"That is to say, my lord, you predicted that you might lose before participating in this general essay meeting, so you greeted Wenshan from the major academies in advance?"

Although traveling through the vast universe, Yun Lingxuan couldn't help asking.

Xue An looked ahead, nodded calmly, "Yes!"

Yun Lingxuan was silent.

After following Xue An to escape from that world and come to the universe, Yun Lingxuan thought of a terrible fact almost immediately.

I ran away with the young master, what about the rest of the people?

This feeling reached its peak when she saw Tang Xiao and Tuan'er who followed, so she couldn't help asking.

And Xue An's answer was far beyond her expectations.

It turns out that the young master has already made all-round preparations! Yun Lingxuan sighed in her heart.

But Tang Xiao on the side couldn't help raising his eyebrows, expressing great doubts about Xue An's words.

"It only took a few days from your arrival in Xihua City to the convening of the general essay meeting. How did you contact Wenshan, an academy all over the world, in such a short period of time?"

Xue An smiled, "Do you think I'm a family looking for them and then negotiating?"

"if not?"

"That's what fools do!"

Tang Xiao's eyelids twitched, feeling very annoyed.

Are you saying you are stupid?

Xue An ignored Tang Xiao's emotions at all, and continued to speak in a calm tone.

"Remember the Wenshan I inspired in your Qisi Poetry Club?"


"I use it to communicate with Wenshan, an academy all over the world!"

Tang Xiao wanted to say it was absolutely impossible, but when she saw the expression on Xue An's face as calm as water, she swallowed those four words back.

Since knowing him, this guy has created countless miracles.

Things that others dare not even think about become easy in his hands.

So it's not impossible.

But at this moment Tang Xiao suddenly thought of another thing, that was the explosion from the direction of Xihua City that he saw on the top of Kuixing Mountain.

The direction of the explosion seemed to be in the direction of Qisi Poetry Club!

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao immediately asked: "Then what happened to the explosion in Xihua City?"

Xue An said indifferently: "At that time, I was trapped in the imaginary space, which is the intersection of reality and illusion, and it is also the absolute home field of the space-time giant snake. If I fight it in there, I have no chance of winning!"

"That's why I tried to use the Wenshan of your Qisi Poetry Club as an anchor to return to the real world through it, but the result is that the Wenshan of your Qisi Poetry Club will explode!"

When Xue An said this, his tone was light and casual, without the slightest hint of guilt.

Tang Xiao exploded when he heard it.

"What? You blew up the headquarters of our Qisi Poetry Club?"

"You can say the same!"

"You...you...you bastard!"

After talking to you for a long time, Tang Xiao could only shout out this sentence angrily.

Because she knew very well that now that the matter was settled, no matter how excited and angry she was, it would not help.

What's more, now I rely on Xue An to travel through this vast universe, if I annoy him, I will leave myself...

Looking at the depths of the universe, which was as black as pitch black, where not even a little bit of light could penetrate, Tang Xiao couldn't help shivering, and then closed his mouth knowingly.

As for Tang Xiao's "swearing", Xue An just smiled and didn't take it to heart.

After all, you can't ask a person to keep calm when their home is bombed.

"But son, are you sure that Wenshan in the whole world can withstand that giant snake?" Yun Lingxuan was still a little worried.

After all, the people from the building outside the building are on the scene, and Yun Lingxuan has always been very concerned about these sisters.

Xue An simply shook his head, "I can't resist it!"

Yun Lingxuan's eyes widened instantly, "Huh?"

"At that time, the space giant snake was in charge of the two major rules of time and destiny. Although it did not come from its own body, it was by no means comparable to ordinary existence. Although the will of literature and Taoism gathered by countless academies and mountains is powerful, it is only the Xeon of a single planet. It is simply not comparable to these evil gods that traverse the universe!" Xue An said lightly.

And the more he talked, the paler Yun Lingxuan's face became, "Then...then...."

After that, Yun Lingxuan didn't know what to say for a long time.

Seeing this, Xue An smiled, "Don't worry, although it is unmatched, that space-time giant snake will never love to fight. After all, its target is me, and I have already escaped from that world!"

"In this case, if that piece of heaven and earth is not guarded, it doesn't mind slaughtering to vent its anger in its heart, but Wen Dao's will prevents it from knowing that if it wants to do something, it must pay the price!"

"These evil gods have always only looked after the interests, and they will never do things that are not beneficial, so if I guessed correctly, they will turn around and leave immediately after seeing Wen Dao's will!"

After listening to Xue An's analysis, Yun Lingxuan finally let out a sigh of relief, completely relieved.

But at this moment, Tuan'er said weakly: "Young master, by doing this, aren't you using yourself as a bait to lure that strange snake away, so as to save that world?"

This question immediately stunned Tang Xiao and Yun Lingxuan.

Xue An was silent for a moment, then nodded, "You can also say that, after all, if the fight continues, the world will surely collapse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That's why I plan to leave!"

Speaking of this, Xue An smiled apologetically at Yun Lingxuan, "Because you have been holding the fragment of the ancient mirror in your hand, you have its breath on your body, so even if I leave, the space snake will never let you go, so I rashly took you away together, I am sorry..."

Yun Lingxuan's eyes became hot.

This young man...was clearly trying to save himself but he apologized deeply to himself.

So she immediately interrupted Xue An's words, "Master, you are joking, it's too late for me to thank you, how can I blame you?"

Xue An smiled, then looked helplessly at Tuan'er behind him, "The only thing I didn't expect was that you, a little girl, would be so bold as to follow!"

Tuan'er blushed, then peeked at Tang Xiao who was beside him.

But at this moment, Tang Xiao was looking at the distant universe, as if there was some great information in that pitch-black void.

"My lord... I'm sorry!" Tuan'er replied honestly.

Xue An shook his head, "There's no need to say I'm sorry, the matter has already happened, so we must solve it!"

"There is only one thing I need to tell you now, our next escape is destined not to be peaceful, because the Space Serpent will definitely not let it go!"

Speaking of this, Xue An's face showed a look of sternness, "I am far from its strength. Although I am not afraid of it and will do my best to protect you, if you really encounter an unsolvable desperate situation, I hope you..."

Before Xue An could finish speaking, Tuan'er immediately said: "Don't worry, my lord, if I really encounter an unsolvable desperate situation, I will never implicate others, let alone fall into the hands of those pickled evil things, I will end it myself!"

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