and at the same time quietly released his clone to go around behind Xue An and launch a sneak attack on him.

But his wishful thinking soon came to nothing, Xue An didn't even look him in the eye, he smashed the avatar that was sneaking up on him with a backhand palm, and then grabbed the high imitation Xue An in front of him by the neck.

The fake Xue An's face instantly turned red, and then he struggled hard, trying to break away from Xue An's palm.

But everything was in vain, even if his strength was similar to Xue An's, he still couldn't shake Xue An's hand.

Now this high imitation Xue An couldn't help showing a deep look of fear in his eyes, and forced himself to struggle and ask.


"what why?"

"Why can't I beat you even though I have experienced everything you have experienced?"

Xue An smiled coldly, "It's very simple, because your so-called experience is just a movie watched from the perspective of a bystander hiding in a warm embrace. Without a personal experience, what you get is destined to be superficial."

"I...I don't believe it...your strength and cultivation are obviously not much higher than mine!" The eyes of this imitation Xue An began to gradually loosen.

Xue An shook his head, "You still don't understand, even if your strength and cultivation are the same as mine, so what? Over the years, I have killed more than one person stronger than me. The real difference between you and me is that I have the heart of an invincible strongman, but you don't!"

"The heart of the strong..." the imitation Xue An murmured softly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Xue An didn't give him a chance to continue to comprehend, so he saw his arm forcefully.

With a click, Xue An's neck was severed, and Xue An threw his body aside like trash, and then looked up at the void in the distance.

"You must have heard what I said, what about UU Reading Are you planning to continue resurrecting this trash?"

Kong Kong didn't answer his question, but Xue An was not in a hurry, especially when he saw that the corpse he left aside hadn't disappeared as before, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, just a moment later, the imaginary space suddenly began to tremble violently, and then a huge unspeakable monster appeared in front of Xue An.

It was the one I saw outside Xihua City with Tuan'er before.

Xue An seemed to have expected this a long time ago, but just quietly looked at the monster before speaking.

"You are finally willing to show up!"

The monster stared at Xue An for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"Xue An, you are indeed surprising enough!"

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Xue An said very calmly.

"However, a small ant can walk here step by step, and even if I personally make the layout, I still can't do anything to get you. This is really enough to be proud of!"

"Are you talking about tampering with the timeline of the heavens, or this time?" Xue An said calmly.

"There are both, and I don't like to tamper with the word. I just gently touched a small tributary in the long river of time, which changed its flow direction! As for this waste..."

"This is indeed my mistake. I spent so much effort to copy the trajectory of fate in vain, and it turned out to be useless!"

As he said that, a huge tentacle suddenly rolled up the corpse on the ground, pulled it into the monster's mouth, and chewed it vigorously.

Accompanied by the tooth-piercing chewing sound, blood dripped from the monster's mouth, and soon disappeared.

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