Facing this horrific scene, Xue An didn't even bat an eyelid.

These evil creatures have no concept of good and evil, right and wrong at all, so it is not surprising to do such a thing.

He didn't bother to care about the final fate of the high imitation version of himself, but just stared coldly at the huge octopus monster in front of him.

"Since the timeline of the heavens is messed up because of you, then you are the so-called snake of time and space?"

Hearing this, the evil creature laughed loudly, "It seems that you have seen the gadget I left in the heavens, that's right, I am the all-powerful Master Time and Space Snake!"

With the voice, the shape of the octopus monster began to change rapidly, and it turned into a huge strange snake in the blink of an eye.

Xue An is still not surprised by this, because he knows that for these evil things, especially high-level evil things, the external appearance has no meaning at all, and they can change at will as long as they want.

He just waved his hand lightly and released the giant snake man who had been trapped in the space of divine sense.

After feeling the coercion from the main body, the giant snake man immediately let out a miserable howl.

"Ah, ah, why did you let me out, my lord, let me go back!"

"Stop talking nonsense, is it your body?" Xue An asked coldly.

"Looking at my performance, don't you know it is?" the giant snake man roared louder.

Because he was really scared.

He was just transformed by a thought of the snake of time and space, that is to say, as long as the snake of time and space thinks, he can make his soul fly away in a moment of thought.


At this moment, the Snake of Time and Space sneered coldly, "No wonder he knows my honorable name, so it was you, a piece of trash who said it!"

After the words fell, the giant snake man didn't even hum, and collapsed into nothingness.

But at this very moment, Xue An rushed towards the snake of time and space like an arrow soaring into the sky.

This imaginary number space is a very magical place, and nothing substantial can exist in it.

Xue An is a condensed body of divine sense, so he can move freely in it.

And one of the great benefits of the Condensed Spiritual Mind is that it is extremely fast.

So almost at the moment when the giant snake man collapsed, Xue An had already charged in front of this space-time snake, and then he raised his sword and slashed.

Xue An knew very well that he couldn't take any chances in the face of such an incomparably powerful existence, so when he made a move, it was the ultimate move.

Just this sword contains the two great powers of the red lotus karma fire and the strong divine sense, so that it can be done in one blow.

But facing the sword he cut, the snake of time and space didn't even hide, just standing lazily in the void.

Without hearing the slightest sound, the sword that Xue An slashed broke apart inch by inch.

Immediately afterwards, Xue An flew upside down for hundreds of miles as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer. After standing still, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He didn't even know how he was defeated by the blow just now, he just felt that the sword in his hand had slashed on a thin barrier, and then he flew upside down.

In this imaginary number space, distance actually does not exist.

The reason why it is said that Xue An flew upside down hundreds of miles is based on this space-time giant snake as a reference.

Therefore, before Xue An could catch his breath, this space-time giant snake had already appeared in front of Xue An, and then looked down at him from a high position.

"Xue An, admit defeat, with your meager strength, it is simply impossible to defeat me!"

"After admitting defeat, I can still consider giving you a way out!"

But facing it's words, Xue An, who had lowered his head and tried to calm his injuries, suddenly chuckled.

Immediately afterwards, the laughter became louder and louder, until at the end Xue An even raised his head and laughed loudly.

His sudden laughter made the giant snake of time and space a little inexplicable.

"why are you laughing?"

"What am I laughing at? I'm laughing at you for not having the guts to kill me!" Xue An's laughter faded away, and he said coldly.

These words directly silenced the space-time giant snake, and did not speak until a moment later.

"How do you know that I dare not kill you?"

"Because since I stepped into this high-dimensional world, if you dare to kill me, I guess I have died many times! But you didn't, but you have been using roundabout methods to deal with me! So if I'm not wrong... There must be some kind of existence that you dare not even provoke me to protect me secretly, right?" Xue An said coldly.

"Xue An, you are indeed not an ordinary person, that's right! The fact is just like what you said, there is an existence that I am afraid of has been watching you. If I wait to end in person, the consequences will indeed be serious!"

"So now you are just a clone, not the main body, right?" Xue An said coldly.

This space-time snake couldn't help being even more surprised, "You can even see this?"

"It's not difficult to guess, because if you are really the real body of the space-time giant snake, then the giant snake man just now might not even be able to speak, and just collapsed into nothingness!" Xue An said coldly.

In fact, he has long been suspicious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suspected that the guy who appeared in front of him is still not the true body of the evil.

That's why he released the giant snake man, in order to confirm the conjecture in his heart.

The result was as expected.

The giant snake of time and space sighed softly, "You are indeed very smart, and you are also very good at seizing the opportunity. If I am not wrong, the reason why you dare to come to this world alone to find me is because you have guessed a long time ago, and you know that there are great powers above who are paying attention to you, so you dare to act so recklessly, right?"

Xue An nodded.

This is indeed a big reliance on him.

At this time, there was a hint of sarcasm in the voice of the space-time giant snake, "Xue An, I have to say that you can force me to show a clone with this level of cultivation. It is indeed impressive, but you are too courageous. Do you really think that if someone pays attention to you, you will be immortal?"

"You're so naive! Why do you think I didn't descend with the main body, but just sent a clone?"

Xue An's eyes turned cold, "Your body is fighting?"

"Hahahaha, that's right, and it's not just me, there are many powerful rulers fighting with me. This battle has lasted for a long time."

"Although the person who wants to protect you is indeed extremely powerful, so powerful that even I tremble, he won't last long under the siege. When he falls, it will be your death!"

In an instant, countless clues flashed through Xue An's mind, the Chinese gods who disappeared in that catastrophe, the mysterious glow, the broken Buzhou Mountain, the Xingtian clan who watched alone in the black hole...

These clues are connected one by one to form a relatively clear picture.

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